Sunday, 27 September 2015

Pension : EC / SSC OfficersLetter to Ministry of Defence - Lt Col HKL Anand,(Retd)

Phone- 23019080, 23012692, 23019606  

MAJOR VED PRAKASH                                                                                   24 AKBAR ROAD
CHAIRMAN                                                                                                       NEW DELHI 110011
x-Servicemen Department                                                                           10    Aug 2015

SECRETARY (ESW),                                                                     
DESW, Ministry of Defence
Govt. of INDIA, 5A, South Block
NEW DELHI 110011

For kind personal  attention of Shri Prabhu Dayal Meena  
Commissioned/Short Service Commissioned,( EC/SSC ) OFFICERs.




1              (a) Further to our letter Dated 08 Dec 2014 0n the subject, and

  (b) ref PCDA(P) letter No G1/M/1042/EC/XI  Dated 5/5/2015 addressed to ACGDA(Pen),O/O CGDA with a copy of their letter of even No Dated 30.08.2010  the CGDA with copy to Shri Ajay Saxena,Under Secretary,MOD,DESW,D(Pen/Pol),Sena Bhavan,New Delhi


2.           The subject matter has affected the welfare of a large number of EC/SSC Officers who Could not be granted pension as ICO`s due to shortage of combined service. They were granted lesser pension, as OR, than ICO`s pension, which was further reduced due to anomaly in counting of their service as Commissioned officer towards their service in the ranks. Yet it is 7 months since the letter at 1(a) above has not been responded to.


3.           PCDA(P) letter at Para 1(b) above was in response to our letter dated 23 Feb 15 wherein we complained  against PCDA(P) for :-

 (a)        their not taking up with MOD to provide policy decision for counting of ICO`s service towards OR`s service as had been done in the case of counting of OR service for ICO`s (Indian Commissioned Officer) pension.

(b)         their Counting ICO`s service at par with OR service in utter disregard to the difference in the quality of service due to which HALF of OR service,earlier, and 2/3 of OR service now was counted towards ICO`s service.

(C )        their not initiating a case for such a provision even after it was brought to their notice by MOD vide their ID No 09/D(Pen/Pol) 2010 Dated 13.05.2010 forwarded to them vide CGDA letter  no AT/CC/P-Ors/S-1332/06/06 dated 19.05.2010 based on our DO letters Dated 25 Apr 2008 and  16 July 2009.         .

4.           Although our DO letter Dated 25 Apr 2008, addressed to the Honble RM, was referred to PCDA (P) and they replied vide their letter No G1/M/1042/EC/XI Dated10.06.2010, yet we learnt it only when a copy was sent to us by PCDA (P) vide their letter No G1/M/1042/EC/XI Dated 18.09.2012 on some other query about the pension of Capt Surain Singh. Similarly a correction to their letter Dated 10.06.2010 vide their letter dated 30.08.2010  has been conveyed to us  now by them and not by MOD  vide their letter dated 05.05.2015.


5.           Counting of service for pension in respect of EC/SSC Officers was carried out by PCDA(P) according to GOI, MOD ,letter No 10 (1)/59/593-S/1/D(Pensions/Services) Dated 30th Aug 1966, which catered only  for “Counting Of OR Service For ICO`s Pension”. In the first sentence of their  letter Dated 30.08.2010, PCDA(P) have stated that “ NO SUCH PROVISION  HAS  BEEN ISSUED BY GOVT FOR COUNTING OF  COMMOSSIONED SERVICE TOwARDS OR SERVICE BY MULTIPLING FACTOR OF 3/2”. PCDA(P), arbiterarily counted,ICO`s service at par with OR`s service.


6.           Probably  provision for ICO`s pension for combined service  was made for EC officers who were serving as JCOs/Ors before grant of commission in an earlier precedent, when  Emergency Commission was granted, in World War ii to those EC officers only who were granted permanent commission. Grant of pension for combined service to those EC/SSC officers who were not granted Permanent Commission and were discharged from service appears to have been a unique feature  towards welfare of  such EC/SSC officers after 1962 .It is possible that such officers of World War ii vintage were not given such a consideration.


7.           Whereas PCDA(P) should have ,while sanctioning first such pension,  immediately on their own, brought this point to the notice of MOD and they would have issued suitable GoI. letter,no action to redress the wrong done to EC/SSC officers has been taken even after it was pointed out by us  since Apr.2008.This anomaly has resulted in financial loss to the affected EC/SSC officers. PCDA(P) have tried to camouflage this lapse in the last Para of their letter dated 10.06.2010 as follows;-

“However,as per GOI, MOD. Letter no. 1(1)/2007-D(Pen/Policy) dt 20.05.2009,while counting  the OR service for all Emergency Commissioned Officers ,full pre-commission service (not 2/3 OR`s service ) is calculated for pension towards commissioned officers.”


8. EC/SSC officers were granted pension at the scale of pension of Hony Lt as per GOI letter dated 20.05.1009,mentioned in Para7 above. Full pre-commission service of EC/SSC officers was counted and not 2/3 because it was so in the case of Hony. Lt.also.


9.The scale of pension of EC/SSC officers having been rationalized wef 1,1.96, they  have been put to financial loss due to incorrect counting of pre-commission OR`s service for the period from the date of award of pension to 1.1.96.You are, therefore, requested to issue a GOI letter similar to the 30 Aug 1966 letter, captioned “COUNTING OF COMMISSIONED OFFICER`s SERVICE FOR OR`s PENSION”, with 3/2 multiplying factor for Commissioned Officer`s Service, and to be effective from the date of Special Army Instruction 6/S/65.

                                                                                                 Yours Sincerely
                                                                                                 Lt Col HKL Anand,(Retd) 
                                                                                                 Welfare Officer
                                                                                                AICC Ex-Servicemen Department    

Copy to        
Capt Surain Singh(Retd)
2461,HIG  Flats Ph. Ii
Dugri Road, LUDHIANA, 141013                        

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