Sunday, 21 June 2015

OROP : Chennai Protest

By Lt Col CR Sundar, President United Veterans of Chennai
The recalcitrant, refractory BJP government at the center appears to be calling upon the Veterans of India to make more sacrifices. BJP needs to realize that they cannot survive as handmaiden of the IAS, that society is more important than individuals, that they need to show more humanitarian considerations and compassion to Military Veterans than they show to international criminals, that democracy is for all of us and not for the rich alone and that BJP has nothing to gain other then shame and ignominy if they continue to deny the genuine rights of ExServicemen.
If it is just sacrifice that they call upon to us to make I state on behalf of all of us that we are ready. We are willing to replicate the successful protest rallies that we had conducted at Vellore and other places in Tamil Nadu in as many other places as necessary.
We came together a few years ago to save the Madambakkam Lake when the councilors of Madambakkam drafted a dastardly plan to locate a sewage treatment plant adjacent to the lake. With our united strength we defeated that plan. We will gather again to struggle for OROP.
Our Chennai protest meeting, will take place at 10.00am on Sunday, 28 June 2015 at the Kamarajapuram Bus Stop at Sembakkam.
All Veterans of Chennai are expected to join us.
On this occasion we call upon you to donate liberally for the cause. Donors may contact me on my phone No. 8056163792.
Cheques / drafts in the name of Lt Col CR Sundar may be sent to Plot No. 43, 24th Cross Street, Padmavathy Nagar, Madambakkam, Chennai – 600126. Cash may be deposited in Punjab National Bank, Agaram Road Branch, Bank Acct. No. 3958000100034467.
Let us work to make the event a success.

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