1932 से लेकर वर्तमान भारत के वायु सेना की ताकत उसका अपरिमेय शौर्य और अदभुत समन्वय ही शक्ति है जिसके बल पर आज इस देश के वायु सेना दुनिया के सर्वश्रेष्ठ शक्ति में से एक है। साथ ही हम दुनिया को शक्ति के साथ शांति और सहयोग का संदेश देने में भी विश्वास रखते हैं। यह बात पूर्व सैनिक सेवा परिषद जमशेदपुर द्वारा आयोजित भारतीय वायुसेना दिवस समारोह के दौरान कल बिरसानगर जोन 3( हरि सिंह सैंडल के निवास स्थान)पर संगठन के पूर्व सार्जेंट राजीव जी ने कहा। कार्यक्रम का आयोजन वायुसेना की 89 वीं वर्षगांठ के अवसर पर किया गया था। कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ अतिथियों द्वारा दीप प्रज्वलन एवं भारतमाता के चित्र पर पुष्पांजलि के साथ हुआ।तत्पश्चात राजेश जी ने संगठन गीत प्रस्तुत किया ।कार्यक्रम में काव्य गोष्टि का भी आयोजन किया गया, कवि श्री शैलेन्द्र शैल,श्री बालकृष्ण मिश्र, श्री मनीष जी, श्री शशि ओझा ने वीर रस की प्रस्तुति दी। विशिष्ट अतिथि पूर्व सैनिक आनंद बिहारी दुबे ने संगठन को धन्यवाद देते हुए कहा कि लौहनगरी वासियो को सेना के कार्यो से अवगत कराने को संगठन के प्रयास की सफलता पर बधाई दी। सम्मानित अतिथि तुलसी भवन के मानद सदस्य प्रसेनजित तिवारी एवं क्रीड़ा भारती के प्रांत मंत्री राजीव जी ने सदस्यों को संबोधित किया। इस दौरान 25 पूर्व वायुसैनिकों को अंगवस्त्र एवं पुष्प देकर सम्मानित किया गया। अतिथि और नए बनाये गए सदस्यों का परिचय सार्जेंट दीपक शर्मा ने किया। उसके बाद वायुसेना के इतिहास और संगठन्कार्य का विषय प्रवेश सार्जेंट रणेश सरन ने किया। इसके बाद संगठन की तरफ से केक कटिंग किया गया और रात्रि भोजन मातृशक्ति के साथ किया गया। जेडब्ल्यू परमहंस यादव , वारंट ऑफिसर हरि सैंडिल और भुवनेश्वर पांडेय ने वायुसेना के दिनों के अपने अनुभव साझा किया। वर्तमान भारत और हमारी वायु युद्धक शक्ति के बढ़ते स्वरूप पर उपस्थित पूर्व सैनिकों ने प्रसन्नता व्यक्त की और कहा की चीन के साथ भी हम मुकाबले में बीस साबित होंगे। धन्यवाद ज्ञापन सार्जेंट प्रेम झा ने किया। इस अवसर पर रासकुंज शर्मा, राघवेंद्र, सार्जेंट पी शंकर, दीपक शर्मा, गौतम लाल, सत्यप्रकाश, पंकज , विनय यादव, अवधेश, सिद्धनाथ सिंह, राजीव, सहित अन्य पूर्व सैनिक एवं सैन्य मातृशक्ति शामिक रहे।
Sunday, 10 October 2021
समन्यव और शौर्य की परिचयक हैं, हमारी भारतीय वायुसेना -अखिल भारतीय पूर्व सैनिक सेवा परिषद, जमशेदपुर
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Monday, 26 July 2021
Ex servicemen Property Tax Exemption : Maharashtra
Download Form Ex Servicemen Property Tax Exemption From (ZSWO)
First page contains application from Ex Servicemen
Second page to be issued by Respective ZSWO
Certificate from Respective ZSWO office.
कारगिल.जोश-जुनून व देशभक्ति के जज़्बे संग हुआ शहीद सम्मान समारोह
शहीदों को नमन, शूरवीर सम्मानित।।
Monday, 19 July 2021
शहीद निर्मलजीत सिंह सेखों की जयंती और परमवीर चक्र पीरू सिंह बलिदान दिवस।
कारगिल विजय दिवस पर शहीदों को दी जायेगी श्रधांजलि
Monday, 12 July 2021
Taliban's gaining control.
90℅ of Area is under control of Taliban
Will become a terror state.
A)Russia packed up
Three objectives were viewed by Gorbachev as conditions needed for withdrawal
internal stability
limited foreign intervention
international recognition of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan's Communist govt
B)U.S. military has withdrawn more than 90% of its troops and equipment from Afghanistan, the Pentagon announced Tuesday. The update comes about two months ahead of the deadline President Joe Biden had set earlier this year. The United States has been at war in Afghanistan for nearly 20 years.
C) India has traditionally enjoyed friendly relations with Afghanistan. Despite that, India supported the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Relations deteriorated after the Taliban took power in 1996. India unofficially supported the Northern Alliance minority groups against the Pakistani-backed Taliban.
D) PAk & POK will be threatened
E)Pakistan’s political and military leaderships are well aware that instability in Afghanistan will cause insecurity in Pakistan
F)The major alliance of the Pakistani Taliban and other anti-Pakistan militant groups, the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, shares a sense of victory with the Afghan Taliban. The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan and its affiliates have increased their presence and operations in Pakistani tribal areas and elsewhere.
G(The most important thing is to strengthen our security shield in J&K.
India can't ignore moves of Taliban
They have tried earlier to enter by land & sea routes
Sunday, 11 July 2021
Posted On: 08 JUL 2021 5:12PM by PIB Delhi
Ministry of Defence has implemented SPARSH [System for Pension Administration (Raksha)], an integrated system for automation of sanction and disbursement of defence pension. This web-based system processes pension claims and credits pension directly into the bank accounts of defence pensioners without relying on any external intermediary. A Pensioner Portal is available for pensioners to view their pension related information, access services and register complaints for redressal of grievances, if any, relating to their pension matters.
SPARSH envisages establishment of Service Centres to provide last mile connectivity to pensioners who may be unable to directly access the SPARSH portal for any reason. In addition to several offices of the Defence Accounts Department, which are already functioning as Service Centres for pensioners, the two largest banks dealing with defence pensioners – State Bank of India (SBI) and Punjab National Bank (PNB) – have been co-opted as Service Centres.
An agreement to this effect was signed between Officiating Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA) Shri Rajnish Kumar and officials of SBI & PNB, in the presence of Defence Secretary Dr Ajay Kumar and Financial Advisor (Defence Services) Shri Sanjiv Mittal in New Delhi on July 08, 2021. Under the agreement, the pensioners can approach various branches of these two banks for obtaining any service relating to their pension issues.
Appreciating the efforts of all those involved in this process, the Defence Secretary said implementation of SPARSH fulfilled a long pending requirement. He added that the decision will prove to be a boon for defence pensioners and thanked the officials of SBI & PNB. He urged them to facilitate the migration of manual data and complete the process at the earliest.
Source: PIB
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
1. Fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100 was introduced w.e.f. 01.12.1997.
2.Fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.1000 was increased w.e.f. 01.07.2017.
3. ECHS members not eligible for Medical Allowance.
4. ECHS facility is now extended to the dependents of ex-recruits boarded out are drawing Disability pension.
5. ECHS made compulsory for those discharged after 01.04.2003.
6. There is no fee for pre 1.1.96 pensioners to join this scheme.
7. From 1.1.96 to 31.3.2003 they have to pay to join this scheme.
8. From 29.12.2017 the rates have been increased. (From Recruit to Hav rank Rs. 30,000, From Nb.Sub. to Hon.Capt and Equivalents. Rs.67000 & for all Officers Rs.1,20,000)
9. If you are having 32 KB individual white card, you can use up to Dec 2020.
10. If you are having Temporary ECHS slip, you have to apply for NEW Card.
11. If you have lost your ECHS card, you have to apply on line for new card.
12. If you are a member of ECHS make sure that you are not paid Fixed Medical Allowance. If you are paid, wirte a letter to the bank to stop it, otherwise your ECHS Card will be suspended.
13. War disabled pensioners & widows are exempted from paying ECHS contribution.
14. If you are having old 16Kb (Red colour combined card), you have to change it before Sep 2018.
15. Keep note of your PPO No and always give your particulars like Rank, Group, Qualifying Service and date of birth in case of any query.
16. Always keep your pension account jointly with your Spouse. (E or S or F or S basis)
17. All family pensioners must give nomination to their pension accounts.
18.Update your pass book entries regularly.
19. Collect Pension slip from bank every month and keep it safe.
20. Link your Aadhaar Number and PAN number with your Pension account.
21. Name of your spouse in the PPO and in the Bank account must be same.
22. If your and your spouse date of birth is not with your Bank, please submit your school certificate, Aadhaar card, PAN Card, Voter ID to the Bank for recording your Date of Birth.
23. Do not forget to give Life Certificate to the Bank in November every year.
24. All Pre 1.4.1985 pensioners must make sure that their Spouse name is there for family pension. If not, apply for endorsement of family pension immediately through ZSB to your Records office.
25. All pre 1.4.1985 pensioners, who do not have pension book or PPO copy, please apply to bank and get a copy
26. If a pensioner dies before the age of 67,his spouse should get the same pension as her husband. From the date of death till the deceased attains age of 67 or for 7 Years whichever falls early.
27. The pensioners who completed 80 years of age are eligible to get 20% increase in their basic pension as additional pension. If you are not getting, you have to apply to the bank with the proof of date of birth.
28. EPF Pension in addition to Defence Pension Family pension allowed w.e.f. 27.07.2001
29. ESM can draw two pensions separately without any ceiling w.e.f. 01.01.1996.
30. DR. for re-employed ex-servicemen with some conditions w.e.f. 18.07.1997.
31. DR. is admissible to employed family pensioners without any condition w.e.f. 18.07.1997.
32. Minimum Ordinary Family Pension as per 7th CPC is Rs.9,000+ DR w.e.f. 01.01.2016.
33. Minimum Special Family Pension as per 7th CPC is Rs. 17,990 w.e.f. 01.01.2016.
34. Compensation for Delayed payment of Pension/Arrears to be paid w.e.f. 01.10.2008.
35. Improvement in pension for ORs & JCOs as per CDA Circular 430 w.e.f. 01.07.2009.
36. Additional pension is payable after 80 years on both the pensions, if any one drawing two pensions. 37. Additional pension is applicable for WIP/Disability Pension/Lib.FP & SFP.
38. Joint notification of family pension was introduced from 01.03.1985. Those who do not have joint notification for family pension, they have to apply immediately.
39. Dual family pension is payable from 24.9.2012. as per CDA Cir.504 dt.17.01.2013. The families of ESM who were drawing two pensions and died before 24.9.2012 were denied dual family pension at that time. As per CDA Cir.504, they are eligible for two family pensions.
40. W.E.F. 01.07.2009 the concept of Broad banding of percentage of disability/War injury Shall be extended to Armed Forces Pensioners who were invalided out of service prior to 01.01.1996 and are in receipt of disability/war injury pension as on 01.07.2009.
41.Broadbanding for all pensioners is applicable wef 01.01.2016(Circular 596)
42. The Cap on maximum WIP i.e. not to exceed emoluments last drawn has been removed w,e,f, 01.07.2009.
43. Liberalised family pension came into existence from 01.02.1972.
44. If you are having disabled children, unmarried daughters, widowed daughters, you must apply for Part II order (POR) for pension benefits on later dates.
45. Always check your pension with your Rank, Group, Qualifying service and date of birth.
46. Apply for financial assistance for disabled children from KSB if you are not getting from anywhere. 47. If you have lost your ESM ID Card, you have to apply for duplicate from Zilla Sainik Board.
48.Your full date of birth must be recorded in your Aadhaar Card. Your mobile number also to be linked to your Aadhaar card. Visit Aadhaar permanent enrolment centre for any change.Nowadays banks are also entrusted to be Aadhaar enrolment centre.
49. ADLR Scheme Funeral Grant Rs.10,000 w.e.f. 08/07/2016. Paid by Canteen
50.Zilla Sainik Board pays Rs.5000 funeral grant.
51. Dignified Last Rites grant from Army/Navy/Airforce HQs amount differs.
Note:- There are many more to know shall keep updating.
Warm regards,
Col Ajit Singh Rana
President TSEWA,
Haryana & Delhi
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
पूर्व सैनिकों ने फील्ड मार्शल सैम मानेकशॉ को उनकी पुण्य तिथि पर किया नमन।
अखिल भारतीय पूर्व सैनिक सेवा परिषद जमशेदपुर महानगर द्वारा सैम मानेकशॉ के अदम्य साहस और उनके युद्धकौशल को नमन किया। विषय प्रवेश तापस मजूमदार ने रखा और बिमल ओझा ने सैम मानेकशॉ के वीरता के किस्से सुनाते हुए कहा सैम मानेकशा भारतीय सेना के तत्कालीन अध्यक्ष थे, जिनके नेतृत्व में भारत ने सन् 1971 में हुए भारत-पाकिस्तान युद्ध में विजय प्राप्त किया था जिसके परिणामस्वरूप बांग्लादेश का जन्म हुआ था. अदम्य साहस और युद्धकौशल के लिए मशहूर, भारतीय सेना के इतिहास में स्वर्णिम दस्तखत करने वाले सबसे ज्यादा चर्चित और कुशल सैनिक कमांडर पद्म भूषण, पद्म विभूषण सैम मानेकशॉ भारत के पहले फ़ील्ड मार्शल थे. उन्होंने दूसरे विश्व युद्ध के अलावा तीनों युद्धों में भी भाग लिया था। दिसम्बर सन 1971 में सैम मानेकशॉ के युद्घ कौशल के सामने पाकिस्तान की करारी हार हुई तथा बांग्लादेश का निर्माण हुआ. युद्ध के दौरान भारतीय सेना ने पाकिस्तानी सेना को नाको चने चबवा दिए और इसका श्रेय काफ़ी हद तक फ़ील्ड मार्शल सैम मानेकशॉ को जाता है. उन्होंने सेना का उत्साह बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ एक मजबूत रणनीति बनाई. मानेकशॉ की कुशल रणनीति की बदौलत ही पाकिस्तानी सेना पर बहुत जल्द जीत हासिल हुई.
Sunday, 27 June 2021
1. Check all detailed entries in your Pension Pay Order (PPO) for correctness.
2. Ensure that your pension account is a joint account with spouse with ‘either or survivor’ instructions.
3. Ensure that dates of birth of self and wife are recorded in your bank pension account.
4. Consolidate all your bank accounts into one account at nearest branch for convenience
5. Remind your bank one month in advance for restoration of commuted value after 15 years of retirement.
6. Submit ‘Lifetime Arrears’ Form B (4 Copies) to your bank and obtain bank staff’s receipt on one receipted copy for your file.
7. Ensure that all your investments like FDs, Bonds, Shares, and Mutual Funds are in joint names and nomination has been filed.
8. Keep following in safe custody: I Card, Dependent Identity card for each member of family ECHS Card, Canteen Card, GIS card, PAN Card, ADHAR Card, Voter Card, Ration Card, Driving license, Bank pass books, Vehicle Registration papers, Gas connection papers, LIC Policy documents, Bank Locker Key(if any).
9. Sign ‘Life Certificate’ each year in November by visiting your bank (Any branch).
10. Submit declaration of savings under Section 80C in April every year to your bank (in their Format) to avoid excess recovery of income tax.
11. Make a WILL in time. Registration of WILL is not mandatory but advisable.
12. Keep your spouse informed on all above points from time to time.
13. Keep telephone numbers of ECHS Polyclinic and nearest Empanelled Hospital prominently displayed in house. Also, ECHS helpline 1800114115.
14. Ensure that your discharge book has all details of all family members including children who are handicapped/disabled (if any).Details of children born after retirement must also be included in the discharge book.
15. Ensure that you intimate change of permanent address to all authorities immediately particularly Records and Service Headquarters.
16. Inform Records/ Service Headquarter whenever you change your permanent address from earlier recorded address.
17. See that all documents pertaining to your house/ flat (7/12 utara, property card, sale deed, society share certificate, nomination certificate, electricity bill receipts, receipts of society charges paid, corporation tax receipts etc. …) are securely kept in a file and your spouse is in picture. Make nomination, if not already made.
18. Never put your signature on a blank paper or other documents. Sign the document only when you have read and/or understood its implication after signing.
19. Never hand over original document/s to any person/ agency/ lawyer.
20. Be fully in picture of actions to taken by your spouse after your death. (Obtain sufficient copies of death certificate, claim family pension, inform Army/Navy/AF HQ as applicable, return/ destroy your cards and get I card/ canteen card issued for self, actions in case of house/ property and investments etc.). Keep separate folders with the NOK containing sequence of actions and required letters typed with suitable blanks.
21. Link your Pension account with Aadhar and PAN card
22. Get dependent cards made from your District welfare officer(ZSWO)
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
गलवान के शहीदों को पूर्व सैनिक सेवा परिषद की श्रधांजलि।।
अखिल भारतीय पूर्व सैनिक सेवा परिषद जमशेदपुर द्वारा आज गलवान के वीर शहीदों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की गई ।अपने वीरों को नमन करने हेतु सभी पूर्व सैनिक शहीद स्मृति स्थल गोलमुरी में एकत्रित हो कर नम आंखों से पुष्पांजलि अर्पित की।कार्यक्रम का संचालन जसबीर सिंह ने कियाऔर पूर्व सैनिक सुजय मुखर्जी ने गलवान के वीरो के किस्से सुनाये और कर्नल संतोष बाबू एवं उनके अन्य साथियों के बलिदान के बारे में बताया और शहर के वीर शहीद गणेश हांसदा की वीरता को नमन किया गया। इस अवसर पूर्व सैनिकों द्वारा शहीदों को पुष्पांजलि दी गयी एवं दीप प्रज्वलन किया गया ।पूर्व सैनिक पुष्परंजन ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापन दिया। इस पर भारत माता की जय वन्दे मातरम और वीर शहीद अमर रहे के उदघोष से वातावरण गुंजायमान हो गया।इस अवसर पर भोला , सत्या प्रकाश, नवेन्दु गांगुली, सियाराम सिंह , एल बी सिंह , सुजॉय मुखर्जी ,दयानंद सिंह, निर्मल गोंड , अशोक , हरेराम कामत, पुष्पराज , जसबीर सिंह और वरुण कुमार सहित अन्य पूर्व सैनिक उपस्थित थे।
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Saturday, 3 April 2021
How can a person register on Co-WIN 2.0?
To register on the Co-WIN 2.0, here are some simple steps that a person needs to follow:
Step 1: Visit the official website of Co-WIN at cowin.gov.in.
Step 2: Enter your 10-digit mobile number or Aadhaar number to register yourself.
Step 3: By entering the number, you will receive an OTP, and you have to submit it.
Step 4: Once you are done with the registration process, get your vaccination done on the scheduled date and time.
Step 5: After this, you will receive a Reference ID by which you can get your vaccination certificate.
What are the documents required for the Co-WIN 2.0 registration process?
* For those who are aged above 45 years and are comorbid, they will have to upload a medical certificate, mentioning their comorbid condition.
* For the people who are above the age of 60, they need to carry their Aadhaar card or voter ID card or a photo ID card for the vaccination process.
Friday, 5 March 2021
FOR Navy Veterans
1. The DIAV( Dte. of Indian Army Veterans) created a Google Docs Spreadsheet on 22 Feb 2021 listing those pensioners/family pensioners in respect of whom updated personal details are not available for the issue of e PPOs.
2. Please scrutinize the attached spreadsheet ( comprising of ONLY Indian Navy pre-1986 pensioners/family pensioners and also all AMC pensioners as copy-pasted from the original list for your ease) and contact those whom you know. Ask/help them to access the list and update the list and send a copy to DOP( DOP NHQ <dop-navy@nic.in>) with CC to "Pr. CDA(Pension), Allahabad" <cda-albd@nic.in> and In case you don't find your name in the Naval List the original List can be downloaded from the link below and see if your name figures their
4. Kindly spread the word around. If your name isn't on the list, there is NOTHING you have to do.
Cdr Ravi Pathak
Monday, 22 February 2021
ECHS Smart Card : Guidelines
1. 16KB/32KB CARD HOLDERS. The ex-servicemen / family pensioners who are in the possession of Old Smart Card will be covered under this category. They are required to fill the online Smart Card Application under Existing Card Holders category available on the online portal and thereafter select relevant category i.e. 16 KB Card Holder or 32 KB Card Holder. 16KB Cards will stop working in the new system with effect from 01 Sep 2018. Applying for new 64 KB cards for 32 KB Cards holders is optional upto 10 years from the date of issue of 32 Kb Card. However, they can apply earlier also, should they want to avail the benefits of new Smart Card. For difference between 16KB / 32 KB Smart Card refer Appendix G in Combined Instructions.
(a) Registration Process.
(i) Enter your name, service number, country along with valid mobile number (for receiving One Time Password), new password, answer to the password recovery security questions, Captcha and then click on tab Register.
(ii) On the next page login using your registered mobile number and password.
(iii) Verify your mobile number with the OTP received on your mobile.
(iv) Registration process is complete after successful mobile OTP verification.
(v) After successful registration, one can login any time using registered mobile number and password to fill the online ECHS smart card application by clicking Already Registered Click to Login.
(vi) Registration details will be valid only for a period of 15 days, if the application is not filled completely and payment is not done for Smart Card, previous registration will expire and a new registration process has to be followed.
(b) Filling of Application.
(i) Select type of application ‘Online Application form for Old 16 Kb Card Holder’ or ‘Online Application form for Old 32 Kb Card Holder’, as applicable from drop down menu.
(i) Enter Old Card number of primary member.
(iii) Click on the photo tab and upload Primary Beneficiary recent passport size photograph in civil dress.
(iv) Click on signature tab and upload a photo of signature of Primary Beneficiary.
(v) Check service number for correctness. Enter your e-mail (if held). Check Ex-Serviceman name for correctness.
(vi) Select your Disability details (if any).
(vii) Select your permanent State/UT then enter your Aadhaar number and Date of Birth.
(viii) Select your Gender, Date of Commission / Enrolment, Date of Retirement/ Release, Type of Pension, Type of Service, Category, Rank, Last unit served, Record Office & PPO Number.
(ix) If disability was selected, then enter disability percentage.
(x) Enter details as required in the preceding columns.
(xi) Select Regional Centre, then select Polyclinic from the available options as per your address of residence and Station HQ will be auto populated.
(xii) Enter your permanent address, select district, tehsil and pin code.
(xiii) Check in the tab to enter your Current Address if different from Permanent Address.
(xiv) To add dependents, click on the ‘Add Dependent’ button.
(xv) Upload recent passport size photograph and photo of signature/thumb impression of the dependent by clicking on the tabs.
(xvi) Enter Dependent Name, Dependent Disability (if any), Dependent Relation, Dependent Date of Birth, Dependent Marital Status, Dependent Monthly Income, Dependent Mobile Number, Dependent Email ID, Dependent Aadhaar number Dependent Gender, Blood Group, Dependent PAN number (if available), Drug Allergies (if known). Option to select different Polyclinic for each dependent will be available. If you need to select different polyclinic for your dependent then provide current address of your dependent. Then select Regional Centre, Polyclinic. The cards for dependents will be required to be collected from concerned Stn HQ, if different from Primary Beneficiary.
(xvii) For white card eligibility, select physical disability as per The Person With Disabilities, PWD Act 1995 from the drop down menu. Attaching of scanned copy of medical certificate by service specialist as per format provided is a mandatory requirement.
(xviii) Follow same procedure for addition of all the dependents. Dependent, if added erroneously can be deleted before submission of form.
(xix) Details in the application can be edited any time before submission. Keep saving your application by clicking on the tab ‘Temporary Save’ in order to save your data in the event of network or website failure.
(xx) After completion of entire application click on tab ‘Download Application Form’. Your filled application will be downloaded for checking the correctness before final submission.
(xxi) After ensuring application has been filled correctly click to check the I Agree button for accepting the Self Declaration in lieu of Affidavit.
(xxii) Then click on tab ‘Proceed for payment’. A warning message will be displayed to download application for checking the correctness of details in filled application.
(xxiii) In case of any discrepancies in the eligibility criterion of any dependent or any field is left blank, respective field will be highlighted in red. Check and correct the same for proceeding further to Payment.
(c) Attachments.
(i) PPO copy.
(ii) Old Smart Card copy.
(iii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).
(iv) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD) (Appendix B).
(d) Payment.
(i) You will be directed to a new window for payment for ECHS Smart Cards. Please note that the cost of one Smart Card is Rs. 177/- (inclusive of all taxes) plus transaction charges extra (as applicable). Separate card will be needed for all members.
(ii) Select mode of payment and proceed as directed.
(iii) On successful payment the filled application will be available to download under individuals login for printing. There is NO need to forward filled application to any office, it is available only for record purpose of applicant.
(e) Observation by Record Office.
(i) In case of any observation raised by your Record Office, the observations of Record Office will be reverted back to you for correction. You will get an intimation SMS regarding observations by Record Office.
(ii) Observations raised by the Record Office will be spelt out in your login.
(iii) Correct the observations and re-submit the application to Record Office for further processing of Smart Card application.