Saturday, 9 April 2016

OROP Arrear Table - Brig CS Vidyasagar

Dear Sir,

1. Since last two days I have been working on making tables of arrears of pension on issue of Min of Personnel, Pensions and Public Grievances (Min of PPP&G) dated 06 Apr 2016 by which all pre - 2006 Civil Central Govt pensioners need not serve for 33 years including rank weightage to get full pension. Orders from Min of Def can be expected any time. So we must know how much arrears will come to those who did not our could not put in 33 years' service with their rank weightage like Sepoys to Havildars and Officers who took PMR just after completing 20 years' service.
2. For example a Sepoy of 15 years' service of Group Y should get minimum pension of Rs 5125 as on Jan 2006 where as by rule of 33 years he gets only Rs 3883 as on Jan 2016 vide Circular 547.This letter will benefit all Sepoys to Havildars and PMR types i.e Officers and JCOs who did not put in 33 years' service including rank weightage.
3. I have not enclosed tables for Officers (non medicos), single ladies of Officers, JCOs & OR and their single ladies as the file is too big and not possible to attach in Facebook. Kindly send an e-mail to me at and I will send all these tables.
4. I did these calculations by using MS Excel after taking data from Circulars 547 (w.e.f Jan 2006 for JCOs and OR), 430 (for JCOs and OR from Jul 2009 to 23 Sep 2012), Circular 501 (for JCOs and OR and their family pensioners) and Circular 500 for Officers and their Single ladies and SAI 1/S/2008 for taking the minimum pension for each rank from Sepoy to Sub Maj for both X and Y Groups and SAI 2/S/2008 for Officers and their single ladies. You would notice generally officer of rank of Brig and Maj Gen rarely take PMR and so are the JCOs. Since they would have earned full pension, they are not the beneficiaries It is Sepoy who will benefit immensely as his pension since 2006 has been artificially kept very low. I am extremely happy for the arrears now Sepoys to Havildars and their family pensioners and Officers who take PMR will get.
5. When one takes data manually one is bound to make some mistakes. So kindly check my tables and if you find any mistake I would be too happy to correct them.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)

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