Monday, 25 January 2016

On this day, 25 - Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

Life is about balance; the good and the bad; the highs and the lows; the pina and the colada.

On this day, 25 Jan....

1565 - Battle at Talikota: the Deccan sultanate destroy Vijayanagar's army and the last Hindu kingdom of Southern India.

1799 - A seed-planting device was patented by Eliakim Spooner of Vermont. The seeds were fed by gravity. The machine was not practical, however. The first truly practical seeding machine to be patented in the U.S. was invented by Joseph Gibbons of Adrian Michigan, on 25 Aug 1840.

1870 - Gustavus Dows of Lowell, Massachusetts received his first patent for an "Improved Soda Fountain" being the vessel in which carbon dioxide was injected, both forming the soda-water beverage, and delivering the drink using the internal pressure.

1914 - An Indian mass meeting in Durban unanimously endorse the agreement between General J.C. Smuts and Mahatma Gandhi regarding voluntary registration, poll tax, recognition of Indian marriages and other matters.

1945 - Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first U.S. city to begin fluoridating the drinking water. With the intention of reducing tooth decay, one part per million of fluoride was added to the water supply. Fluorine is the 13th most abundant element on earth, found in nature in its ionic form - fluoride - in combination with other elements, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphates etc. Thus fluoride is present in small yet varying amounts in almost all soil, water supplies, plants, and animals and, therefore, is a normal constituent of all diets. In mammals, the highest concentrations are found in the bones and teeth. Decades after the conclusion of the Grand Rapids fluoridation study, fluoride continues to be dental science's main weapon in the battle against tooth decay.

1950 - The post of the Governor General of India was abolished.

1952 - The  Autronic Eye, an automatic car headlamp beam control was introduced to the public by General Motors. A phototube atop the left end of the dashboard, just inside the windshield, dimmed the lights upon the approach of an oncoming car, and back to bright when the traffic had passed. It was offered on Oldsmobile and Cadillac cars. But automatic headlights tended to flicker erratically in response to minute fluctuations of light. In 1959, the name became the "Guide-Matic Power Headlight Control." General Motors had solved the problem with a new gadget: "With a twist of the dial autronic-eye lets you control the automatic dimming of your lights." Thus the driver could manually control an automatic device.

1971 - Himachal Pradesh becomes 18th Indian state.

1981 - Mao's widow Jiang Qing sentenced to death.

2000 - The Centre begins the process of privatising the country's domestic carrier, Indian Airlines, and also approves the sale of majority equity in Modern Foods India Limited.

2005 - A stampede at the Mandher Devi temple in Mandhradevi in India kills at least 258.


1917 - Captain P.K. Sahgal, freedom fighter, who attended Indian Military Academy course at Dehradun.


1979 - 1st documented case of a robot killing a human in US.

You may have known....

The Indian sari is traditional attire that only belongs to this country and is considered a brand for Indian wear worldwide. It is an art to wrap the sari like a circle around the body and create elegant folds.

Good morning. Have a nice day.
Raj Kadyan

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