Tuesday, 20 October 2015

OROP Letter to MOS (Fin) by Lt Gen SK Bahri

Dear Mr Minister,
I am copying this mail to Mr Jayant Sinha, MOS (Fin) as his assurance regarding availability of between Rs 8-10,000 crores for OROP during the current year, was a welcome confirmation. I hope this amount is not going to cover current and last year's requirements? You had worked out a sum of Rs 8,300 Crores as one years requirement in your interaction with some of us in Feb 2015. If the limit of Rs 10,000 crores is to cover the arrears and the current years requirements then it appears that you have accepted Mr Jaitley's suggestion that we will be paid according to the mean and not the maximum of a rank's pay band. So basically, you have been prevailed upon by the babus to ensure that the servicemen will have to fight even with this government to get what was promised and approved in the Parliament.

What is more surprising is that the working out of tables is being kept under wraps from the Tri-Service Pay Cells and it has been left to the same people who made you announce denial of OROP to prematurely retired officers on 5 Sep 15! Do you want to keep on issuing clarifications even after announcing something which would have won this government lasting gratitude from all current and future veterans? I request you to involve the Tri-Service Pay Cells as the babus are bent on making this government look silly, as a number of them are still beholden to your predecessors. A masterful game plan which has lost you the goodwill of serving and retired soldiers for years to come. 
You know that every court case that the Veterans have filed against the shoddy treatment dished out to the Veterans due to the babus' machinations, have been decided in our favour. Causing loss of face to government in power, both during the previous dispensation and this one. If the OROP is not as per the definition agreed upon, we will negotiate but if they are fruitless, then it is certain that the Veterans will go to court after the announcement. Be assured that the result will be the same, as what the babus are making you agree to is patently inequitable and untenable in law. The previous government didn't cover itself with glory while dealing with Veterans, we do not expect the same from yours.

I would therefore recommend that the Koshiyari Committee's report be followed honestly, purposefully and no more pussy footing around be attempted. Please keep in mind what effect it will have on your sword arm. The PMFs demands have been raised only to embarrass the government and delay the announcement of OROP. Please go through the charter of the most well armed force among them on its website and you will realise that these 'guarding' forces cannot claim equivalence with the 'fighting' forces.

With warm regards.
Yours Sincerely,

Lt Gen SK Bahri PVSM (Retd)

[ Tri Services India ] 20 October 2015 4:38 PM


  1. Sir please open the eyes of our politicians and babus through this or please find out the way how the cry reaches them. The 'serving' are also watching the ongoing drama of the babus.To keep the morale up of the serving they have to give the 'due' without adulteration- Sgt.J.G.Rao(Retd).

  2. Thank you Sir for publishing my 'cry'.----Sgt.J.G.Rao.

  3. You are most welcome
    Editor Sainik Darpan
