Saturday, 5 December 2015

OROP : Status of Agitation at JM - Gp Capt VK Gandhi



Dear Veterans,
Many mails are floating in the environment and creating confusion. Time has come to put all rumours to rest and clear the air. 
  1. Agitation at JM for OROP; Ex-servicemen are agitating at JM since 15 June 2015. Today is 170  th day of agitation. ESM from 21 states have been visiting JM and observing RHS. There are days when we had more than 100 ESM sitting on RHS. It speaks volumes about the support JM is getting from ESM from all over India. It does not end in India, JM is getting support from ESM settled around the globe. Our friends have been visiting JM in support of OROP and contributing large amounts to offset the expenditure at JM. Our register shows that more than 10000 ESM have already visited JM in support of OROP.
  2. Planning and Execution of RHS at JM;
    Agitation at JM was planned by IESM in May 2015. It is only IESM and AIEWA have been managing the agitation and RHS since 15 June 2015. 
  3. Bank Account of IESM;
     There is no doubt that Bank account of IESM has been blocked for debit facility. Complete environment knows who has blocked our account and why it has been blocked. The account has been blocked on the letter of Lt Gen Raj Kadyan dated 22 May 2015 to HDFC bank. The account has been blocked just prior to rally planned on 14 June 2015 and beginning of RHS from 15 June 2015. The aim was to ensure that rally and RHS does not become successful. One cannot forget the meeting on 6 June of UFESM in constitution hall in which all members supported the rally and RHS except Lt Gen Raj Kadyan. On whose behalf this plan was made is left for your imagination. Veterans who visited JM in support of RHS realized that it would be well nigh impossible to sustain this satyagruh at JM in support of OROP and decided to contribute to meet the exp of JM. Veterans gave contribution in cheques in account of IESM, however some veterans realised that these cheques cannot be cashed hence they decided to contribute in cash at JM for  IESM. IESM is thankful to veterans, NDA courses and regiments for contributing funds and helping IESM to run the satygruh.
  4. Accounts at JM;
    Some of our detractors who have never visited JM or in any way connected with the satyagruh or fight for OROP have been spreading rumours that unaccounted funds have been received at JM. The question is why are they so much bothered about the satyagruh being planned and executed by IESM, AIEWA and UFESM. If they sincerely want to help ESM then they should be joining JM or they can fight for OROP in their own way. But IESM is very sorry to note that they have been more concerned about the funds at JM. They seem to have no other work than to spread rumours about fund collection at JM by IESM. IESM has stated on many occasions that every penny at JM has been recorded and is accounted for. Still for the sake of mischief mongers IESM will place on record that Rs 1 crore has been received in IESM bank (despite account been blocked) and about Rs 70 lacs have been received in cash at JM. Funds received in bank have been invested in Fixed Deposit and funds received in cash are being used to meet expenditure at JM. IESM hopes that this will put all rumours to rest. 
  5. Expenditure at JM;
    Approximately Rs 30000/ per day is the expenditure at JM to run the satyagruh. Apart from this exp is met for rallies all over India. So for IESM has had rallies at Delhi (two rallies), Ambala (two rallies), Gujrat six rallies, Him Pradesh six rallies, Ludhiana, Fatehgarh sahib, Nagpur, Pune, Kolhapur, Nashik and Mumbai. Apart from the rallies various events have been organised to attract media and these are Kavi sammelan, Kargil Vijay divas run (about 800 civ and soldiers took part in it), candle marches at India gate and medal deposit in various towns in India. Infact we are running out of cash at JM and will again make an appeal to veterans to help us in maintaining JM and to meet the exp of forth coming rally on 13 Dec 15 and many other rallies planned around the country. IESM also arranged many press conferences at JM, Ambala Maharashtra, Punjab and Patna to support the satyagruh.
  6. Status of UFESM;
    All veterans are witness to the satyagruh going on at JM since 14 June rally and RHS from 15 June 15 under the banner of UFESM. Even Government forces that is police and NDMC attacked ESM on  the satyagruh at JM on 14 Aug to dissuade/force the veterans to close the satyagruh. But brave soldiers fought the police and finally Government had to withdraw this illegal order. Original UFESM is observing RHS at JM and will continue your fight for OROP. We have met RM number of times and conveyed to Government our concerns that the notification issued by Government has four major anomalies and three associated anomalies. UFESM has requested Government to remove these anomalies at the earliest as these anomalies completely destroy definition of OROP. 
  7. Notification for OROP;
    Notification for OROP was issued on 7 Nov 2015 by MOD/ DESW. This notification has seven serious anomalies (four major anomalies directly affecting OROP and three associated anomalies indirectly affecting OROP fixation). UFESM has requested the RM in various meetings that notified OROP with these anomalies is like a body without soul.These anomalies need to be removed for OROP to be real OROP as defined by Koshiari committee and as approved by two Parliaments. UFESM has also requested that Government claim, that expenditure on OROP will rise astronomically with OROP, is incorrect. Government fails to explain the arithmetic of their calculations. This steadfast refusal on part of Govt to give calculation for OROP is puzzling India because Government is refusing to explain the astronomical rise in expenditure on account of NFU, which was granted to all class A serviced in 6 CPC. This favored treatment to class A services and stepchild treatment to Armed Forces is difficult to digest by an honest Indian.
  8. Appointment of One Judge Commission;
     It is surprising and probably has happened for first time that Government has appointed a commission along with notification issued for OROP. This is clear admission of Government that the notification is faulty and will be objected by ESM. Our suspicion that this commission has been issued to circumvent the opposition of notification by ESM. This commission will not have any rep of veterans, its time will keep increasing from six months to one yr and then may be two yrs. God only knows whether its recommendation will ever by accepted or not. Because if the Government is not even ready to explain the arithmetic to ESM how will it accept recommendation of the commission, provided it is favorable to ESM, this itself is very doubtful. So for no committee has ever given judgment in favor of Armed Forces because there is no one in Government to speak for Armed Forces. Govt is yet to issue terms of reference and name of judge for the commission. UFESM very strongly feels that there should be atleast three members from veterans in the commission. The commission should work under commission of inquiries act with a fixed time frame. We recommend Justice Lodha as head of commission, if the commission is unavoidable.
  9. Payment for OROP;
    Government has issued notification for OROP and has decided to start payment for OROP from Jan 16 onwards. ESM above 80 yrs, disabled soldiers and widows will be paid full arrears in one installment whereas other soldiers will be paid arrears in four six monthly installments. Anomalies in execution of OROP will be referred to one judge commission. 
  10. UFESM  plan to get full OROP;
     UFESM plans to fight tooth and nail for correction of anomalies introduced intentionally by Government to spoil the definition of OROP. UFESM will fight the case in Supreme Court as a PIL. There are number of judgments given by Honorable Supreme court in favor of litigants on this issue. Legal luminary Sh Ram  Jethamalani has very kindly consented to take up our case in Honorable Supreme Court. He has been kind enough to take this case Pro-Bono. UFESM is having preliminary meetings with him for preparation of the statement of case. It is for information of all that there is no plan to take stay on the notification issued by the Govt. Hence payment of enhanced pension and arrears due to ESM will be given to all ESM. 
  11. Adverse effect on OROP because of ESM are not united;
    There is no doubt that ESM must unite to create a strong pressure group to convince Government to accede to our legitimate demands.   Some members of original UFESM have separated and made their own organisation for reasons best known to them. ESM must have noticed many mails from splinter gp abusing Jantar Mantar satyagruh to prop themselves up in eyes of environment. But we the orginal UFESM at Jantar Mantar do not believe in abusing our own brothers and comrades and have always stayed away from this kind of criticism and mails. Some ESM get worried to read news about splinter group meeting RM to discuss OROP and are apprehensive that this group might accept diluted form of OROP. Any group which will accept any dilution in definition of OROP will be rejected by the family and hence there is no question of anyone accepting dilution in definition of OROP.   Govt has attempted to create a divide in unity of veterans and has partially succeeded. But it cannot go on for long as ESM all over country will unite soon on common issues. As UFESM see it we have been successful in creating pressure on Govt by agitating at JM. Agitation at JM is causing embarrassment to Govt in India as well as abroad. The party which came to power on pro Armed Forces image is getting labeled as anti Armed Forces party because of their refusal to fulfill their promise and their arrogance to see the point of view of agitating ESM. Now we have two pressure gps working on Govt one from JM agitators and other which is trying to become friendly with Govt. Govt has to listen to the most genuine demand of ESM and grant full OROP sooner than later as demand  of any gp.  
  12. SAINIK AAKROSH RALLY ON 13 DEC 2015 AT JM; UFESM has planned SAINIK AAKROSH RALLY at JM from 1000h to 1500h on 13 Dec 2015 SUNDAY to express soldier's anguish with the Govts plan to dilute definition of OROP as given in notification issued on 7 Nove 2015. UFESM requests all ex-servicemen to spread this message to all and join the rally on 13 Dec at JM. This will send a message to Govt that ESM all over India are anguished with this stepchild treatment of Armed Forces and ex-servicemen. Rally is being attended by ESM from 21 states of India. 
I am sure above would more or less satisfy all the questions being raised because of rumours being spread by some disgruntled ESM. 
Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
OROP is our right. Dilution in OROP will NOT be accepted.
  [Tri Services Veterans]

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