Sunday, 6 December 2015

President’s message on the eve of Armed Forces Flag Day

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has issued the following message on the eve of Armed Forces Flag Day.

In his message, the President has said, “I am happy to learn that the Armed Forces Flag Day 2015 is being celebrated on December 7, 2015.

This Day reminds us of our responsibility towards the Armed Forces for their contributions to our motherland. Our Armed Forces have been serving the nation with great distinction both during war and peace. They have consistently displayed the highest standards of professionalism and excellence in every task entrusted to them. Our Armed Forces have ensured the protection of our territorial integrity, fought the scourge of terrorism and provided succour to fellow citizens in times of natural calamities.

On this occasion, I pay my respect to all those gallant soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty and will remain the pride of the nation. I call upon all citizens to voluntarily contribute towards the noble cause of rehabilitation of war widows, disabled defence personnel, ex-servicemen and their families. I wish the Flag Day celebrations every success”.

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