Sunday, 6 December 2015

TSEWA : Minutes of Meeting - Brig CS Vidyasagar



1          The Core Committee of T-SEWA met at 1030 hrs on 24 Nov 2015 in Ratna Sudha Sadan in the premises of AWHO Sector C, Gautama Enclave, Secunderabad. The attendance has been found to be thin compared to other meetings.

2.         Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd), President welcomed all attendees and briefed them on various developments.

3.         Meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister on 24 Nov 2015 at New Delhi. Cmde Sudheer Parakala, Core Committee member and Brig SKS Rana, VSM represented T-SEWA in the meeting with the hon’ble Union Finance Minister on 24 Nov 2015 in his official chambers in Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi. Cmde Sudheer Parkala will brief all the members on this meeting later.

4.         Organisation of T-SEWA at Various Levels. The President informed that T-SEWA is gaining lot of respect and every day we are receiving requests from veterans all over India to join T-SEWA. Already the team led by Cmde Sudheer Parakala with Col MJ Ganapathy and Col N Seetaramaiah gave a vision document as to how T-SEWA should be structured from National level (Secunderabad) to Village level all over India. This document has been sent to all members of T-SEWA for their comments.

5.         In the mean time, the President requested Cmde Sudheer Parakala to work out detailed organisation with Responsibilities, powers and method of functioning at all levels from Zonal level to Village level. The President stressed that all T-SEWA organisations right from Zonal level to Village level must have total autonomy to carry welfare activities. The HQ should only step in to guide them and provide finances to carry out any welfare programme at various levels. No diktats should be issued to these organisations by the HQ.

6.         The President requested Cmde Sudheer Parakala to put up detailed paper to Core Committee by 31 Dec 2015 so that the same can be deliberated and decision is taken for implementation. Suggestions from all members have already been sought. As and when these are received, the same will be considered by Cmde Sudheer Parakala and wherever possible the same shall be incorporated in their paper.

7.         Affiliation to UFESM. The President spoke from the venue of Core Committee with Brig SKS Rana, VSM and sought his opinion on T-SEWA becoming constituent of UFESM. Cmde Suhdeer Parakala was also asked to give his opinion now that he interacted with UFESM on 24 Nov 2015. Views of all Core Committee members were sought. The President explained that grievances of Ex-Servicemen can be projected to the Govt of India through memorandum. If the grievances are not resolved then the only alternative is to approach Courts of law. Since Ex-Servicemen do not believe in violence like Rail rook, Rasta Roko or burning of Govt property and disrupting public order the only way left is knock doors of Courts of law. There is no point in sitting in Dharnas for hundreds of days as it will not make Govt of India to react. At the most symbolic protest can be organised by conducting meeting or marching rally at various places which is a democratic means of expressing our displeasure to draw attention of public and media.

8.         The members of Core Committee having heard views of Brig SKS Rana, VSM, Cmde Sudheer Parakala and the President expressed their unanimous view that T-SEWA should not become constituent of UFESM but must chart its own course to render welfare to Ex-Servicemen and Family Pensioners.  However any help sought by UFESM can be given as and when asked for. The Core Committee requested Brig SKS Rana, VSM to convey our stand to UFESM in the meeting to be held in Narayan Dutt Tiwari building in New Delhi on 29 Nov 2015.

9.         Other members of T-SEWA who could not attend Core Committee can express their opinions on this important subject by sending e-mail to the President ( by 07 Dec 2015.

10.       Nomination of Zonal Chiefs of T-SEWA. Till AGM of T-SEWA is held the Core Committee appointed the following to the posts mentioned against their names:-

            (a)        Cmde Sudheer Parakala          -           South Zone, T-SEWA.

            (b)        Brig SKS Rana, VSM             -           North Zone, T-SEWA.

10.       The designation of various heads from Zonal level to Village level will be recommended by Cmde Sudheer Parakala in their paper. These  heads could be called President South Zone T-SEWA, President Punjab T-SEWA, President Karimnagar Dist T-SEWA, President Puttur Tehsil T-SEWA etc. Or it could be Joint President North Zone, Additional President Maharashtra, Deputy President Agra Dist, Asst President Bhim Tehsil etc.

Handling of Legal Cases in Pipe Line

11.       The President informed that Brig SKS Rana, VSM after consulting our legal counsel Brig AK Srivastava suggested that we can start filing our cases in the following order of precedence:-

(a)        AFT Case 1    -           Enhancement of Pension of Officers from Lt to Maj Gen to be filed in AFT Delhi by Dec 2015 (due to non-receipt of Vakalatnamas from about 110 litigant officers and single ladies). Gp Capt CRR Sastry, our Legal Advisor has been requested to write to all litigants to send their vakalatnamas without any further delay. Otherwise they are likely to be taken off from our list to be submitted to AFT Delhi and legal fees if collected will be returned. Those who did not send the legal fees but sent only Vakalatnamas will not be included in the list of litigants if they do not remit their legal fees at the earliest. Any one sending their legal fees after 15 Dec 2015 has to pay Rs 6,000 as they are known as Impleaders. Even members of T-SEWA who did not remit legal fees by 15 Dec 2015 even after submitting Vakalatnamas are to be treated as Impleaders. Gp Capt CRR Sastry has been requested to take action accordingly. Hence forth all litigants are requested to correspond with Gp Capt CRR Sastry (mob no: 8374446108, e-mail id : about this case including receipt of Vakalatnamas. Gp Capt CRR Sastry was also requested to send blank Vakalatanams by e-mail which can be downloaded by litigant members and send them directly to Gp Capt CRR Sastry.

(b)        AFT Case No 2. Broadbanding. It is being dealt by Col PPS Kumaran (mob no: 9447101671, email id: The last date for submission of Vakalatnamas and legal fees is 15 Jan 2016. Any member wants to join this legal fees has to send Vakalatnamas and cheque to Col PPS Kumaran and if they send legal fees by NEFT then they should send it in favour of TSEWA-AFT acct no: 35238730663 under intimation to Col PPS Kumaran and Lt Col G Parvthesam (mob no: 9490941822, e-mail id : Any veteran who wishes to join the legal case has to fill up membership form and send membership fees by cheque to Col PPS Kumaran. Col PPS Kumaran in turn will inform by e-mail on daily basis receipt of membership form from veteran(s) to Lt Col G Parvathesam, Treasurer who will give membership no. There after Col PPS Kumaran will prepare legal brief and go to Delhi to first brief Brig SKS Rana, VSM and then discuss the case in detail with our legal counsel Brig AK Srivastava. The case is likely to be filled in AFT Delhi by 31 Jan 2016. The legal fees is as under:-

(a)        Officer veterans                      -           Rs 5,000 (per case)

(b)        Hony Lts/Hony Capts             -           Rs 4,000

©         JCOs                                       -           Rs 3,000

(d)       NCOs (Hav & Nk)                  -           Rs 2,000

(e)        Sepoy                                      -           Rs 1,000

Officers could be eligible for more than one case like Pension enhancement as on Jan 2006 (AFT Case No 1), Broad Banding (AFT Case No 2), Pension of Col (TS) for all pre- 16 Dec 2004 Lt Col(TS) which is AFT Case No 3. Such officers are required to pay Rs 5000 each i.e 3 x 5000 = Rs 15,000 as our legal counsel will charge his legal fees for every case. Same is the case with JCOs and OR. For every case they are required to pay legal fees separately.

©         AFT Case No 3: Pension of Col (TS) to all Pre – 16 Dec 2004 Lt Cols(TS). This case is being dealt by Lt Col KP Radhakrishnan (mob no: 9448350925 and e-mail id : This case is planned to be filed in AFT Delhi by 29 Feb 2016. Last date for submission of Vakalatanams and remittance of legal fees to Lt Col KP Radhakrishnan is 15 Feb 2016.

(d)        AFT Case No: 4: Enhancement of Pension of JCOs, OR and Family Pensioners. This case is under planning stage. Unless we are able to get State Coordinators like Col PPS Kumaran & Lt Col KP Radhakrishnan, we can only explain the likely arrears they are to get from Jan 2006. It is seen JCOs and OR are not forthcoming unlike officers to file their cases in AFTs. The legal fees for Single ladies is as under:-

(i)         Single Ladies of JCOs                        -           Rs 500

(ii)        Single Ladies of NCOs & OR                        -           Rs 200

(e )       AFT Case No 5: Pension of Lt Col to all pre – 16 Dec 2004 Majs with 20 Years’ Service. This is under planning stage. Once we get a coordinator who can collect particulars from affected Majs, we will commence our work in right earnest.

(f)        AFT Case No 6. Grant of Penson of Hav to all pre – 2006 Sepoys. All post – 2006 Sepoys retire and draw pension of Hav due to ACP scheme whereas the same has been denied to pre – 2006 Sepoys.

(g)        AFT Case No 7: Pension of Nb Sub to Hony Nb Subs, Pension of Sub to Hony Subs and Pension of Sub Majs to Hony Sub Majs. All such post - 2006 honorary ranks draw pension of their corresponding ranks i.e. Hony Nb Sub draws pension of Nb Sub. But the same has been denied to pre- 2006 retirees.

(h)        AFT Case No 8: Grant of Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension  to Single Ladies of Hav, Nk and Sepoy as on Jul 2009 and 24 Sep 2012.  All NCOs and OR have been given enhanced pension w.e.f 01 Jul 2009 and 24 Sep 2012. Similarly all JCOs were given pension hike w.e.f Jul 2009. Family pensioners of Officers have been given pension hike w.e.f. 24 Sep 2012. But single ladies of Hav, Nk and Sep have not been given any hike in pension which is against principle of EQUITY.  On an experimental basis a case is being planned to be filed in AFT Kochi for which legal expenses will be borne by T-SEWA. But such family pensioners need to become members of T-SEWA as this organisation will file the case on behalf of its members.

12.       Visit of President for makng Presentation to Officers, JCOs & OR. The President has been invited to make a presentation on issues affecting veterans like Pensions, OROP, 7th CPC etc. His programme is as under:-

            (a)        Agra, UP                     -           From 04 to 08 Dec 2015 (under arrangements of

                                                                        Hav Harish Chandra Asthana).


(b)        Tamilnadu                   -           From 11 to 18 Dec 2015 (with the help of Col PN

                                                            Krishnan and Col TN  Raman). Presentations will

                                                            be made in Chennai on 12 Dec, Sirivilliputtur on

13 Dec 2015, thereafter in Vellore,

Tiruvannamalai and Tiruchinapalli till 17 Dec.

 Cmde Sudheer Parakala also will accompany the



13.       State of Vakalatnamas. Gp Capt CRR Sastry, Legal Advisor informed on perusal of all Vakalatnamas collected from Lt Col G Parvathesam, Treasurer he found the following types of litigants:-

(a)        Priority I- All Clear. Litigants who sent vakalatnamas both for AFT and hon’ble Supreme Court and remitted legal fees. This is Priority I and they all shall be included in our legal case to be filed  in AFT Delhi by end of Dec 2015.


(b)        Priority II: Vakalatnama of AFT Delhi only Sent and Not of Hon’ble Supreme Court. Litigants who remitted legal fees, sent Vakalatnam of AFT Delhi  only. They did not send Vakalatnama for hon’ble Supreme Court. Their names will be included in our legal case. Gp Capt CRR Sastry will send blank Vakalatnama for hon’ble Supreme Court to such litigants and they are requested to send it to him duly filled by 20 Dec 2015 failing which their names will not be included in our legal case to be filed subsequently in hon’ble Supreme Court (if dragged by Govt of India to hon’ble Supreme Court).


©         Priority III: Legal Fees Remitted but No Vakalatnamas. Litigants who remitted legal fees but not Vakalatnams for both AFT and hon’ble Supreme Court. Gp Capt CRR Sastry will send blank Vakalatnamas and litigants are requested to fill them up and send them to him by 20 Dec 2015 failing which they will not be included in our legal case and legal fees will be refunded.


(d)        Priority IV: Litigants sent only Vakalatnamas but NOT Legal Fees. Such litigants will not be included in our list to be filed in AFT Delhi. They are requested to immediately remit legal fees either by Cheque through Speed post or by NEFT and  giving all details such as Transaction no, date, amount, IFSC of bank by e-mail to Lt Col G Parvathesam by 20 Dec 2015.


14.       Gp Capt CRR Sastry, Legal Advisor will send communication through E-mails, SMS and even by letter under speed post to Prioritgy II to IV litigants. T-SEWA will not be responsible if members do not adhere to the requests made to expedite submission of Vakalatnamas and remittance of legal fees.


15.       Additional Volunteers. The President appealed to members of Core Committee for volunteers to strengthen hands of Col Dr GB Sethi, Gen Secy and Lt Col G Parvathesam. The following volunteered to come daily and they shall be paid cost of fuel to commute from their homes to Office and back :-


(a)        Cmde Ashok Kota                  -           All correspondence with Col PPS

Kumaran & Lt Col KP Radhakrishnan.

Attending to any query received from

Litigant members on AFT Case No 2 & 3.

Assist Col Dr GB Sethi, Lt Col G

Parvathesam and President in office



(b)        Capt B Joseph                         -           All work connected with SBI, Bhaskar

                                                                        Rao Nagar, Canara Bank, Sainikpuri,

purchase of any office requisites, items required for personnel working in the office, maintenance of property / Stock register, accounting of money expended on all purchases, dealing with Chartered Accountant.


16.       Web Site for T-SEWA. The President informed that T-SEWA blog has been put into operation by Wg Cdr Ashwani Kumar Sarda. Posts are regularly being placed by the President who has been given powers to do so. All members of TSEWA can see the posts and can give their feedback in the comments portion of the blog to improve functioning of T-SEWA. The President requested if any member can suggest a suitable web designer for T-SEWA. Col Dr GB Sethi, Gen Secy informed that he already requested an officer who designed web sites for others. He volunteered to design web site for T-SEWA.


Points from Col Dr GB Sethi, Gen Secy


17.       The Gen Secy informed that our data base is nearing completion. Many veterans who sent their legal fees but could not be identified due to NO or inadequate data of NEFT are being identified by various means. He hoped by 05 Dec, Saturday we should be able to come out with almost 99% correctness in our data base. We are sending mails and also on telephone getting in touch with officers to furnish their payment details. He also informed that about 20 cheques were dishonoured by our bank due to many mistakes such as (a) Signature in the cheque not tallying (b) Figures and words in cheque did not match (c)  Cheque unsigned (d)  Stop payment instructions received from senders (e)  Litigants not joining AFT Case No 1 being not eligible.


18.       Despatch of I-Cards. He informed that about 250 I-Cards have been despatched to members by Col MK Veeramani. Particulars of 500 veterans and single ladies are given to our Printer. By end of Dec 2015, he hopes all members would be despatched I-Cards.


19.       Design of Membership Form. Lt Col VRRS Reddy, Core Committee member showed a sample of new membership form he designed. This new membership form has been examined in great detail by all members of Core Committee. Suggestions to include essential data and removal of un-wanted data from the form was explained. In next meeting on 05 Dec 2015, we should be able to standardise our membership form. The Core Committee thanked Lt Col VRRS Reddy for his dedicated work on making the new membership form.


20.       Points from Other Members. Col MJ  Ganapathy stressed that our efforts to spread T-SEWA in various locations must be expedited. With President travelling to various states on his presentations, we should be able to identify dedicated veterans who can be State Coordinators.


21.       Meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister. Cmde Sudheer Parakala along with Brig SKS Rana, VSM attended the meeting convened by hon’ble Finance Minister in his office in Finance Ministry on 24 Nov 2015. Cmde Sudheer Parakala briefed the Core Committee on the high lights of the meeting.

(a)        The meeting was held in a very cordial atmosphere. The hon’ble Minister held for the first time a meeting with veteran delegation without any officials.

(b)        He was handed over a memorandum which he studied with lot of interest.

©         Pension Equalisation. The delegation informed the hon’ble Finance Minister though they are satisfied with announcement of OROP and notification issued by Min of Def, the issue which is agitating most of the veterans is pension equalisation not being done once every year as per accepted and understood definition of OROP. The hon’ble Minister was told of hardships faced by single ladies and old aged Sepoys who get pittance of pension.


(d)        Mean of Max and Min of Pension in 2013. The delegation requested the hon’ble Minister the base year be taken as 2014 and pension be fixed at the max. Otherwise you will find many veterans with same total length of service not getting uniform pension defeating the very purpose of OROP.


(e)        PMR Cases.  The restriction of PMR cases not to be given benefit of OROP will see old and tired Armed Forces. It is better to let go those who serve for pensionable service thereby allowing youngsters to get promotion. The hon’ble Minister was informed of acute stagnation in Armed Forces in all ranks.


(f)        The hon’ble Minister suggested to the delegation as to why cannot they approach Single Man Judicial Commission to project their grievances. The delegation informed him that the commission is only recommendatory body and finally the Govt of India has to take decision. It would be better if the Govt can sympathetically consider these demands and clear them to earn good will of 30 lakh veterans.


(g)        The hon’ble Minister assured that Govt will examine the demands made by the delegation on file.


22.       Col Rana (nominated by Brig SKS Rana, VSM) represented T-SEWA in the meeting with hon’ble Defence Minister on 25 Nov 2015.


There being no more points, the meeting was declared as closed.


Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)

President, TSEWA

29 Nov 2015









  1. Sir, It is great to have such organisation, which can represent and solve veterans common problems. Many veterans even do not know what are their previlages as many are uneducated and do not how to project their problems. I request the organisation to takeup common problems and work for the benefit of all/Veteran WO Zahiruddin

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