Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,
1. TSEWA is in the process of developing a software for the benefit of Ex-Servicemen Community. This software is being designed to give you (a) Know your Pension (b) Pension Arrears of 6th CPC 7 OROP (c) Due & drawn statement to help banks (d) To give financial implication of any arrears to help Min of Def.
2. Presently arrears of 6th CPC and OROP are developed. This is being tested to see any bugs present in the software are identified and eliminated.
3. The software will take another three months to be fully operational. It will greatly help us to know basic issues like pensions and pension arrears.
4. As you know defence pensions are quite complex in nature. Even experts find it difficult to understand differences between one type of pension from another.
5 Working Sheet. Presently we are testing arrears of 6th CPC and OROP. The working sheet giving how much arrears you will get. I have given what all data is required to be furnished by veterans for working. For family pensioners the data required to get working sheet for arrears are:-
(a) Rank, Name of deceased husband.
(b) Date of birth and date of death of deceased husband (to know the family
pensioner is eligible for Enhanced Rate of Ordinary Family Pension or not)
© Name of Family pensioner and her date of birth.
(d) Is family pensioner drawing Special or Liberalised Family pension?
(e) Qualifying service of deceased husband in years and months/
(f) Group (X or Y) of deceased husband (for JCOs /OR).
(g) PPO No or Corr PPO No if PPO is not readily available.
(h) Name of Bank.
(j) Branch Name.
(k) Address of Bank.
(l) Account No (you need not give if you do not want to).
6. Priority in furnishing the working sheet is given to family pensioners. The data be sent through e-mail to me. I shall endeavour to give you the woking sheet the same day and if not definitely the next day if I am not out of Secunderabad.
7. Excess Payment of Pension. Please make use of this facility given to you by TSEWA free of cost. Hon’ble Supreme Court ruled that if by mistake excess pension is paid to pensioner, it will be recovered in most of the cases by banks. Therefore it is your responsibility to know what your correct pension is and inform the bank if by chance you are overpaid. The banks will recover the entire amount from your arrears or one third of your pension every month if you are not careful. I keep getting many mails from veterans and family pensioners of recovery of excess pension paid by banks and none can help you in that case. You have to help yourself by knowing your correct pension.
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)
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