Thursday, 12 May 2016

A Square Peg in Round Hole

A Square Peg in Round Hole


But Certainly A

Square Peg in Round Hole. The Security of nation has been  kept at stake.?

1)A babu from the audit department who has no knowledge of defence / Industry was in the MoD a Decision maker & Head of Tri Services for more

Than a decade.

2)No knowledge of Tactical & strategic requirement / planning. But his word is final on the subject ( May be Toss decisions)

3)It will be no where in the world that a  Babu is involved in  purchases  from conception stage to Finalisation state of Major Defence Deals & VVIP purchases.

Alas even in final stage of audit of purchase done by him.

4)A BABU remains in & around MoD office i.e power of corridor for more than a decade & gets promotions as the defence  deal moves on.

5)Never Recommends  NFU status for the Defence Forces  but for self takes NFU status at the very  first instant .

6)Enjoyed NFU for ten years & being head of MoD . But denied NFU status to Armed Forces now then on one pretext  or other pretext .

7)Finally passes the buck of NFU of Defence Forces to 7th pay commission on the  pretext it is complex matter & specialized job.

But why it was not complex for him.?

8)What a Welfare of persons under your indirect command & due to them you are enjoying the highest  post.

9)Where as 7th CPC clearly  says NFU should have been given on First instance to the  Armed Forces & then to anyone else.

But till now No NFU status  to armed forces has been given . Which is due from 1/1/2006 to date with arrears & interests @8% as government employees   have got wef 1/1/2006.

10)Now On OROP front.

He was also dead against OROP to forces.

Vaguely remember that

 Lt Gen SK Bahari mentioned in a Blog that a decion maker Babu commented  on OROP in the corridors of MoD that OROP on my dead body or words to that effect Which means the Babu in MoD is dead against OROP & even NFU to services.But for self No delay what a selfish attitude

11)In these 2 decades TRI-SERVICES war machinery has  erroded very badly in aid to civil power .The  replacenent has  also suffered very badly.Forces are living with age old war machinery .Most have outlived their life.

Nation fighting machines require urgent replacement.

12)A Mafia & middle man Michel was also attached to the defence deals for the same period with the same Babu..what a plan to plan defence deals.( or kick backs)

 A note handwritten written by him in  about distribution of commissionis with Italian Court

But without naming any Babu.

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