Dear all,
1. We differ with JM Gp on their approach in sorting our OROP issue (not in sorting out Govt & babus), by talking with Govt & not by further confrontation and spoiling our Soldierly image & value in Public & media. Our UFESM (Regd) meetings with Fin Min & Def Min on 24 & 26 Nov, have set the ball rolling for normalising relations & getting pending arrears from the Govt. RM expressed satisfaction to continue further talks with us after return from USA. RM had also expressed his unhappiness on JM Gp for being unreasonably abusing the Govt.
2. This has put the JM Gp at unease & running around tail down to MOD (no response) and then to same Gen VK Singh for patch up, to whom JM Gp has been accusing (along with Col Rathore), for not doing any thing for his ESM community/ OROP issue. Still Gen VK Singh took them along to RM house on 1 Dec evening. RM refused to start dialogue saying, "Let them vacate JM first, show faith in Govt and clear their stand on OROP in writing". This is clear from JM Gp's contradictory statements also but they are cooking different stories in Public & media. They are looking for a way out & face saving device, to vacate Jntr Mntr and to remain good with Govt.
3. The Akrosh Rally will soon tone down to Unity Rally and fissel out gradually, because ESM have understood their game plan of befooling them and will not suppoert JM Gp any more. That's why JM Gp has again started offering money for a paid rally again. They have been misguiding & misrepresenting ESM community. So 90% ESM are not with their arrogant & confrontation attitudes & want to encash Govt Offrs. JM Gp has already spoiled OROP Notification and 7th CPC out come, which may never be fully recovered now.
4. JM Gp has collected endless unaccounted cash funds at JM on the name of our UFESM, for which CBI inquiry may start any time, so they must patch up fast. Now you can notice lot of toning down, tail down & strengthless voice in JM Gp's statements here & their and are started changing hard stand to compromising words towards the Govt like a gp of opportunists & selfish. They will dilute orop to avoid delay now. Rally & Talks cannot go side by side as clearly stated by the RM.
Lt Col SS Sohi, Retd. M:9815107744. Mohali.
Wrkg President UFESM (Rtgd)
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