Wednesday, 30 November 2016

On this day - Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

Dreams express what our soul is telling us.

On this day, 30 Nov ....

1609 - The modern face of the moon first emerged when Galileo Galilei turned his telescope toward the moon, noted the irregularities of the crescent face, and made a drawing to record his discoveries. He made at least five more drawings of the moon over the next eighteen days, prepared careful watercolor sketches from these drawings, and then selected four of these to be engraved for his revolutionary Starry Messenger, which appeared the following March.

1784 - John Jeffries, an American physician and scientist, recorded the first scientific data for free air, to a height of 9,309-ft, during a balloon flight in London, including twelve observations of temperature, pressure, and humidity. Jeffries' values agree closely with modern determinations.

1858 - John Landis Mason received a U.S. patent for his invention known by his name - the Mason jar. Although hundreds of men and women obtained patents for fruit jars, probably the most well known in the industry has been the Mason jar. It has become a common term for the preserved food jar. Mason developed and patented a shoulder-seal jar with a zinc screw cap. The "Mason jar" had a threaded neck which fit with the threads in a metal cap to screw down to the shoulder of the jar and in this way form a seal. In 1869, a top seal above the threads and under a glass lid was introduced to the jar, thus effecting an excellent seal.

1875 - A U.S. patent was issued for a "Biscuit Cutter" was issued to black American inventor Alexander P. Ashbourne.

1897 - A U.S. patent for a "Device for Rolling Cigarettes" was issued to black American inventor J.A. Sweeting.

1899 - Aluminium was first used commercially in the U.S. as an electrical transmission conductor.

1924 - 1st photo facsimile transmitted across Atlantic by radio (London-NYC).

1954 - In Sylacauga, Alabama, USA, Ann Hodges, 32, was bruised on the arm and hip by a meteorite that fell through the roof of her house into her living room. It smashed the case of her wooden radio and struck her as she lay resting on her sofa. The 9-lb, 6 in diameter fragment came from a larger, likely more than 150-lb, chondrite meteorite that exploded over central Alabama about 2 pm, according to reports from people in several states that saw a bright flash across the sky. (This remains (till 2006) the only recorded instance of a person being hit by a meteorite. She donated it in 1956 to the Alabama Museum of Natural History, and it is known by her name as the Hodges Meteorite).

1974 - India, Pakistan decide to end the ten-year trade ban.

2001 - Robert Tools, 59, the first person in the world to receive a fully self-contained artificial heart, died in Louisville, US. Five months earlier, on 2 Jul 2001, doctors at Jewish Hospital in Louisville had implanted the AbioCor heart replacement. He died of internal bleeding and organ failure after living with the device whirring in his chest for 151 days. Doctors said the death was not caused by problems with the AbioCor heart device.


1835 - Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens], American author.

1858 -  Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose, Indian physicist and plant physiologist who investigated the properties of very short radio waves, wireless telegraphy, and radiation-induced fatigue in inorganic materials.

1874 - Winston Churchill, soldier, author and politician.

1936 - Sudha Malhotra, singer.

1962 - Irrfan Khan, actor.

1986 - Rahul Sharma, cricketer.


1630 - 16,000 inhabitants of Venice died this month of plague.

You may have known....

In food deficit, while India has 109 kilocalories   deficient per person per day ; Pakistan has a figure of 169 kilocalories deficiency daily per person.

Good morning. Have a nice day.
Raj Kadyan

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