Monday, 31 August 2015

OROP - Delay

It is quite unfortunate that the government is running out of time and delaying in announcing the OROP for Ex-Armed Forces Personnel . Bihar elections are any time going to be announced by the EC of India and election code comes in to effect where upon nothing is possible till elections are over. If Modi and his cronies think that the issue can be relegated to the last burner and thus the delay will see the natural death of OROP, then they are sadly mistaken. 
The emotional tensions and pressure of frustration being built up amongst the veterans followed by soldiers in uniform and the public and media at large, a small spark to occur  amongst any lower rank in some remote corner of the country is not quite unlikely which will manifest into uncontrollable explosive situation and the fury and tsunami like situation what may be termed as "Mutiny" , if occurs it is only beyond ones comprehension and Indian History will never excuse the rulers.
It is better the PM understands the gravity of the situation and wakeup from deep slumber and announce OROP just for un doing the damage whatever is done so far in an effort to boost the morale of the Armed Forces and prepare them to fight the enemy with spirited vigor, before our adversaries who are curiously watching the situation and the sagged morale of the armed forces launch an attack on our great country. Pakistan is already threatening India with their nuclear options. If the situation worsens hundred Modis and thousand Jaitlys can not repair the damage caused to India.
Col  R S Reddy
Army Veteran

1 comment:

  1. Truly said sir, The babus and politicians should visualise the gravity of situation and act immediately before it is too late. They may be misguided that OROP is only concern of ex-servicemen not concerned with serving personnel
