Thursday, 12 November 2015

On this day - Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

If we believe we can, we might. If we know we can, we will.

On this day, 12 Nov....

1732 - Henri Pitot invented an instrument, called the Pitot tube, to measure the flow velocity at different depths of water in the River Seine in Paris. The belief of the time was that flow velocity was higher at greater depths.  With his invention he showed the opposite was true. Today, the Pitot tube has an important application in aerodynamics for the measurement of the airspeed of aircraft.

1781 - Nagapatnam of South India was captured by the British troops.

1847 - In Great Britain, Sir James Young Simpson,  employed chloroform for the first time as an anesthetic in an operation. He was not the first to use chloroform but it was his persistent advocacy which led to its acceptance. Later, as Queen Victoria was to give birth to Prince Leopold (1853), she accepted chloroform for help. There was a great controversy about the morality of whether women should use such anesthetics in childbirth. Victoria's leadership broke people free from superstition and fear.

1927 - The Holland Tunnel connecting New York and New Jersey, the world's first underwater vehicular tunnel, officially opened.

1929 - Commander Richard E. Byrd made the first flight over the South Pole.

1966 - The first photograph was taken from the atmosphere by the satellite Gemini XII.

1969 - Indira Gandhi, who was expelled from Congress for indiscipline during Presidential elections, made a large split and formed her own Congress Party with Jagjivan Ram as President. The party is recognised as Congress (I).

1974 - A salmon was discovered in the River Thames, England, for the first time since 1833. (The find was so surprising that the fish was sent to the British Museum for positive identification). Victorian era sewage and factory waste had polluted the once thriving salmon river, and  the fish had disappeared.  From 1961, improved sewage treatment and limits on industrial discharges gradually brought about a cleaner river. Since the salmon's life cycle requires a high standard of water quality, the species indicates environmental quality.


1880 - Senapati Bapat (Pandurang Mahadev), armed freedom fighter.

1961 - Nadia Comaneci. The first female gymnast (Romanian) to be awarded aperfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event).


1946 - Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya. (Was notable for his role in the Indian independence movement and as the four time president of Indian National Congress).

Titbits ....

1859 - The first flying trapeze act was performed by Jules Leotard at Cirque Napoleon in Paris. He was also the designer of the garment that is named after him.

1926 - The first recorded airplane bombing took place in Williamson County, Illinois. (During a feud between rival beer and liquor factions, the Sheltons and the Birgers).

Good morning. Have a nice day.
Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

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