Dear Rajvardhan,
I am sorry to hear
your views on the OROP issue in the interview to NEWSX
EXCLUSIVE: Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore in an exlcusive conversation with NewsX.
EXCLUSIVE: Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore in an exlcusive conversation with NewsX.
I have a few
questions to seek an answer from you.I hope you will as a Veteran answer them
truthfully in the spirit of a true veteran and not as a raw politician being
used by the party against your own.
Q1. Can you pls
elaborate why the present government has allowed this situation to arise?
Q2. If the
government was so concerned about the Pakistani establishment using OROP to
split or cause disenchantment among the forces why have the politicians
including your party not shown their concerns on these issues and taken action.
Q3. Do you believe
OROP is the tip of the iceberg and there are more issues that are still to be
Q4. Are you aware
of the following disparities that affect the veterans
Allowances Defence
and Civil Comparison
Type of
Civilian Employee
Disabled Employees
(a) Protection of Service
(b) Pay and Allowances
(c) Pension
(c) Right to life of dignity of
self and family
Govt has to retain them till 60 yrs under
Disability Act
Full protection under Section 47 of the Act.Will
not be discharged on account of disability.
Full pay and allowances admissible till the age
of 60 even if unable to attend any official duty. Can even be kept on
supernumerary post and paid all pay and allowances.
Entitled to full service length till
superannuation and pension thereafter.
Full pay and pension and complete Government
protection/cover with entitled facilities Admissible to dependents
Invalided (Thrown) out of service immediately
Defence Forces exempted from operation of Section
47. Hence no protection of employment available in case of disability.
Employee can be discharged on account of
Nil Admissible
Nil Admissible
Nil. No facilities or protection for self
and dependents
Increase in Pension of highest rank employee from
1973 to 2006
108 times
Highest Civilian Functionary Pension
1973 - Rs 416.50/-pm
2006 - Rs 45000/-pm
45 times
Highest Def Rank Pension
1973 - Rs 1000/-pm
2006 - Rs 45000/-pm
Period of Service
Upto60 years of age
85% compulsorily retired between 35 -37
years age.
12-13% compulsorily retired between
40-54 years age
Career Progression
Three Promotions at 10,20,30 years of service
Three promotion at 8, 16, 24 years of service.
85% compulsorily retired at 15-17 years’ service;
thereby denied 3rd career progression
Officer’s Promotion opportunities
100% Joint Secy at 16-18 years’ Service
100% AddlSecy at 32 years’ Service
1% Maj Gen at 32-33 years of service.
3% Lt Gen 33-35years
Non-functional Upgradtion (NFU)
• JS Pay at
approx22 yrs.
• Addl
Secy Pay at 32yrs
with Civil
Civil Grade
3rd CPC
4th CPC
Junior Time Scale
Junior to Captain
Equal to Captain
2/ Lt, Lt and Capt clubbed by 3rd CPC
Senior Time Scale
Equal to Captain
Equal to Major
Selection Grade/ Non-Functional Selection Grade (SG/
Equal to Major
Senior to Major
Q5.If you are aware what action have you initiated or has
your government initiated to ensure justice for Defence veterans ?
Q6. Are you aware
that the Koshiyari Committee has sought views of all affected parties and that
civil side had written a letter to the committee that they agree that Defence
veterans should get OROP and civil side has no case /claim
for the same?
Q7. If no then get educated.If yes then why are such
demands being made now and planted cases and articles being written?
Q8. Are you convinced that the case of the Para Military
forces based on number of deaths and long working hours and service in troubled
areas is correct?
Q9. Do you believe
that OROP is based on above reasons now being floated by others including
Railways for OROP or its sole basis is truncated service ?
Q10. If the
government is in agreement with the demand of OROP by others are you aware that
veterans would welcome the same being met as long as Defence forces are given
the same rights as those organizations namely
1. Restoration of
curtailed Fundamental rights
2. Service till the
age of 60 much like them
3. No invalidation of
injured and continued service for them much like in civil side
4. Right to form
associations like in the case of IAS and IFS( Already drawing OROP)
5. Right to negotiate
payment for any additional services demanded besides guarding the borders
6. Accept an armed
force manned by 60 yr old and disabled in the defence of the country.
Rajvardhan pls wake
up get out of the shadow of your senior minister and show you have what it
takes to be a man
I do not expect a
response from you because i know that your new found loyalty to your new
organization and to your boss will not allow it but if i do get one it will be
Cdr Ravindra Waman Pathak I.N. (Retd)
Member Governing Body and Pension Cell
Indian Ex Servicemen Movement
1 Surashri,1146 Lakaki Road
Pune 411016
[ Tri Services India ] 24 October 2015 10:10
Well written sir, it is shameful to see our own people creating hurdles, instead of guiding the ministers(who do not know much about defense environment) in right direction. They are supposed to create awareness about hardships faced by soldiers.