Sunday, 22 November 2015

7CPC - Lt Col CR Sundar

The 7th Central Pay Commission report gives
a raw deal to the Indian Armed Forces and gives 
an unjust bonanza to the IAS and Sundry Police Forces.


  1. Respected Sir

    In real terrorist attack on Taj Mumbai
    Commissioner Mumbai was sleeping in his car ( as shown in news paper ) .
    1)Does sleeping under such trying situation qualify for Hard Decision at higher level & deserve more pay to IPS & others
    2) But in forces sleeping on duty is taken as offence & under such conditions .one can face death in forces.
    3) But nothing will happen to Babu's/cops .what a justice
    4) In real terrorist attack on Taj A Major died on spot whiled saving many lives .
    5) But his decision making is not taken as risky/ hard..decision ???

    What a thinking Sir Ji
    Col lamba ( one man army)

  2. Respected Sir

    In real terrorist attack on Taj Mumbai
    Commissioner Mumbai was sleeping in his car ( as shown in news paper ) .
    1)Does sleeping under such trying situation qualify for Hard Decision at higher level & deserve more pay to IPS & others
    2) But in forces sleeping on duty is taken as offence & under such conditions .one can face death in forces.
    3) But nothing will happen to Babu's/cops .what a justice
    4) In real terrorist attack on Taj A Major died on spot whiled saving many lives .
    5) But his decision making is not taken as risky/ hard..decision ???

    What a thinking Sir Ji
    Col lamba ( one man army)
