Saturday, 29 August 2015

I am a Soldier

Dear People of India

I am a Soldier

1. We are accountable to you and to no one else because:
a)    we live out of the tax you  pay.
b)    We die because you have made our life worth it through your displayed love for us. 

Please know these facts.

2.  The Govt., is denying your soldiers OROP under the plea of financial scarcity. The following will tell you their scarcity: 
a)    orop exists for 100% of the bureaucrats 
b)    Our pension was brought down from 70% to 50 %while theirs was raised from 30% to 50% in the 3rd CPC .even with their 30% they earned more than a FAUJI with his 70 %.
c)    In the 6th CPC they doled out NFU - a system by which all group a services would retire at the highest pay scale -thereby giving them highest pension plus OROP. They left forces out of it.
d)    They gave themselves ACP - assured career progression - but again left forces out of it. By doing this and all the above they brought us down severely and have made the forces least lucrative and least honourable job. No doubt we have a shortfall of 30% despite severely lowering our selection standard. Enemies are happy. Their budget for destabilising India has come down.

3. It’s not just Modiji ' s promise but a 4 decade old promise , an approved parliamentary committee ( Koshiary ) report , a favourable SC judgment ( Maj Gen Vains ) and an approved thing by previous govt.

4.  We cannot remain insulated much that we may try if we see our seniors and widows ignored and our status and parity viz a viz other govt servants distorted. 

5.   God forbid if one of our veterans suffers.

6.   We are barred from strikes, protests, unions etc -for reasons of discipline and since we are the last resort -but assured that the country will look after our interests.  You can see that the country (meaning politicians and bureaucrats) have no intention to do so.

7.       Have we ever failed you in peace war or terrorism of J& K and the NE? We do have occasional follies but we have delivered. We do it because we love you and the country just as you and the country loves us. Remember salary makes us do our job but its honour and recognition that impels us to embrace death willingly while executing our job. Politicians and bureaucrats have dishonoured us, brought our status down.

Tell us dear country what to do coz as we said we owe it to you and only you.

By YR Raghavan


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