Saturday, 23 April 2016

UN owes 88mn dollars to India . India tops the list of UN . All due to Armed Forces.. Peace keeping  UN Missions.

1) Most of you may know about Forces contributions on Borders.
2) Many of you be appreciating Aid To Civil Power
Army helps & saves you in domestic front when Babu's & Cops fail.
3) Hats off to Indian Peace keeping Forces on UNO Mission .These forces come out with flying colours
4) Hardly any one of you be knowing that Indian Forces bring Home wealth in Dollors.
5) Indian Armed Forces are on top of list here also.
6) UNO owes
India $80 mn, highest debt to any country
Oct 10, 2013
7)The most it has to pay any country for costs relating to peacekeeping operations.

 8)India is among the largest troop contributing countries to UN peacekeeping missions
9)On the other hand, the United States owes $795 million to the UN for the regular budget, and $651 million for peacekeeping operations assessment.
Brazil and Venezuela are the other top two member states which owe $75 million and $22 million respectively to the UN.
10) Now see Babu's performance.
Although India's gross public debt to GDP ratio fell from 75.8 per cent to 66.2 per cent between 2007 and 2011, it still is among the highest in the region
11)Kind courtsey Indian High stressed babu's.

India tops the list
12) Though Foreign exchange reserves at higher level,
Due to crude falling from dollar 120 to dollar 30
13) The debt increases too and offsets increase in Forex Reserves .
14) Net International Investment Position (NIIP.).has widened . & it  is in RED. A Litmus test of Babu's
15)Net looser in Forex as it is  Threatened by Foreign Debt & liabilities  16)NIIP ..widens from 63 billion dollor in 2007 to 368 billion dollar in 2015.
17) Gold reserves, however, remained unchanged at $20.115 billion.
18)It will be evident from above that Babu's & Cops cannot be compared with ellite Force of President.
19)Forces have proved their worth in basic role inspite of many handicaps.  Always came out with flying colours
A) Gave befitting replies to enemy
A feather in Cap .
Created A new Nation
Won Goa Diu & Daman
B) Aid to civil power
Whenever Babus / Cops have failed in their basic jobs .Forces provided unlimited times help to them & nation.Countrymen have high regards for nation

.. May be child in well
...Bridge for  Olympics Game
.. Yoga on Rajpath
..  SriSri Art of living.. Boat Bridge.
..Train accident
... Earthquake
....Engineers strike
... Doctor strike.
....Ganga Cleaning
....Flood Reliefs. J&K. TN..Bihar.. UP.. Punjab extra
....Land slides..Uttara Khand.
...List is too long

But never  Babu's / Cops are punished. They should be sacked as & when they ask help from forces as they have failed in their basic duties

Like UNO payment's for peace keeping force. The state & UT should pay for borrowed services from Forces

Here also then it will reveal that forces ate biggest revenue generator domestically .where as Babu's & Cops are economy spoiler.

C) Even earned  Millions of dollars for nation & on top of list of world.

UNO owes
India $80 mn, highest debt to any country
Oct 10, 2013

20) Armed Forces are top Money Sppiner  of Nation. Biggest debitor of UNO
21) US is top defaulter  of UNO

A Feather in Cap of Armed Forces of India.

22) The how can Babus  earn 2 promotion higher & more pay & perks  from on set tobdun set.

23) It is high time to give status  & Last honour to forces at Pre 1973 level .

Keep same parity of Forces & Babu's which Babus  have high jacked.
Pay/ pensions/ promotion's

24) Forces pension should be at 70% & Babus at 33% ( Pre 1973 level)

25) Even 7th CPC has highlighted that if NFU status anyone deserves it is the forces.

26) Babu's have enjoyed pay & pension of NFU from 1/1/2006 to 1/1/2016.Thus how can forces be denied this.

27) Grant NFU to forces & pay arrears of pay & pension with interest from 1/1/2006.

Kindly note
Armed Forces operate from +50 Degrees in Deserts to - 50 Degrees in Siachen .

A wide variation 100 Degrees  which armed forces body faces & still they come out with flying colours .( water becomes steam at 100 degrees)

 Armed Forces face this on their body & come out with flying colours

With best wishes & warm regards

Col Lamba ( one man army)

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