Tuesday, 15 November 2016

LETTER TO MPs – Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)


To All

Dear Friends,

1. Letter written to MPs along with a Questionnaire for the Non-implementation of Actual OROP is enclosed for your information and wide circulation please.


Following questions can be posed by MPs in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in winter session of Parliament.

Situation 1;

Govt says that Gov has given OROP (One Rank one pension for Armed Forces Personnel) As per this a senior ranking Armed Forces person should never draw pension lesser than his junior and two army men in the same rank and same length of service must draw same pension irrespective of date of retirement. However there is a gross anomaly in the Govt order, two examples are given below. 

EX 1: Senior Rank Soldier getting lesser pension than his junior ranking soldier;

As per circular 555 table no 7 issued on 3 Feb 2016. There are serious anomalies in pension wherein a Naik (Gp X) retired pre 2006 with 21 yrs of service will draw a pension of Rs 8375/ per month whereas (same Gp X)  Sepoy ( junior in rank than Naik) with15 yrs of service retired in 2014 or later will draw a pension of Rs 8765/ approximately Rs 390 more than his senior rank. Similar discrepancy exists for pension between Naik (retired post 2014) and Havildar retired pre 2006 both of same gp with same length of service say 20yrs. Havildar (Senior in rank) will get pension as 9055 

EX 2: Two soldiers with same length of service with different date of retirement)

As per circular 555 table no 7 issued on 3 Feb 2016, Two Armed Forces personnel of same rank of same gp X will be drawing different pensions. A Naik rank soldier with 21 yrs of service retiring post 2014 will draw Rs 9105/ per month whereas a Naik with same gp and same length of service retired pre 2006 will get a pension of Rs 8375/ per month thus getting Rs 730/ per month lesser than his friend with same rank and same length of service and same gp. 

Question no 1 Taking above examples how is it One Rank One Pension for Armed Forces Personnel? I request Honorable Defence Minister to please explain these anomalies. The same anomalies extend for all ranks.

Situation No 2;

Honorable Supreme Court has passed many decisions for benefit of Armed Forces Personnel and ESM who sacrifice their life for security of nation. But because of some bureaucratic reasons these benefits are not passed to all affected personnel thereby forcing them to approach courts individually. For example. 

1. Full pension of the rank to those ESM who have been awarded Hony rank by the Govt. 

2. Broadbanding of disability pension to all disabled Armed Forces Personnel and ESM. 

Question no 2; What is the Govt policy to pass HSC decisions for welfare of Armed Forces Personnel and ESM who put their life on stake for security of this great nation or does the Govt want them to run to courts for such benefits? Why is Govt forcing them to approach Courts individually?

Situation no 3:

Govt has announced approval of 7 CPC for ESM. As per OROP tables their pensions of pre 2014 retirees have been fixed at the level of av of 2013. As per 7 CPC pension as on 31 Dec 2015 is to be multiplied with 2.57 to arrive at new basic pension of 7CPC. Gross injustice will be done to ESM if their pensions are not updated to 31 Dec 2015 before multiplying it with recommended factor of 2.57. For the natural justice to Brave Armed forces ESM pensions must be brought to the level of 31 Dec 2015 then the enhanced as per 7 CPC.

Question no 3;

Will the enhance basic pension of Armed Forces ESM be calculated after adjusting their pensions as on 31 Dec 2015 or not? Grave injustice will be done to brave armed forces ESM if 2.57 factor is applied without recalculating their basic pension.

Question 4

Why is there a differential ex-gratia award announced by Govt. There should be one policy where in sacrifice in face of enemy and on borders facing enemy must be given highest award. 

Question 5 

DEFENCE Forces are largest section of Govt employee and is around 45 LACs (15 Lakh serving and 30 Lakhs retired) in number. They have no voice in Parliament.   Why is it that even after 60 yers of Independent India, we have not thought of reserving Rajaya Sabha Seats for Defence Personnel? Congress Party recommends min 6 nominated vacancies for DEFENCE forces in Rajya Sabha.

Question 6 

Why is that Mil member is is not included in any committee constituted for the welfare of DEFENCE Forces. There must be a member from Military in any such Committe/Commissions ie Central Pay Commissions (CPC), Anomally Committee etc.

Question 7

There is a need to have covenant bill for DEFENCE Forces on the lines of UK Convent Act of Defence Forces. What is the plan for Govt to have similar Covenant Act of India? Member of serving military and ESM must be included in the committee.

Question 8

A Sepoy of Defence Forces with 17 yrs of Service of Y Gp Who retires today gets Rs 7705 as his basic pension but the same class of Sepoy who retired before 2006 under the OROP has been fixed at Rs 6665/- as his pension. Will the Rakhsha Mantri answer, is it an OROP? If not why the Govt is misleading the ESM and the Nation that the Govt has given the OROP?

Question 9

OROP has been made effective from 01 July 2014 but the pensions of Calender year 2013 have been fixed to be the Pensions with effect from of 01 July 2014,there by denying future enhancements of one year, is it an OROP? Why the Govt is depriving the soldiers their legitimate pensions

Question 10

Pension figs of 31 Dec 2015 are to be multiplied by a factor of 2.57 to arrive at the Pensions of Defence Personnel with effect from 01 Jan 2016 .However, these Pension Figures are the same as fixed with effect from 01 July 2014,which in turn are the pension figures of Calender year 2013. Will the RM get the Pension figures updated to 31 Dec 2015 and then multiplication factor of 2.57 applied to arrive the Pensions of 7th CPC with effect from 01 Jan 2016 for the Defence Personnel?

Question 11

The definition of OROP and its implementation was amplified in the Govt Executive order dated 26 Feb 2014. The same definition was based on what the Koshyari Comittee had given in its Report presented to Rajya Sabha on 19 Dec 2011.The same Definition was given out by the MOS for Defence on 02 Dec 2014. Why is it the Govt has ammended the approved Definition of OROP in it Notification dated 07 Nov 2015 for the Implementation of OROP. Will the RM Clarify?

With regards,

Yours Sincerely,

          Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)

          Advisor United Front of Ex Servicemen &

Chairman Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM)

         Mobile: 9312404269, 01244110570


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