Thursday, 3 September 2015

OROP Agitation - Col TN Raman

Dear Veterans,

 I am really surprised that a senior member of BJP, Shri Koshiari should have equated our present agitation to that of labour union tactics. When such agitations started in 2008 under the aegis of IESM,when UPA was in power, which also included depositing of medals, none of these BJP stalwarts equated them with Trade Union tactics. On the contrary, there was encouragement from that party's side, to gain some narrow political advantage. Still, in the general election that followed, the UPA managed to carry the day. The table was turned only in 2014 General Election, when the BJP unambiguously proclaimed the implementation of OROP, which was repeated by the PM in many Rallies subsequently.

 In any debate or discussion about OROP, reference to Koshiari Committee Report is inescapable. In fact, the definition of OROP, which is now accepted by a large section of the stake holders,  is strengthened by that Committee's Report. It had surpassed the earlier KP Singh Deo's Report in tabulating many nuances of the Defence Forces and their ethos. Had the present Govt followed the report, the present situation of Veterans resorting to peaceful agitation in Jantar Mantar could have been avoided. Shri Koshiari himself would be fully aware of it.

 In one of the TV debates, Shekhar Gupta had mentioned that the Veterans agitation seems to take the shape of Trade Union activities. I am not disturbed by his observation. But, what is worrying me is the comparison of the Veterans Agitation to the Trade Unions, and some senior Defence Officers also echoing the same sentiment for their non participation in such agitations by the Veterans.

 First, is there any Trade Union strike or agitation, which has not sought the direct support  of the serving employees of any particular organisation, be it Nationalized Banks or the Neiveli Lignite Corporation or the Central Govt Employees? The members of the Trade Unions are the serving employees with a sprinkling of retired ones. None of the ESM Associations have a single serving soldier as its member. On the other hand, we consciously keep our serving fraternity away from the issues affecting the Veterans, in order not to affect their oath of allegiance to the constitution. We care for the Nation.

 Even a strike called by the Transport Buses, Lorries, Taxis or Auto Rickshaws will affect the normal day to day functioning of the general public. Veterans just cannot call for a strike, because they have nothing to deny or inconvenience the Govt or public. So, we resort to agitations in remote, earmarked places allotted by the concerned authorities, to carry on our protests, with a fond hope that some one, may be the media, public or even the Govt may take note of the same. It is now obvious that the BJP leadership has taken note of this. That also in a very serious manner. Probably, the moral pressure exerted by UFESM through the peaceful and prolonged RHS, is becoming unbearable to the Ruling alliance. The misadventure enacted on 14 August 15, could have added to their discomfiture.

 In another talk show, a BJP spokes person from Tamilnadu had mentioned that her Govt is considering granting OROP, not because the Veterans form an effective vote Bank, which is negligible. She has further stated that the Veterans should be happy that the PM has repeatedly assured of the Govt's resolve to grant OROP. This was a couple of days prior to the Independence Day. Her statement was mainly to counter the support extended to OROP by all other political parties of Tamilnadu,  less AIADMK, which has remained silent on this issue, ostensibly under the tutelage of BJP.

  The road map for the Veterans is clear. Never try the political game. We are not trained to sabotage the interest of the Nation, to gain our own narrow political aims. A PM can declare on the eve of a State Election, that it was the first time the Army had owned up to the killing of innocent youths ( Badgaon), and  it was " Modi Sarkar ka kamal hai". That also even before any inquiry had been ordered. Can any Veteran support this sort of blasphemy?

  We shall forget our differences and ego and forge ahead for issue based unity. Let 14 August prove to be the turning point in our saga for the fight for justice. We will succeed.

 At the same time, let us assure the citizens of our country that we shall not indulge in any act that may sully the fair name of the Serving Defence Fraternity, as being projected by Shri Koshiari. As far as my knowledge goes, the UFESM is apolitical. However, on reading the news in the print media and the proclamations made by some of the BJP leaders themselves, it is possible that their ranks may try to infiltrate the ESM Movement, and try to maneuver to achieve their aim of splitting the ESM community.

 The serving soldiers are not affected by our agitation. But, they are affected by the lack of will of the Govt to execute its own promise given before and after the last General Election. In Defence Forces, even in the thick of a battle or operation, we only receive verbal orders. I have seen a few commanders challenging the written operational orders, blaming some ambiguity or deficiency in clarity in the language used. But, none has challenged the verbal orders for any reason.

 PM Modi's proclamations and promises are as sacrosanct to us Veterans, like the verbal orders of a commander. Unfortunately, that is the Military ethos we are brought up of which Shri Koshiari himself mentions.
Veteran Col TN Raman

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