Monday, 14 November 2016

On this day Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

Doing uncomfortable things is weight training for life.

On this day, 14 Nov ....

1666 -  The English physician, Samuel Pepys, made an record in his diary describing Richard Lower making the first documented blood transfusion. “Dr. Croone told me ... there was a pretty experiment of the blood of one dogg let out, till he died, into the body of another on one side, while all his own run out on the other side. The first died upon the place, and the other very well and likely to do well". (Two days later, 16 Nov, Pepys noted meeting with Robert Hooke and  hearing the dog was “very well, and like to be so as ever, and doubts not its being found of great use to men").

1681 - East India Company declared Bengal as a separate presidency.

1832 - The first street car to be used in the U.S. took its initial trip with municipal officials in New York City. It was named the John Mason, after the prominent New York banker who founded the service, who had it built by John Stephenson's company. The carriage was horse-drawn and rode on iron wheels along iron rails laid in the middle of the road.

1896 - The Locomotives on Highways Act 1896 took effect in Britain. It raised the country speed limit to 14 mph (12 mph in some towns) for horseless carriages under 3 tons unladen weight.

1896 - Power plant at Niagara Falls begins operation.

1906 - Roosevelt becomes 1st U.S. President to visit a foreign country (Panama).

1910 - The first airplane flight from a ship was made by Eugene Ely from the bow of the scout cruiser Birmingham in Virginia, US. His runway was 83 feet long, with a five degree slope, but because the plane itself was 57 feet long, the available runway for takeoff was only 26 feet. ( He then flew through fog and rain and won a $5,000 prize. Ely was a civilian pilot for the Curtiss Aviation Company. The following year, 18 Jan 1911, Ely made another first in history when he landed on the battleship USS Pennsylvania in San Francisco Bay).

1967 - U.S. patent for "Ruby Laser Systems" was issued to Theodore Maiman for which he had applied on 13 Apr 1961. He had first operated a laser based on a ruby crystal on 16 May 1960, at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California.

1968 - 1st European lung transplant.

1996 - Competition Post Card', a new category of postcard, priced Rs. 2 introduced in India.


1889 - Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first PM. (To commemorate his birthday, this day is observed as 'Children's Day' from 1957).

1944 - Aditya Vikarm Birla, Business magnate.


1967 - Kanakaiya Nayudu Colonel Cottari , cricketer (7 Tests for India in 30's).

You may have known....

India has 14 submarines whereas Pakistan has 4.

Good morning. Have a nice day.
Raj Kadyan

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