Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Orop judicial commission Q & A by Col Lamba

[03/08 5:57 am] Col Lamba: Notification issued by the Judicial Committee on OROP

Date: 02.08.2016
New Delhi

Government of India in Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen, constituted through is order dated 14.12.2015, a Committee to examine and make recommendations on references pertaining to the implementation of OROP scheme, framed by them. A public notice was issued on 13.04.2016, inviting representations from Defence forces, Pensioners/Family Pensioners, Defence Pensioners Associations by 29.04.2016 regarding anomalies, if any, in implementation of the scheme. The date of receiving representations was extended upto 15.05.2016.

Taking into account, the various representations that were received in response to the public notice, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence referred the following questions to the Commission, through their letter dated 20th July, 2016.

(i) Whether the benefit of OROP is to be extended to Reservists.

(ii) Whether the decision to grant benefit of MACP under OROP only to Pensioners who have actually earned requires any modification.

(iii) Whether pension tables for more than 33 years of qualifying service are to be prepared.

(iv) Whether the methodology followed for fixation of pension under ORRP in the absence of actual retirees in the same rank and same qualifying service for the below mentioned categories requires any modification:

(a) Regular Lt. & Capt. Getting same pension as Honorary Lieutenant & Captain.

(b)Doctors of AMC/ADC/RVC for the rank of Lieutenant, Captain & Major under OROP getting same as Hony Lt & Hony Capt.

(c) Doctors of AMC/ADC/RVC for the rank getting lower than the regular commissioned officers of the rank of Major.

(d) TA personnel for the rank of Captain/Major and Lt Col getting the same pension.

(e) Lieutenant/Captain and Major in MNS category where data is blank.

(f) Rank of Major in Regular Commissioned Officers getting less than Major in EC and SSC category.

(V) Whether the methodology followed for fixation of pension under OROP for invalidated out war injury pensioners and liberalized family pensioners requires any modification in pension fixation formula.

(VI ) Whether in the case of JCO/ORS, the pension is to be paid on the basis of the last rank held instead of last rank pensioned under OROP.

3.  The Commission proposes to have the benefit of the views of Defence Forces pensioners, Family Pensioners, as well as the three service Headquarters of Army, Navy and Air Force, to enable it to submit a report on the questions referred to it.

4. With a view to facilitate and enable the Ex-servicemen to make the representations at places easily accessible to them, it is proposed; to hold the hearings at the following places where the density of ex­servicemen /pensioners is high; and on the dates indicated below:

S.No.Place of VisitDate of Visit1Chandigarh17.08.20162Jammu18.08.20163Delhi19.08.20164Bengaluru22.08.20165Chennai23.08.20166Kochi24.08.20167Visakhapatanam26.08.20168Pune29.08.20169Ahmedabad3.08.201610Jaipur31.08.201611Yol Himachal02.09.201612Dehradun06.09.201613Lucknow07.09.201614Patna (Danapur)08.09.201615Guwahati13.09.201616Kolkata14.09.201617Gopalpur/Balasore Bhubneshwar15.09.201618Bhopal20.09.201619Hyderabad21.09.2016

Such of the Ex-Servicemen/Associations who intend to appear before the commissions to make representations, may avail the facility at the stations mentioned above nearest to their places of their residence. The timings of the sittings at each place and the venue will be informed shortly before the sittings at the concerned place.

(Justice L. Narasimha Reddy)
[03/08 9:09 am] Col Lamba: Kindly read my answers & note against each & every Question of Judicial Commission.

 I have done in 10 minutes & commission & Deptt of ExServicemen may not finish even in 10 months

Best of luck

Col lamba ( one man army )

.   .............

Notification issued by the Judicial Committee on OROP .Date: 02.08.2016
New Delhi

Taking into account, the various representations that were received in response to the public notice, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence referred the following questions to the Commission, through their letter dated 20th July, 2016.

Q(i) Whether the benefit of OROP is to be extended to Reservists.

A(I)The OROP..The word inherent is Pension. ( one rank one pension) Stands for pensioners. Pensioner of any type should be covered. No discrimination / divide . Where is the doubt ?

Q(ii) Whether the decision to grant benefit of MACP under OROP only to Pensioners who have actually earned requires any modification

A(I)Only pensioners are authorised OROP. First step earn pension Second step OROP. Where is the doubt ?

Q(iii) Whether pension tables for more than 33 years of qualifying service are to be prepared.

A(iii) 7th CPC has matrix on increments basis. The Orop is far all now.
OROP ingredients
A) Same rank
B) Same pension
C) Same length of service

So every things revolves around Rank .Which clearly specifies length of service in last rank held / to be more precise number of increments earned

Total service is only for earning base pension .It has no bearing for earning OROP. Moreover now rank weight age has been reduced from OROP payment ( paid on actual services) then the concept of total service is automatically eliminated

Moreover    there cannot be 2 different definition in same land one for forces & other for civilian  .

No need to enhance table more than 33 years. Where is the doubt ?

(iv) Whether the methodology followed for fixation of pension under OROP in the absence of actual retirees in the same rank and same qualifying service for the below mentioned categories requires any modification:

(a) Regular Lt. & Capt. Getting same pension as Honorary Lieutenant & Captain.

Note: Regular service Lt / Capt are gazetted class one officer .Hony  Lt/ Capt are basically Junior commissioned officer
 ( Class two gazetted officer )  Both cannot be equated.
Regular officer should get more OROP & Hony  should get Honorarium pension only as specified in constitution. Which has to be lower then regular pension of OROP.
 Where is the doubt ?

(b)Doctors of AMC/ADC/RVC for the rank of Lieutenant, Captain & Major under OROP getting same as Hony Lt & Hony Capt.

Note : It is not only wrong but illegal payments & loss to exchequer . Regular officer should get more OROP & Hony  should get Honorarium pension only as specified in constitution. Which has to be lower then regular pension of OROP.
 Where is the doubt ?

(c) Doctors of AMC/ADC/RVC for the rank getting lower than the regular commissioned officers of the rank of Major.

Note:  Regular officer of any branch should get same OROP as applicable rank wise.
Where is the doubt ?

(d) TA personnel for the rank of Captain/Major and Lt Col getting the same pension.

Note : TA is not a regular armed forces services
TA & NCC officer should be placed lower than regular officer. As MNS officer are being lower than Regular officer.

(e) Lieutenant/Captain and Major in MNS category where data is blank.

Note : Make it fresh by indexing ( take index from ranks available ) at a lower level than regular officer.

(f) Rank of Major in Regular Commissioned Officers getting less than Major in EC and SSC category.

Note : It is wrong . Regular officer should get first than any other category. Pay same to all. Means enhance payment to regular officer.
Where is doubt ?

(V) Whether the methodology followed for fixation of pension under OROP for invalidated out war injury pensioners and liberalized family pensioners requires any modification in pension fixation formula.

Note: Why invent wheel now & delay OROP finalisation.
Do not have such doubts ?

(VI ) Whether in the case of JCO/ORS, the pension is to be paid on the basis of the last rank held instead of last rank pensioned under OROP.

Note : Pension comes first & then OROP . So pay on pension under last rank pensioned .
Why have such doubts ?

Best of luck

Col Lamba (one man army)


  1. Great committees and great experts now will do brain storming
    The doubts/points on which clarification sought are only for officers.
    What is this OROP?GOD ONLY KNOWS.
    Please allow me to quote an Example.
    Let us assume Pre 2006 retirees,2 persons- A and B were recruited
    on the same day in the same branch, same group-in Indian Navy
    a) Person-A- (MCPO-I -X group, 15 years - pension service ) retired-
    His basic pension will be, say Rs. X X X X
    b) Person-B- (MCPO-I- X group, 20 years - pension service )- retired-
    Will his basic pension also will be Rs.X X X X
    Rs. X X X X +Y Y
    Is it right to grant them same pension (OROP) .Does it sound logical?

    1. Gentleman Renganath do you understand the basic things about OROP? The first thing in that is "same rank Same length of service in same field. Here you have shown different length of sevice for A and B 15 & 20 year respectively. So their length of sevice is not same & thereby their pension can not be same. Please read the basic things about OROP.
