Sunday, 1 May 2016

VVIP chopper scam Part I - Col Ranbir Lamba

AgustaWestland deal
While the political tsunami Agusta is hitting all levels of Indian politicians and Air Force officials. See how Babu's+Mafia + Middleman Playing with Life of VVIP & taking nation for ride (siachen height 18000+ safe flying height 2000 = Thus minimum height required is 20000 feet . Thus Reducing height was to get more kick backs & risking lives of VVIP 
Respected Sir.
1) Bureaucracy + Media  & Mafia + Middleman are  taking everyone for ride .
They know Government May be of UPA/NDA or any other one they will come & go. 
But Middlemen + Babu's +Mafia  will remain in power for ever.
2) Kindly read Part-II & Part III  which are appended below before reading this Part One 
Two different deals .
Two different governments .
But same 
middlemen UK national  Christian Michel for routing kickbacks  of Pawan Hans + Augasta & now giving names in Italy court .
Incidently Babu's will be in service till age of 60 may be in same ministry or sister ministriesMafia & Media will coexist. 
3) This is the reason  the Babu's & Netas of BJP now in power have not be named  By Italian court. 
4) Even naming of Cong Netas is just as names and no concrete proof have been given ( may be knowing  well in advance in case cong comes to power then their business will suffer)
5) Now the need  of a black sheep to cover up the episode .
So crucify Tyagi.( black sheep)
But the Air Chief is  not a Decion maker foroum but is a user who gives requirements & carries out Trials. 
Tyagi  was neither on scene in conceptual state nor on height reduction state of VVIP chhoper.  
He was not even in final trail state .
Then why his predecessor Chief & Successor Chief have not been named . ( The actual players)
Tyagi was acquitted in 2014.( Process of aquital may be in UPA -II time)
But Tyagi was named as main accused in 2015
( NDA Government time) 
Two different Government & Two different decisions.
In 2016 court says Tyagi is main accused as he changed the specifications.( But it was not done by him it was on direction of NSA Brijesh Mishra of NDA.)
But Mishra name is no where in the  court report. The main person who ordered for change of height
A)Lowest safe altitude
In aviation (particularly in air navigation), lowest safe altitude (LSALT) is an altitude that is at least 1,000 feet above any obstacle or terrain within a defined safety buffer region around a particular route that a pilot might fly. The safety buffer allows for errors in the air by including an additional area that a pilot might stray into by flying off track. By flying at or above this altitude a pilot complies with terrain clearance requirements on that particular flight leg.
Australian definition 
The minimum LSALT is 1500 feet.
LSALT is 1360 feet above the highest terrain where any obstacle thereon is less than 360 feet above the terrain, or there is no charted obstacle.
LSALT is 1000 feet above the highest obstacle which is greater than 360 feet above the terrain.
For example, if there is an obstacle at 200 feet above terrain of 2500 feet, LSALT is 2500 feet (terrain height) + 1360 feet (clearance height), for an LSALT of 3860 feet; if there is an obstacle at 450 feet above terrain of 3600 feet, LSALT is 4050 feet (obstacle height) + 1000 feet (clearance height), or an LSALT of 5050 feet.
The differences in the clearance heights for obstacles is due to the potential for unreported obstacles up to 360 feet which are not marked on maps or charts.
The determination of which is the highest obstacle along the flight path depends on the method of navigation (radio navigation aid, dead reckoning or area navigation systems) and on the flight rules (instrument or night VFR)
FAA definition 
In the United States in particular, the Federal Aviation Administration calls this concept the minimum safe altitude (MSA), and specifically defines it as follows in §119 of Part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR):
Anywhere: an altitude allowing a safe emergency landing without undue hazard to person or property on the ground;
Over Congested Areas: an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of less than 2,000 feet;
Over Populated Areas: an altitude of 500 feet AGL;
Over Open Water or Sparsely Populated Areas: an altitude allowing for a linear distance greater than 500 feet from any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure;
Helicopters: If without hazard to persons or property on the surface, an altitude lower than in definitions 2, 3, and 4 above, provided in compliance with any routes or altitudes specifically prescribed for helicopters by the FAA.
IFR flights 
There are two restrictions on altitude which are important to IFR flight planning:
Minimum reception altitude, an altitude which must be maintained across a flight segment (i.e. between two navigation radio transmitters) in order to assure reception of the required radio signals at all portions of that segment.
Minimum obstacle clearance altitude, 
an altitude which provides a predetermined vertical clearance from known obstacles within a predetermined corridor along the specified flight segment.
For a given flight segment, the greater of these two altitudes is the altitude which must be adhered to during that segment, and is called the Minimum Enroute Altitude.
These altitudes are listed as "MSL" on IFR planning charts, and are thus the altitudes which would be indicated on the aircraft's barometric altimeter.
Area minimum altitudes 
On Canadian IFR High- and Low-Level charts, area minimum altitudes (AMA) are published for quadrangle areas, which provide a buffer beyond the VFR maximum elevation figure. The AMA is the lowest off-airway altitude to be used under instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) that will provide a minimum vertical clearance of 1,000 feet (AGL), or in designated mountainous terrain 2,000 feet above all obstacles located in the area specified, rounded up to the nearest 100 foot increment.
B) Siachen glacier, located in the eastern Karakoram Range in the Himalayas, is one of the five largest glaciers in the Karakoram, situated at an average altitude of 18,000 ft above sea level. 
C) Thus minimum height to fly in Siachen should be a) Siachen height 18000 feet+ safe flying height margin 2000 feet= 20000 feet.
D)So to reduce height was uncalled for . The lives of VVIP have been put in danger Zone. 
E) In light above it comes that height was reduced to get more fatty kick backs .Let Nation & VVIP suffer.
Even final trial report was not submitted by Tyagi.But he had been cornered on statement of middlemen  UK national Christian Michel.
Why he had not named late Brijesh Mishra May be due to NDA in power.
6) Can a middleman + corrupt babu's + Mafia can take nation for ride & Shake Two  powerful Governments & Forces Chief. 
Now  Both government are in state of bull fight. 
8) Can Babus & Mafia eat away poor tax payer money so easily  & can even play with VVIP life & soldiers .
Why Big whale Fishes names have not been revealed  by Italian court ( As PM Manmohan Singh once said HAMAM MEIN SAB NAGE HAI)
9) World may be laughing on us.A middle man + Firm CEO + babu's + Mafia are miliking the Indian Taxpayer  .The netas may be getting Tip of Iceberg in name of Party Funds .
10) A Single handed 
middlemen has created havoc who used to route kickbacks to India is UK national Christian Michel. See how in both deals in part- I & part 2 he is  common middleman . But Babus +Mafia + media  have kept courts/ nations kept in dark for their selfish reasons . 
They come out as Big Story Big Debate/ Hum To Poochen Ge/ Janan Na Humara Haq Hai & so on but will never pin point nail on the head & will beat around the bush in odrer to take prime time +TRP.
11)Now to set the things right  what the present government should do.
A) Make a joint JPC  team of both the government (NDA+ UPA-II.. Involved in deals & give timeframe of 4 months.
B)Both should bury the case in Political centres till the the final  report of JPC comes .
C) Make Joint Investigation team with special powers of SIT+ CBI+ED+IT+ Law + SFI+ Air Force + Civil Aviation( pawan Hans bribe)+ SPG.
D).Time frame for this team should be 3 months & then submit report  to JPC+ Government.
E)All should See 100% Files of each ministry & grill all those who have handled files & signed letters.
F) See 100% Minute Sheets of each ministry & grill all those who have handled files & signed letters.
G) See 100% accounts & assets  of all suspected  in  each ministry & grill all those who handled files & signed letters
H) Make progress transparent one & on line for Public  / So that their neighbours may able be  to contribute  valuable information.
J) Grill people harmed by babu's during that period of scam. Vital clues will come out .
K) Many worms will come out of the cup board & nexus links will come to light.
L) Maje sure that Babu's &  Mefia will not be able to divert attention of public & Government..
M) Future loots will be thus curtailed .
N) Nation image will be enhanced with transparency.
O) Mafia will be on toes
N) Try them  with stringent laws as they are enemy of nation.
P) Black money will never go away but may flow in once their names are made public.
Q) Taxpayers money will be thus saved & nation can move on VIKAS.. Cum Super Power ( which middle man & their nation do not want )
11)New specifications of  said helicopters must be able to fly at an altitude of 4,500 metres and that its cabin must be at least 1.80 m in height
Why were these specifications changed 
That VVIP visit Leh & Siachen 
A) Siachen glacier, located in the eastern Karakoram Range in the Himalayas, is one of the five largest glaciers in the Karakoram, situated at an average altitude of 18,000 ft above sea level. 
B)Safe height fi chopper flight in mountain is 2000 feet as per US standards . 
C)Thus minimum height to fly in Siachen should be 
a) Siachen height 18000 feet+ 
b)safe flying height margin 2000 feet
c. Total Height required will be = 20000 feet.
D)So to reduce height was uncalled for . The lives of VVIP have been put in danger Zone.
E) In light above it comes that height was reduced to get more fatty kick backs .Let Nation & VVIP suffer.
12)Nothing is known about these specification implementation & same Firm is again on scene. One government  cancels the order & government other welcomes back .
13)Thus Babus + Mafia are playing vital role to get back Pending Kick backs .So same firm is welcomed  by Babu's.
 It  may be the reason.
14)Political parties should  work jointly for growth of nation( united you win & divided you fall) 
Put Babu's+ Mafia  in jail. Honesty will start at least in other Babu's.
15) Middleman & Italy court has damaged Indian image in world. It will be not out of place to go to international court & ask Damage's
16)Babus + middlemen have never allowed our PSU & industry to grow .
In order to get fatty kickbacks & sell imported stuff at sky high price.
From 7 decades they are playing this game.
Make in still a Dream.
17)Nation can grow with speed if these Babu's + Mafiaccan be placed at their place.
With best wishes & warm regards
Col Lamba ( one man army )
Note: Kindly see handwritten by Michael payoff to various dignitaries in this news paper

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