AS AT 1800 hrs 03Apr, 2016
Rally at Jantar Mantar on 3 Apr 2016 Sunday,
1. A well-attended rally was held at Jantar Mantar on 3 Apr. More than 2000 ESMs came from length and breadth of the country with major share from 12 states to participate in the rally.
2. The mood in the rally was optimistic and all ESM were looking for direction from the Governing Body of UFESM (JM) and IESM. More than 30 speakers expressed their views. All speakers expressed full faith in the leadership of Col Inderjit Singh, Maj Gen Satbir Singh and GB of IESM. ESM whole heartedly thanked Jantar Mantar team and all ESM who participated in RHS and expressed that OROP has been possible only because of untiring effort of TEAM JANTAR MANTAR and unity of ESM created by Jantar Mantar. Speaker after speaker expressed that now we have a voice at Jantar Mantar which will speak for welfare of ESM and all our problems would be resolved by team Jantar Mantar.
3. Everyone reposed full confidence in the leadership of Gen Satbir and UFESM to take the movement forward.
4. A large number of officers of the rank of brigadier and above attended the rally. Notable among them were Lt Gen Sujlana, Lt Gen Sateyvir Yadav, Maj Gen SS Sandhu , Maj Gen TPS Bakshi, Maj Gen Lalji and Brig Harwant Singh. Col Balbir Singh the convener Punjab made very significant contribution. Large number of JCOs and ORs and vir naries attended the rally..
5. Speaker after speaker emphasized that we should continue our struggle till complete OROP as defined by Koshiari committee is given to us. Gp Capt VK Gandhi the Gen Secy IESM emphasized vehemently the power of our vote bank. He expressed that time for begging is past history and we will now demand our rightful place in Indian society. This will be made possible if we use our six crore votes to send suitable ESM representatives to State assemblies, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. He emphasized that if we remain united with our vote bank we would be able to fill at least 25 % seats in each assembly and about 30 MPs in Lok Sabha. ESM would not have to beg for their welfare but they will have the right to demand their welfare with their voice heard from position of strength in the Parliament as well as State Assemblies. There was complete consensus on the fact that we are not asking anything extra from the government but only our honour and pride and the rights snatched away from us since independence.
6. Col Inderjit Singh also called Bhisham Pitama of OROP graced the occasion despite ill health and blessed all present and apprised that OROP in its entirety will become reality soon with our unity and we must not lose heart and continue with our agitation relentlessly. Whole gathering thanked him profusely for leading the fight of OROP and promised full support to his leadership.
6. Gen Satbir made the thundering closing address with roaring and loud applause from the entire gathering. He highlighted the following:-
He appreciated the contribution made by col Inderjit from the last 40 year and therefore rightly called the Bhisham Pitama of OROP.
Agitation will continue at Jantar Mantar in the present form. However, if there are some positive indications from the government we will be willing to apply midcourse correction.
He gave commitment to everyone that full account will be given of every paisa collected by IESM. The case filed by Kadyan pertains to 2013 and it has got nothing to do with the agitation at JM. In fact it has been rejected twice by the Police in 2013-14 . The entire audience condemned the act of Kadyan.
Certain forces inimical to the interests of the ESM are trying to create rift between officers and men. He reemphasized that first priority remains vir naris. Their case will be taken up to grant full pension instead of 60% as of now.
UFESM JM will take up case for 70% pension for JCOS and Jawans as it existed upto 1973. Armed Forces have been tricked by the bureaucracy and their pensions were reduced from 70 % to 50 % despite achieving great victory in 1971.
Govt has sanctioned only Rs 3000 per member for funding ECHS for the last financial year, whereas Rs 10000 has been earmarked for the Civilians under CGHS scheme. UFESM JM will take up with the Govt and with service Hq to correct this anomaly. Once this anomaly is corrected funds shortage will be corrected and there will be overall improvement of availability of treatment and medicines at polyclinics. This Wide gap needs to be abridged.
13 Veteran Hospitals need to be constructed at rate of two every year. Expenditure per hospital is approx 200 crore.
He demanded that our problems can only be sorted out if we have uniformed persons or veterans as staff in DESW.
He also demanded that befitting war memorial must be built at India Gate in New Delhi for our soldiers who gave ultimate sacrifice in protecting the sovereignty, integrity and security of India.
He also demanded a veteran commission on priority to be fully manned by suitable ESM. Manning of veteran commission with IAS is not acceptable to ESM community.
He emphasized and left no one in doubt as to relentless efforts being made to get full OROP viz Case has been filed with the Reddy Committeeand case is also being filed with the Supreme Court with the help of Dr Ram Jethmalani prominent lawyer of India.
He informed the audience that a letter has been written to RM to grant another meeting to UFESM (JM) delegation to resolve the issue amicably. Jantar Mantar is always ready for any dialogue with Government.
At the end he thanked everyone from the core of his heart for making the rally such a resounding success. He also thanked the staff of Delhi Gurdwara Prabandik Committee for continuous support of Guru ka Langar and accommodation as and when required.
Free Cancer Van
7. A cancer van was arranged by Mr Mukesh Anand son of an army officer. This van will also be going to Punjab where ever rally will be held to do free check up of ESM and families.
Next Rally
8. Next Rally will be held at Muktsar in Punjab to cover the Malva Region.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Visit.
9. Efforts are on to request Sri Ravi Shankarji to visit Jantar Mantar to bless and help us in putting up our problems to the authorities. Environment will be informed about the development on this issue. We are very hopeful that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji would consider our request and would bless ESM at Jantar Mantar soon.
Limca Book of World Record.
10. Movement for OROP is likely to make its entry into the world record as the longest most peaceful protest on completing 300 days which is only six days away.
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