The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.
On this day, 07 Apr....
1795 - France adopted by law, the metre as the unit of length and the base of the metric system. Jean Delambre and Pierre Méchain measured an arc of the meridian from Dunkirk to Barcelona, so that the metre could be defined as one ten-millionth part of the distance between the poles and the equator.
1827 - John Walker, an English pharmacist, recorded his first sale of the friction matches he invented the previous year. His discovery on 27 Nov 1826 had been accidental while trying to produce a readily combustible material for fowling-pieces (a light shotgun). His first match was the wooden stirring stick he used in a mixture of potash and antimony sulphide. To remove a blob on the end of the stick, he had scraped it on the stone floor, and it ignited. He never patented the invention, and his production was limited to a sideline of his pharmacy business.
1896 - Inventor Simon Lake was issued a U.S. patent for his "Submarine Locomotive", which he designed with underwater salvage operations in mind. It was fitted with traction wheels to travel the water-bed, and a crane hoist at the front. He improved his design with a later patent issued 20 Apr 1897. On 16 Dec 1897 he demonstrated submarine Argonaut.
1923 - The first operation to remove a brain tumour under local anesthetic (cocaine on the patient's scalp) was performed at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City by a team of surgeons led by Dr. Karl Winfield Ney. The patient's condition had been deemed too risky for a general anaesthetic. So Henry A. Brown was fully conscious throughout the operation and able to answer the doctors' questions.
1934 - Mahatma Gandhi suspended his campaign of civil disobedience.
1948 - World Health Organization formed by U.N.
1959 - The first distinguishable echo was recorded of a radar signal bounced off the Sun—considered a milestone in the emerging field of radar astronomy.
1976 - Chinese Politburo fires vice-premier Deng Xiaoping.
1983 - It was reported that a human skeleton, believed to be perhaps a Neanderthal up to 80,000 years old, had been brought to the Smithsonian for study. It had been discovered in Feb 1982, face down, at Wadi Kubbaniya in southern Egypt.
1997 - Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Bhutan finalise preparations for a new trade bloc called 'Growth Quadrangle'.
2000 - The Delhi police unearth a multicrore cricket betting and match- fixing racket involving five South African cricketers, including the captain Hansie Cronje. A Delhi-based Indian operator Rajesh Kalra put behind bars.
2003 - U.S. troops capture Baghdad; Saddam Hussein's regime falls two days later.
1770 - William Wordsworth, English poet laureate.
1920 - Ravi Shankar (Bhattacharya), renowned Sitar player.
1942 - Jeetendra, film actor.
1954 - Jackie Chan, Hong Kong martial arts actor.
1860 - William Keith Kellogg, an American industrialist and philanthropist who founded (1906) the W.K. Kellogg Company to manufacture cereal products as breakfast foods.
1947 - Henry Ford, inventor and automobile manufacturer who first experimented with internal combustion engines while he was an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company.
You may have known....
Indians invented plastic surgery.
Good morning. Have a nice day.
Raj Kadyan
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