Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Flawless Implementation of OROP & NFU


Flawless implementation of OROP

Respected Sir.

1)With due respect to all
The definition of OROP is so simple but not understood by many till date.
2)Rather PCDA has now
now linked OROP with full pensionable service.(Qualifying Service)
which is totally Wrong out of context of definition of OROP & wrong which will not stand in the Court of law
3)Pensionable service is for eligibility for

 (QualifyingService)basic pension thus one becomes pensioner .

 Full service Pension able service   has no connection with the OROP.( Except Capping I.e Maximum pension payable )
4) OROP means
A) Same Rank
B) Same Pension
C) Same length( means same length of service rendered in the last rank held .

The 7th CPC has correctly under stood & has given increment matrix for each scale

(which mean increments earned in the  last rank held.)

To be more precise length of service in the Rank.

 Note: it is not total service but only service in the  last Rank held.
5)So every thing revolves around the Same Rank
A)May be pension B)emoluments
C) length of of service in rank.

Note: Till now all were getting minimum pension in the rank may be TS or Selection Grade.

But now with OROP the pension will not be same for all


A)Rank Pay weightage will play a vital Role


Lt. Col. (TS) 5 Years
Lt. Col. (S) 7 years

Thus total Qualifying Pension ( Top capping will differ)

Till now both were getting same pension but now top cap of selection grade will be higher.

B)Till now all Lt Col were getting minimum pension in the rank may be TS or Selection Grade.

& irrespective of length of service in last rank held (A key element of OROP same length of service in same rank)


 A will  get more than B depending on length of service held in that rank.

C) A Catch the length of service in last rank held is not the ground service .But the number of increments earned in that rank .The 7th CPC matrix have been prepared & are correct

( Stagnation increments are once in 2 years. So only increments will be counted & not the ground service being a financial matter )

6)With this application the biggest anomaly of pension is automatically eliminated & There will be No Question of Juniors are getting Higher pension or any disparity( This will stand in court of law where as total service will be set aside by court in first instance which has been considered by PCDA for payment of arrears & pension)

7)Present tables of OROP of PCDA will face problems in the bcourt of law).
6)Starting from junior most rank to highest rank the OROP pension will be thus smooth & no anamoly will then exist once above method of implementation is enfircex & is put into practice.
7)Now OROP revision .

At present it is after every 5 years .Which has become useless & absurd with 7th CPC .Moreover it is against definition of OROP
8)In 7th CPC OROP has been given to all the  central government employees.
The revision with 3% increments with every year has been specified
9)So OROP revision
After 5 years is automatically killed. It had to be every year
10)The government should issue amendment to OROP letter in the Right Spirit.
11)OROP revision every year with 3% increment each year in July is in line with OROP definition.
10)The most important aspect is the present OROP ( As on 31/12/2015) becomes basic pension of 6th CPC.( i.e Last Pension Drawn )
11)So 7th CPC Matrix needs amendment.
A) pension as on 31/12/2015 will be entry level PENSION
B) Multiply it with 2.57

( in case empowered committee enhances it then new multiplication factor should be taken as multiple )
C) Select in the matrix the new pension depending on the increments in last rank held. This becomes your 7th CPC pension
D) Add DA as applicable from 1/1/2016@ 6%
E) in july Add 3% increment to new basic pension of 7th CPC on 1/7/2016 + DA 6% that will be your pension wef 1/7/2016,

12) For NFU
kindly see part- II

With best wishes & warm

Col Lamba ( one man army)
Note; We must commend BJP govt + PM+RM+FM for OROP.a long outstanding demand has become reality .



Pension shall include gratuity except when the term pension is used in contradistinction to gratuity but does not include dearness relief.

Authy: Based on Rule 3(O) of C.C.S (P) Rules & DP & P.W. notification no.42 (30) P&PW/89/E dt. 22.1.91


Future good conduct shall be an implied condition for every kind of grant of pension.


The minimum qualifying service to earn retiring pension is 20 Years and 15 Years in the case of late entrants without weightage and in respect of EC/S.S.C. officers 12 years including rank service if any (Without weightage).
Authy: Govt. of India MOD letter no. 1(6)/98D(Pens/Sers) dt. 3.2.98

Note: The revised pensionable service is 10

Years as per 6th CPC.


A late entrant is an officer who is released on reaching the prescribed age limit for compulsory retirement with at least 15 Years service (without weightage) qualifying for pension but whose actual qualifying service is less than 20 Years without weightage.
Authy: Rule 15 P.R.A. modified.


Actual qualifying service rendered by the officer plus a weightage (in years) appropriate to the last rank held as indicated below subject to total qualifying service including weightage not exceeding 33 Years.

Weightage in Years Officer other then MNS.

Subaltern.9 years
Captain 9 Years
Major 8 Years
Lt. Col. (TS) 5 Years
Lt. Col. (S) 7 years
Col..7 Years
Brig.5 Years
General officers 3 Years.

MNS officers

Captain.7 Years
Major .6Years
Lt. Col. (TS) .5 Years
Lt. Col. (S) 5 Years
Col. 5 Years
Brig.3 Years
Maj. Gen. 3 Years


Reckonable emoluments consist of basic pay, Rank Pay, N.P.A. and stagnation increment if any.

Col Lamba ( one man army )

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