Railway Board instructions on Medical examination of candidates proposed to be appointed in Railways by way of compassionate ground/Losers-relaxation in Medical Condition
Ministry of Railways Circular on Medical examination of candidates proposed to be appointed in Railways by way of compassionate ground/Losers -Relaxation in Medical Condition
New Delhi, Dated : 20.10.2015
General Manager
All Indian Railways & PUs
Sub : Medical examination of candidates proposed to be appointed in Railways by way of compassionate ground/Losers-relaxation in Medical Condition.
A proposal for extending some relaxation in Physical Handicap (1-39%) medical standards for appointment of candidates proposed to be appointed in Railway on Compassionate Ground/Land losers has been engaging attention of the Board for some time. The matter has been examined in consultation with Establishment Directorate of the Board and it has been decided that while conducting medical fitness of candidates of Compassionate Ground/Land losers for appointment in Railways, the following procedure would hence forth be adopted:-
I. The candidate for Compassionate Ground/Land Looser Appointment will be examined as per laid down yardstick for the post against which the candidate is being considered for appointment.
II. If the candidate fails in laid down medical standards, the Personnel Branch of the Division/Zone/PU will identify a post in consultation with the user department where the candidate can work even with the disability pointed out during medical examination. However, this dispensation can be considered for appointment in medical category Cey-Two only. For example, if a candidate of Compassionate Ground/Land Looser Appointment is considered against the specified posts and he/she fails in the medical examination, the Personnel Branch of the Zone in consultation with the user department viz Commercial/Engineer/Medical/Operating/ Personnel/Stores Department etc. identify a post falling in Cey-Two Medical Category only where it is felt that the candidate can work against the specified post even with the disability pointed out during the medical examination. Both the user department as well as the Personnel Branch of the Division/Zone will issue a written certificate specifying the particular post against which such a candidate can be accommodated.
III. On receipt of such certificate, the CMS of the Division will refer the matter to Divisional Medical Committee comprising of three doctors out of which one should be a specialist of the area in which the candidate has been found medically unfit. The Divisional Medical Committee would submit its report which will be finally accepted by the CMS of the Division. If the candidate is declared fit for post by the Divisional Medical Committee with relax standards, proposal for appointment can be considered.
Advance Correction Slip of Para 511 of IRMM, 2000 is accordingly enclosed herewith.
(R. S. Shukla)
Join Director/Health Railway Board.
Advance Correction Slip No. Advance Correction Slip to Para 511 of IRMM, 2000
A Sub-para (Sub-para 10) will be added below para, sub para 9 of para 511 of IRMM, 2000:-
While conducting medical fitness of candidates of Compassionate Ground/Land losers for appointment in Railways, the following procedure would hence forth be adopted:-
1. The candidate for Compassionate Ground/Land looser Appointment will be examined as per laid down yardstick for the post against which the candidate is being considered for appointment.
II. If the candidate fails in laid down medical standards, the Personnel Branch of the Division/Zone/PU will identify a post in consultation with the user department where the candidate can work even with the disability pointed out during medical examination. However, this dispensation can be considered for appointment in medical category Cey-Two only. For example, if a candidate of Compassionate Ground/Land Looser Appointment is considered against the specified posts and he/she fails in the medical examination, the Personnel Branch of the Zone in consultation with the user department viz. Commercial/Engineering/Medical Operating/Personnel/Stores Department etc. will identify a post falling in Cey-Two medical Category only where it is felt that the candidate can work against the specified post even with the disability pointed out during the medical examination. Both the user department as well as the Personnel Branch of the Division/Zone, will issue a written certificate specifying the particular post against which such a candidate can be accommodated.
III. On receipt of such certificate, the CMS of the Division will refer the matter to Divisional Medical Committee comprising of three doctors out of which one should be a specialist of the area in which the candidate has been found medically unfit. The Divisional Medical Committee would submit its report which will be finally accepted by the CMS of the Division. If the candidate is declared fit for the post by the Divisional Medical Committee with relax standards, proposal for appointment can be considered.
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