Thursday, 25 May 2023

उत्तर प्रदेश के महावीर : लेफ्टीनेंट कर्नल इन्दर बल सिंह बावा , महावीर चक्र (मरणोपरांत)

जन्मदिन पर विशेष

उत्तर प्रदेश के महावीर : लेफ्टीनेंट कर्नल इन्दर बल सिंह बावा , महावीर चक्र (मरणोपरांत)

    11 अक्टूबर 1987 को भारतीय शांति सेना द्वारा श्रीलंका में जाफना को लिट्टे के कब्जे से मुक्त कराने के लिए ऑपरेशन पवन शुरू किया गया था। इसकी पृष्ठभूमि में भारत और श्रीलंका के बीच 29 जुलाई 1987 को हुआ वह शांति समझौता था, जिसमें भारत के तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री श्री राजीव गांधी और श्रीलंका के तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति जे0 आर0 जयवर्धने ने हस्ताक्षर किया था। समझौते के अनुसार, श्रीलंका में जारी गृहयुध्द को खत्म करना था। इसके लिए श्रीलंका सरकार तमिल बहुत क्षेत्रों से सेना को बैरकों में बुलाने और नागरिक सत्ता को बहाल करने पर राजी हो गई थी। वहीं दूसरी ओर तमिल विद्रोहियों के आत्मसमर्पण की बात हुई, लेकिन इस समझौते की बैठक में तमिल विद्रोहियों को शामिल नहीं किया गया।

Sunday, 21 May 2023

डिजिटल का आया जमाना - सूबेदार मेजर हरी राम यादव

 डिजिटल का आया जमाना

बातचीत का अब दौर गया,

   डिजिटल का आया जमाना।

सब अपने‌ फोन में मस्त मगन,

   बैठकर मैसेज पढ़ना मुस्काना ।

राम राम और आशीष पैलगी,

   सब डिजिटल की भेंट चढ़े।

मुंह से बोलने की रीति रही न,

   सब के लिए हैं इमोजी गढ़े।।

'हरी' दुनिया डिजिटल हो रही ,

   फिजिकल का बचा न ताना बाना,

हमने इतनी कर ली तरक्की,

   बस बचा है डिजिटल पीना खाना।।

        - सूबेदार मेजर हरी राम यादव

          स्वतंत्र लेखक 


Sunday, 14 May 2023

Mother’s Day - एक श्रद्धांजलि माँ - राज कादयान

 Mother’s Day - एक श्रद्धांजलि 


                                    --   राज कादयान                                   

कन्धा तो माँ मेरा भी था, अर्थी तेरी उठाने में

रोती आंखों से तुझ को, शमशान घाट ले जाने में.

यह भी सच है तेरी चिता को, मैंने ही आग लगाई थी

पर वोह तो केवल देह थी तेरी, जिसने मुक्ति पाई थी.

नाम तेरा पत्थर पर, जो भी लिख कर आये हैं

मरना क्या होता है शायद, समझ नहीं वो पाये हैं.

रूप बदलना मौत नहीं है, वोह है केवल देह का अन्त

वोह मरना तो शारीरिक है, काया सब की है अनन्त्.

जीवन की उलझी राहों में, जब भी मैँ खो जाता हूँ

आँख मूंद कन्धे पर तेरे, सिर रख कर सो जाता हूँ.

दोराहे पर जब जब पहुंचूँ , खो जाता हूँ मैं निराश

हाथ मेरा कुच्छ और न ढूंढे,  उँगली तेरी करे तलाश.

शीशे में जब भी मैँ देखूं, नजर मुझे तू आती है

क्या करना है और कब कैसे, सब मुझ को बतलाती है.

रूप मेरे में तू है माँ, तेरा खून रगों में बहता है

झूठा है वोह हर इन्सान, अनाथ मुझे जो कहता है.

पास नहीं है अब तू मेरे, पर अब भी है मेरे साथ

सदा है सिर पर रहता मेरे, आशीर्वाद का तेरा हाथ.

गोद में तेरी बैठ न पाऊं, यह भी बङी निराशा है

कोख तेरी से फ़िर मैँ जन्मूँ , यही एक अभिलाषा है.

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Garud Commando: The Elite Warriors of the Indian Air Force

Garud Commando: The Elite Warriors of the Indian Air Force


    The Indian Armed Forces have a rich history of valour and bravery, and the Indian Air Force (IAF) is no exception. The IAF has been actively expanding its capabilities in various domains, including special operations. 

    In this regard, the IAF has raised a special force of elite commandos known as the Garud Commando Force. The Garud Commando Force is tasked with providing security to airbases, conducting special operations, and carrying out rescue missions in hostile territories. In this article, we will delve deeper into the Garud Commando Force, their training, operations, and their contribution to the security of the nation.

Origins of the Garud Commando Force:

    The Garud Commando Force was established in 2004 as a specialized force of the Indian Air Force. The force is named after Garuda, the mythical bird of the Hindu epic Ramayana, known for its strength, agility, and speed. The Garud Commando Force was created with the aim of providing security to airbases, conducting special operations, and carrying out rescue missions in hostile territories.

    The Garud Commando Force was formed after the Kargil War in 1999, which exposed the gaps in the Indian Armed Forces' special operations capabilities. The Kargil War highlighted the need for a specialized force that could operate in the high-altitude regions of the Himalayas and carry out special operations in a range of environments.

    The Garud Commando Force has come a long way since its inception, and today, it is one of the most elite special forces in the world.

Selection and Training:

    The selection process for the Garud Commando Force is one of the toughest in the world. The selection process includes a physical fitness test, medical examination, psychological evaluation, and a series of gruelling tests that test the candidate's endurance, strength, and mental toughness. The Garud Commando Force has a rigorous training program that includes physical, mental, and tactical aspects.

    The training of Garud Commandos is a continuous process, and they are trained in a range of skills, including close combat, marksmanship, demolitions, parachuting, and survival skills. They are also trained in various foreign languages and cultural sensitivities, as they may be deployed in different parts of the world.

    The Garud Commandos undergo specialized training in urban warfare, jungle warfare, mountain warfare, and desert warfare. They are trained in tactical driving, explosive ordnance disposal, and intelligence gathering. The Garud Commandos also undergo specialized training in special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and hostage rescue operations.

    The training of Garud Commandos is designed to create a soldier who can operate independently or as part of a team in any environment, with a high degree of physical and mental toughness and the ability to adapt to changing situations quickly.

    For more comprehensive information regarding career opportunities in the Indian Air Force, interested individuals can visit the official website dedicated to joining the Indian Air Force: This website provides detailed insights into the various aspects of pursuing a career in the Indian Air Force.


    The Garud Commando Force has been involved in various operations, both within India and abroad. They have played a crucial role in providing security to airbases and installations during times of heightened tensions. The Garud Commandos have also carried out several special operations, including cross-border raids, hostage rescue missions, and counter-terrorism operations.

    One of the most high-profile operations carried out by the Garud Commando Force was during the 2016 Pathankot attack, where they played a pivotal role in neutralizing the terrorists and securing the airbase. The Garud Commandos have also been deployed in the Maldives and Seychelles to provide security and carry out joint exercises with the local forces.

    The Garud Commando Force has also been involved in various operations in remote and hostile regions of India, including Jammu and Kashmir, Northeast India, and the Naxal-affected regions. The Garud Commandos have been deployed in Jammu and Kashmir to conduct counter-insurgency operations, and their expertise in mountain warfare has been invaluable in this region. In Northeast India, the Garud Commandos have been deployed to provide security and conduct counter-insurgency operations in states like Assam, Manipur, and Nagaland.

    The Garud Commandos have also played a vital role in providing humanitarian aid during natural disasters. They have been deployed to provide aid during floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters in various parts of the country. The Garud Commandos have also conducted medical camps and provided relief materials to affected communities.

    The Garud Commandos have also been involved in various joint exercises with special forces of other countries, including the US, Russia, France, and Israel. These joint exercises have provided an opportunity for the Garud Commandos to learn from the experiences of other special forces and share their own experiences and best practices.

Equipment and Capabilities:

    The Garud Commando Force is equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and equipment, including assault rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, and grenade launchers. They also use advanced communication and surveillance equipment, including drones and night vision devices, to carry out their operations.

    The Garud Commandos are trained to operate in a range of environments, including urban, jungle, mountain, and desert terrains. They are trained in a range of tactics, including close combat, marksmanship, demolitions, and tactical driving. The Garud Commandos are also trained in intelligence gathering and analysis, which is critical for carrying out successful operations.

    The Garud Commandos have a high degree of physical and mental toughness and the ability to adapt to changing situations quickly. They are trained to operate independently or as part of a team and are capable of carrying out a range of operations, including special operations, counter-terrorism operations, and hostage rescue missions.

Contribution to National Security:

    The Garud Commando Force has made a significant contribution to the national security of India. They have provided security to airbases and installations during times of heightened tensions, and their expertise in counter-terrorism has been invaluable in neutralizing terrorist threats. The Garud Commandos have also played a critical role in providing aid during natural disasters and conducting community development activities.

    The Garud Commandos are a highly respected force, not only within the Indian Armed Forces but also among the global special forces community. They have won accolades for their professionalism and expertise, and their contribution to the security of India and its citizens cannot be overstated.


    The Garud Commando Force is a testament to the Indian Air Force's commitment to maintaining a high level of operational readiness and preparedness. They are the elite warriors of the Indian Air Force, with unmatched skills and capabilities. The Garud Commando Force serves as an inspiration to the youth of the country to strive for excellence and contribute to the defence of the nation. We salute the Garud Commandos for their bravery, sacrifice, and commitment to the country.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023


Canteen Smart Card





1) Online Website for CSD Smart Card:-

2) Fill up Online Form.

3) Make online payment.

4) CSD Cards will be delivered within 7-20 days by courier service directly at your home address.

5) You can track your online application also.



Saturday, 6 May 2023

How to Fly Drone

How to Fly Drone Droning in Cities by  Lt Col CR Sundar

How to Fly Drone

    There was a query wondering how one can fly drones in urban and built areas which are mostly shown as Red/Yellow Zones.

So far not sufficient thought has been given to flying drones in cities and other built up areas.

It is worth noting that out right blanketing city areas as red or yellow zones is meaningless. This defeats the very purpose of dronery and those areas will be denied drone services. This would be an unfortunate situation.

What needs to happen is that above the city-scape ‘Drone Highways’ have to be earmarked. Drones will be allowed to fly up and down along these highways at a height of 500 feet to 3500 feet.

Drone Streets / Drone Roads 

At various points along the highway ‘Drone Roads’ will branch off in different directions. ‘Drone Streets’ will take off from ‘Drone Roads’ and so on.

These drone routes will replicate the same concept that we see on earth in a different dimension. Rules will need to be written about these routes.

People and the droning community will have to claim these areal Highways, Roads, Street, Lanes and By-lanes. The authorised government department will register them if there is no objection. In case of an objection they can give diversions or alternative routes.

For example a droning community may claim a ‘Done Highway’ across the city of Chennai from Tambaram in the South to Royapuram in North Chennai. If the Highway avoids the IAF Station, Airport, Rajbhavan, IIT and the State Assembly it should be acceptable. ‘Drone Roads’ can branch off from Chromepet, Pallavaram, Guindy and so on.

Such a design can be replicated in all towns and cities across India.

That would make our country ‘drone ready’.

On This Day - Raj Kadyan

 A leader does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.


On this day, 06 May....

1529 - Babur defeated the Afghan Chiefs in the Battle of Ghagra.

1840 - The adhesive postage stamp was first sold in Great Britain.

  1857 - The British East India Company disbands the 34th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry whose Sepoy Mangal Pandey had earlier revolted against the British and is considered to be the First Martyr in the War of Indian Independence.

1889 - The Eiffel Tower is officially opened to the public at the Universal Exposition in Paris.

1891 - U.S. President Benjamin Harrison had the first electric lights installed in the White House. Irwin H. “Ike”, the electrician who came to do the work, was retained as the White House electrician to operate the lights because the President's family was afraid of getting shocked.    

1896 - The Aerodrome No. 5  made the first successful flight of an unpiloted, engine-driven, heavier-than-air craft of substantial size.  Its first flight travelled 3,300-ft.

1916 - The first U.S. radio telephone ship-to-shore conversation was made.   

1948 - India rejected the Security Council's plan for UN supervision over plebiscite in Kashmir.

1953    - A heart-lung machine designed by Dr. John Heysham Gibbon was used to successfully complete the first open-heart surgery, demonstrating that an artificial device can temporarily mimic the functions of the heart. 


2015 - In response to terrorist dangers such as the January shootings at French satire magazine 'Charlie Hebdo', the French National Assembly passes a law to expand the government's surveillance powers; critics warn that the act will violate civil liberties.

2019 - One million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction according to a major new UN report.


1856 -   Sigmund Freud, Austrian father of psychoanalysis.

1861 - Motilal Gangadhar Nehru, lawyer and politician, President of the Indian National Congress.

1861- Radindranath Tagore, poet/mystic/composer, Nobel 1913.

1983 – Gagan Narang, sportsperson (shooting).


1589 - Mian Tansen, famous singer of Akbar's court.

1922 - Chhatrapati Rajarshi Shahu, great revolutionary, freedom fighter and social reformer of Kolhapur.

1952 - Maria Montessori, pioneer in modern education, who spent almost 10 years in India, died in Noordwijk aan Zee. The principles and techniques advocated by her are also applied to the education of handicapped children and adult education.

You may have known 


Pakistan military displays more of an indirect exploitation through the retired personnel. They act as primary conduits for the covert use of the country's resources.

Good morning. Have a nice day.

Raj Kadyan

Thursday, 4 May 2023

ECHS Login

ECHS Login


The Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) was launched by the Indian government in 2003 to provide healthcare benefits to retired armed forces personnel and their dependents. The scheme is designed to provide cashless medical treatment to eligible beneficiaries through a network of ECHS hospitals and empanelled private hospitals across the country. ECHS Login is an online portal that allows beneficiaries to access their ECHS profiles and avail various services offered under the scheme. In this article, we will explore the various features of ECHS Login and how to use it.

Registration Process for ECHS Login

To access ECHS Login, the first step is to register on the ECHS website. The registration process is simple and can be completed in a few steps. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to register on ECHS Login:

Step 1: Go to the official website of ECHS ( and click on the “Online Application” button.

Step 2: Click on the “Registration” button to start the registration process.

Step 3: Fill in the required details, including your name, email address, mobile number, and a password of your choice.

Step 4: Verify your mobile number and email address by entering the OTP sent to your registered mobile number and email.

Step 5: Click on the “Submit” button to complete the registration process.

Once you have completed the registration process, you can log in to the ECHS Login portal using your registered email address and password.

Features of ECHS Login

The ECHS Login portal offers a wide range of features to beneficiaries, including the following:

1. View ECHS Profile: Once you have logged in to the ECHS portal, you can view your ECHS profile, which contains details of your family members, medical history, and entitlements.

2. Book Appointments: Beneficiaries can book appointments with ECHS hospitals and empanelled private hospitals through the ECHS Login portal. You can select the hospital of your choice, date, and time of the appointment.

3. Check Prescription Status: If you have been prescribed medication by an ECHS doctor, you can check the status of your prescription through the ECHS Login portal. You can view the details of the medication, including the dosage and frequency.

4. View Medical Reports: Beneficiaries can view their medical reports, including lab reports and diagnostic imaging reports, through the ECHS Login portal.

5. Check Claim Status: If you have submitted a claim for reimbursement of medical expenses, you can check the status of your claim through the ECHS Login portal. You can view the details of the claim, including the amount claimed and the status of the claim.

6. Upload Documents: Beneficiaries can upload their medical documents, including prescriptions and medical reports, to their ECHS profile through the ECHS Login portal.

How to Book an Appointment through ECHS Login

Booking an appointment with an ECHS hospital or empanelled private hospital through the ECHS Login portal is a simple process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to book an appointment through ECHS Login:

Step 1: Log in to the ECHS Login portal using your registered email address and password.

Step 2: Click on the “Book Appointment” button on the homepage.

Step 3: Select the hospital of your choice from the list of ECHS hospitals and empanelled private hospitals.

Step 4: Choose the date and time of the appointment.

Step 5: Click on the “Confirm” button to complete the booking process.

Once you have booked an appointment, you will receive a confirmation message on the ECHS Login portal, and you will also receive an SMS on your registered mobile number with the details of the appointment.

How to Check Claim Status through ECHS Login

If you have submitted a claim for reimbursement of medical expenses, you can check the status of your claim through the ECHS Login portal. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check claim status through ECHS Login:

Step 1: Log in to the ECHS Login portal using your registered email address and password.

Step 2: Click on the “Claims” tab on the homepage.

Step 3: Select the claim for which you want to check the status.

Step 4: Click on the “View” button to view the details of the claim.

Step 5: Check the status of the claim. If the claim has been processed, you can view the amount approved for reimbursement.

If you have any queries related to the claim, you can contact the ECHS helpline or the concerned hospital for more information.

How to Upload Documents to ECHS Profile through ECHS Login

Beneficiaries can upload their medical documents, including prescriptions and medical reports, to their ECHS profile through the ECHS Login portal. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to upload documents to ECHS profile through ECHS Login:

Step 1: Log in to the ECHS Login portal using your registered email address and password.

Step 2: Click on the “Profile” tab on the homepage.

Step 3: Click on the “Upload Document” button.

Step 4: Choose the type of document you want to upload from the list of options, such as prescription or medical report.

Step 5: Choose the file to upload and click on the “Upload” button.

The document will be uploaded to your ECHS profile, and you can view it anytime you want.

Advantages of ECHS Login

The ECHS Login portal offers several advantages to beneficiaries, including the following:

1. Easy Access: Beneficiaries can access their ECHS profiles and avail various services offered under the scheme from anywhere, anytime through the ECHS Login portal.

2. Time-Saving: The ECHS Login portal allows beneficiaries to book appointments, check claim status, and view medical reports and prescription status in a few clicks, saving them time and effort.

3. Reduced Paperwork: Beneficiaries can upload their medical documents to their ECHS profile through the ECHS Login portal, reducing paperwork and making it easier to manage their medical records.

4. Better Healthcare: The ECHS Login portal helps beneficiaries to access the best healthcare facilities in their area, ensuring that they receive the best medical treatment.

5. Cashless Transactions: The ECHS Login portal enables beneficiaries to avail cashless medical treatment at empanelled hospitals, reducing the financial burden on them.


The ECHS Login portal is a user-friendly platform that allows beneficiaries to access their ECHS profiles and avail various services offered under the scheme. With the help of the ECHS Login portal, beneficiaries can book appointments, check claim status, and view medical reports and prescription status in a few clicks, saving them time and effort. The ECHS Login portal also helps in reducing paperwork, ensuring that beneficiaries can manage their medical records easily. Overall, the ECHS Login portal has proved to be a game-changer in providing healthcare benefits to retired armed forces personnel and their dependents, and it has improved the quality of healthcare services available to them

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Sudan Civil War

Sudan Civil War


    Sudan has experienced numerous civil wars since its independence from Britain in 1956. The most recent and deadliest conflict is the Sudan Civil War, which began in 2013 and is ongoing as of 2023. We call it as Sudan Civil War 2023. 

    The conflict has caused immense human suffering, with millions of people displaced, tens of thousands killed, and the economy and infrastructure of the country severely damaged.


    The Sudan Civil War is a continuation of the long-standing conflict between the government of Sudan and various rebel groups that represent the marginalized ethnic and political minorities of the country. 

    The conflict has been fueled by a range of issues, including political representation, economic inequality, ethnic tensions, and access to resources such as land, water, and oil. The conflict is also influenced by the complex historical legacy of colonialism and post-colonial politics in Sudan.


    The immediate cause of the conflict was the power struggle between President Omar al-Bashir and his vice president, Riek Machar. Machar was accused of plotting a coup against Bashir, and he was subsequently dismissed from his position. 
    This led to a split within the ruling party, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), with Machar forming his own faction, the SPLM-In Opposition (SPLM-IO). This faction, along with other rebel groups, began to fight against the government, leading to the outbreak of the civil war.


    The Sudan Civil War has had a devastating impact on the people of Sudan. The conflict has resulted in the displacement of over two million people, with many fleeing to neighboring countries such as Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya. 
    The war has also led to widespread human rights abuses, including rape, torture, and extrajudicial killings. The economy of the country has been severely affected, with the destruction of infrastructure and the disruption of trade and agriculture. 

    This has led to food insecurity and malnutrition, with many people dependent on humanitarian aid.

Attempts at Resolution

    There have been several attempts to resolve the Sudan Civil War, but none have been successful so far. In 2015, a peace agreement was signed between the government and the rebel groups, but it broke down shortly afterwards. 

    In 2018, a new peace agreement was signed, which included a power-sharing arrangement between the government and the rebel groups. However, this agreement has also faced challenges, with some rebel groups refusing to sign on and continued violence in some regions.


    The future of Sudan remains uncertain, with the ongoing civil war and political instability. The recent overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir in 2019 and the subsequent formation of a transitional government has brought some hope for peace and stability in the country. 

    However, the country still faces significant challenges, including the ongoing conflict, economic crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Operation Kaveri 

    Operation Kaveri that is launched by the Indian Air Force. This operation involves the evacuation of Indian nationals and other foreign nationals from war-torn Sudan during Sudanese Civil War.

    The conflict in Sudan had led to a deteriorating security situation in the country, with Indian nationals and other foreign nationals living in the country facing significant risks to their safety. In order to evacuate these individuals, the Indian Air Force launched Operation Kaveri.

    Under this operation, the Indian Air Force deployed its aircraft to Sudan and carried out several flights to evacuate Indian nationals and other foreign nationals from the country. The operation involved a significant logistical effort, with the Indian Air Force coordinating with local authorities in Sudan as well as with Indian diplomatic missions in the region.


    The Sudan Civil War is a tragic reminder of the devastating impact of conflict on people's lives. The conflict has caused immense human suffering and has highlighted the need for greater efforts towards peace and stability in Sudan. The international community has an important role to play in supporting the people of Sudan and in helping to resolve the conflict through diplomatic means.


ECHS - Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme


    The Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) is a healthcare program established by the Indian government to provide comprehensive medical care to ex-servicemen (ESM) and their dependents.

    This scheme was launched on 1st April 2003 and is one of the largest healthcare networks in India. The primary objective of ECHS is to provide quality healthcare services to ex-servicemen and their families who are not covered under the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) or any other healthcare scheme.

Concept OF ECHS

Conceptually the ECHS is to be managed through the existing infrastructure of the Armed Forces in order to minimise the administrative expenditure. The existing infrastructure includes command and control structure, spare capacity of Service Medical facilities (Hospitals and MI Rooms), procurement organisations for medical and non medical equipment, defence land and buildings etc.

In order to ensure minimal disruption of the Scheme during war/training and availability of ECHS services in non military areas above mentioned resources are to be supplemented as follows :-
a. Establishing new Armed Forces Polyclinics in Non Military areas.
b. Augmenting existing medical facilities/clinics in some selected military stations to cater for heavy ESM load (Augmented Armed Forces Clinics).
c. Empanelling civil hospitals and diagnostic centres.
d. Finances.

Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme 

    The ECHS scheme / program has been instrumental in addressing the healthcare needs of ex-servicemen and their families who have served the nation with dedication and commitment. The program is run by the Indian Army and is available to all ex-servicemen who have retired from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and their dependents. The scheme covers a wide range of medical services, including hospitalization, consultations, laboratory tests, and medicines, among others.

    The ECHS has been successful in providing quality healthcare services to ex-servicemen and their families. It has significantly reduced the financial burden of medical expenses on ex-servicemen and their families. In this article, we will discuss various aspects of the ECHS program, including its history, benefits, eligibility criteria, services provided, and challenges faced. We will also explore how the program has evolved over the years and its role in promoting the health and well-being of ex-servicemen and their families.

ECHS Polyclinic

    In recent years, the ECHS program has expanded its reach and services to cater to the healthcare needs of ex-servicemen and their families across the country. The program has set up over 400 ECHS polyclinics and tied up with more than 1,000 hospitals and nursing homes across India to provide quality healthcare services to ex-servicemen and their families. The program also provides financial assistance for various medical treatments, including chronic diseases and disabilities.

    The ECHS program has also introduced various technology-enabled services, including telemedicine and online appointment booking systems, to improve access and delivery of healthcare services. The telemedicine services enable patients to consult with doctors remotely and receive medical advice and treatment without having to travel long distances. The online appointment booking system enables patients to book appointments with doctors and specialists conveniently and quickly.

Advantages of Becoming ECHS Member

1.    No age or medical condition bar for becoming a member.

2.    Life time contribution ranges from Rs 30,000/- to Rs 12,0000/- (depending upon Grade Pay)

3.    Provision for re-imbursement at CGHS rates, in case of treatment under Emergency in a non-empanelled facility.

4.    No monetary ceiling on treatment.

5.    Indoor/outdoor treatment, tests and medicines.

6.    Familiar environment and sense of belongingness.

7.    Covers spouse and all eligible dependents.

ECHS Program Challenges 

    However, the ECHS program also faces several challenges, including inadequate funding, shortage of healthcare professionals, and limited healthcare infrastructure in certain areas. These challenges impact the quality and accessibility of healthcare services provided to ex-servicemen and their families. The government and other stakeholders need to work together to address these challenges and improve the healthcare services provided under the ECHS program.

Issues related to ECHS

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ECHS Portal 

More detailed information is available at

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

OROP Latest News

One Rank One Pension 

OROP Scheme

    One Rank One Pension (OROP) is a scheme that aims to provide equal pension benefits to retired military personnel who retired at the same rank and with the same length of service, regardless of when they retired. The concept of OROP is based on the principle of equity and justice, which aims to eliminate any disparities in pension benefits among retired personnel who served in similar ranks and for similar periods of time.

    Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji Explained on One Rank One Pension in Man Ki Bat. Assured Military Veterans that work is in progress at various level to get this complex long outstanding issue issue resolved on priority.

Extract of Man ki Baat episode as follows.

    This Video is published in the Public Interest for more awareness on the One Rank One Pension updates.

    One Rank One Pension (OROP) is a pension scheme aimed at providing equal pension benefits to retired military personnel who retired at the same rank and with the same length of service, regardless of when they retired.

    OROP scheme is based on the principle of equity and justice, which seeks to eliminate any disparities in pension benefits among retired personnel who served in similar ranks and for similar periods of time.

    This was first implemented in India in 1973. It was later modified in 2015 to provide for periodic revisions of pension rates based on the prevailing rates for personnel retiring in the same rank and with the same length of service.

    The One Rank One Pension scheme is important for retired military personnel, as it provides them with financial security and stability during their retirement years, and also boosts the morale of serving military personnel by assuring them that their retirement benefits will be taken care of in a fair and equitable manner.

Long Outstanding issue

The OROP scheme has been a long-standing demand of the Indian armed forces personnel and veterans, who have been advocating for its implementation for many years. The scheme has helped to improve the financial security and stability of retired military personnel, who can now plan their retirement better, knowing that their pension benefits will be revised periodically to keep pace with changing economic conditions.

The OROP scheme has also helped to boost the morale of serving military personnel, as they know that their retirement benefits will be taken care of in a fair and equitable manner, and that their sacrifice and service to the nation will be duly recognized and rewarded.

Implementation of ORPO

The implementation of the OROP scheme has been a major step towards addressing the concerns of retired military personnel, who have been fighting for their rights for many years. The scheme has helped to address the issue of disparity in pension benefits and has brought a sense of relief to retired personnel who can now enjoy their retirement years with financial security and stability.

The OROP scheme has also helped to improve the morale of serving military personnel, who can now see that their sacrifice and service to the nation will be rewarded in a fair and equitable manner. This has resulted in greater motivation and commitment among the armed forces personnel, who know that they will be taken care of after they retire from service.

Periodic Revision on OROP

The periodic revision of pension rates under the OROP scheme is another important feature, as it ensures that the pension benefits of retired personnel keep pace with inflation and other factors that affect pension calculations. This has helped to ensure that retired personnel are not left behind in terms of their standard of living and can maintain a good quality of life even after retirement.
In conclusion, the implementation of the OROP scheme has been a significant step towards ensuring that retired military personnel receive the pension benefits that they deserve. The scheme has helped to address the issue of disparity in pension benefits and has brought a sense of relief and security to retired personnel. It has also helped to boost the morale and motivation of serving military personnel, who can now see that their service and sacrifice to the nation will be duly recognized and rewarded.

#MannkiBaat | PM Narendra Modi's 100th Mann Ki Baat

Monday, 1 May 2023

Live on HinduPost YouTube Monday 01 May 2023 6 PM


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HinduPost Live

01 May Maharashtra Din

Jai Jai Maharashtra Maza 

Maharashtra, a state located in the western part of India, has a rich cultural heritage that is celebrated on 01 May, also known as Maharashtra Din. This day marks the formation of the state of Maharashtra after the reorganization of states in 1960. Maharashtra is home to a diverse group of people, and the state is known for its vibrant culture, delicious food, and vibrant history.

As we celebrate Maharashtra Din, it is essential to remember the contributions of the great leaders and revolutionaries who fought for the formation of the state. Maharashtra has been the birthplace of many great personalities like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Lokmanya Tilak, and many more who have played an instrumental role in shaping the state's history.

On this auspicious day, it is important to celebrate Maharashtra's rich heritage and culture. As Maharashtrians, we take immense pride in our language, literature, music, dance, and festivals. Maharashtra is known for its vibrant festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Holi, and many more. These festivals bring people together, and they are an excellent opportunity to showcase our rich cultural heritage.

On this Maharashtra Din, let us all take a moment to appreciate the beauty of our state and the richness of its culture. Let us remember the contributions of our great leaders and honor their memory by upholding the values that they stood for. Let us also celebrate the diversity of our state and appreciate the unique cultures of all the different regions that make up Maharashtra.

Jai Jai Maharashtra Desha

Jai Jai Maharashtra Desha is a poem that celebrates the beauty of Maharashtra and its people. The poem was written by Narayan Hari Apte, a prominent Marathi writer, and historian. The poem is a tribute to Maharashtra and its rich cultural heritage. Here is the English translation of the poem:

Jai Jai Maharashtra Desha The land of Maharashtra is glorious It shines like the golden sun Its people are brave and valiant They are the pride of the nation

The land of Maharashtra is blessed With mountains, rivers, and oceans Its people are warm and welcoming They are the embodiment of kindness

Maharashtra is the land of Shivaji The warrior king who fought for justice It is the land of Ambedkar The great leader who fought for equality

Jai Jai Maharashtra Desha The land of Maharashtra is vibrant Its festivals are colorful and joyful Its music and dance are enchanting It is a land of endless possibilities

So let us all come together And celebrate the beauty of Maharashtra Let us all say with pride Jai Jai Maharashtra Desha!

As we celebrate Maharashtra Din, let us also take a moment to reflect on the challenges that our state is facing. Maharashtra has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and many people have lost their loved ones. We must come together as a community to support each other during these difficult times. We must follow all the guidelines issued by the government and do our part in stopping the spread of the virus.

On this Maharashtra Din, let us also take a pledge to work towards the development of our state. Maharashtra is a land of great potential, and we must harness its resources to create a better future for ourselves and our future generations. We must work towards improving the standard of living of all the people of Maharashtra and strive towards creating a society that is just and equitable.

In conclusion, as we celebrate Maharashtra Din, let us all come together to honor the rich cultural heritage of our state. Let us remember the contributions of our great leaders and celebrate the unique diversity of our state. Let us also take a moment to reflect on the challenges that we are facing and work towards creating a better future for ourselves and our state. Jai Jai Maharashtra Desha!

maharashtra din information in marathi language

Operation Kaveri Salute to Indian Air Force

Operation Kaveri

Under 'Operation Kaveri', the Indian Air Force has undertaken an impossible mission to safely rescue 121 Indians from Sudan. 

This  is engulfed in civil war, i.e. we called here as sudan civil war 2023. Indian Air Force's C-130J Super Hercules aircraft has achieved this feat at Wadi Saidon Airport on Thursday midnight. 

In many ways, this operation has been carried out to be engraved in golden letters in the history of Indian Air Force.