Saturday, 29 October 2016

'Life Certificate'

November Month is here!

November month, every year is the season for the 'Life Certificate'. Each pensioner has to submit a certificate to the PDA that he/she is alive and entitled for receiving the pensionary dues till the next November.

Life certificate can be submitted at any of the Branches of your pension disbursing bank and there is no requirement for the pensioner to send any copy to the parent Branch. The local Branch Manager is required to communicate to the CPPC/ parent Branch that he has seen the Pensioner personally.

Life certificate can also be submitted electronically through the 'Jeevan Pramaan' route. You have to have an Aadhar number, a scanner, and enough computer operating capabilities. Alternatively, one may visit the nearest facilitation center and ask them to submit on your behalf.

The 'Suvidha Kendras' established by the Army at all the ECHS polyclinics also help the pensioners submit their Life certificate through the 'Jeevan Pramaan' route.

People living abroad can submit their Life Certificates through the Branch of their Bank, if available in their town or through the Local Indian Consulate. Post it at the Embassy and send it to your Bank through the diplomatic bag.

But the best option is to get up, get dressed and reach the Bank. You will meet so many old friends, whom you will definitely not recognise because over the years our looks have changed . Do smile at everyone and blurt out your own name. You just might come across a very close but long lost friend.

Best wishes for a pleasant trip to your Bank.

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