Foolhardiness is not bravery. While no life-loving bee wants to sting, it is wise to wear long sleeves and pants.
On this day 9 Dec....
1582 - This day was the last day using Julian calendar in France. Next day was 20 Dec 1582 on the Gregorian calendar. Some regions that are part of present-day France, but acted independently then, continued using the Julian calendar. However, after the French Revolution, the Republican calendar, with twelve months of 30 days each plus five supplementary days was adopted on 24 Nov 1793, and not abolished until 31 Dec 1805. The Gregorian calendar was followed from 1 Dec 1806.
1851 - 1st Young Men's Christian Association in North America (Montreal).
1854 - Alfred Tennyson's epic poem "Charge of the Light Brigade" published in The Examiner. It is a narrative poem about the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. He was the Poet Laureate of the UK at the time. The poem praises the Brigade, "When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made!". Each stanza tells a different part of the story, and there is a delicate balance between nobility and brutality throughout. According to his grandson Sir Charles, Tennyson wrote the poem in only a few minutes after reading an account of the battle in The Times. It immediately became hugely popular, even reaching the troops in the Crimea, where it was distributed in pamphlet form.
1884 - The first U.S. patent for ball-bearing roller skates was issued to Levant M. Richardson of the Richardson Skate Company, Chicago. This design allowed until then unseen speed.
1902 - The first U.S. stamp to show a bicycle in its design was issued. This blue 10-cent Special Delivery "Messenger on Bicycle" stamp showed in a small way how technology was coming in America's future, because it replaced earlier issues of a design showing a "running" messenger.
1947 - India's agreement with Pakistan on outstanding issues like assets, liabilities, division of sterling balance and military stores, etc. signed.
1960 - The first electronic computer to employ thin-film memory was announced when Sperry Rand Corporation unveiled a new computer, known as Univac 1107.
1968 - The first demonstration of the use of a computer mouse was given. The mouse's inventor, Doug Engelbart and a small team of researchers from the Stanford Research Institute stunned the computing world with an extraordinary demonstration at a San Francisco computer conference.
On this day 9 Dec....
1582 - This day was the last day using Julian calendar in France. Next day was 20 Dec 1582 on the Gregorian calendar. Some regions that are part of present-day France, but acted independently then, continued using the Julian calendar. However, after the French Revolution, the Republican calendar, with twelve months of 30 days each plus five supplementary days was adopted on 24 Nov 1793, and not abolished until 31 Dec 1805. The Gregorian calendar was followed from 1 Dec 1806.
1851 - 1st Young Men's Christian Association in North America (Montreal).
1854 - Alfred Tennyson's epic poem "Charge of the Light Brigade" published in The Examiner. It is a narrative poem about the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. He was the Poet Laureate of the UK at the time. The poem praises the Brigade, "When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made!". Each stanza tells a different part of the story, and there is a delicate balance between nobility and brutality throughout. According to his grandson Sir Charles, Tennyson wrote the poem in only a few minutes after reading an account of the battle in The Times. It immediately became hugely popular, even reaching the troops in the Crimea, where it was distributed in pamphlet form.
1884 - The first U.S. patent for ball-bearing roller skates was issued to Levant M. Richardson of the Richardson Skate Company, Chicago. This design allowed until then unseen speed.
1902 - The first U.S. stamp to show a bicycle in its design was issued. This blue 10-cent Special Delivery "Messenger on Bicycle" stamp showed in a small way how technology was coming in America's future, because it replaced earlier issues of a design showing a "running" messenger.
1947 - India's agreement with Pakistan on outstanding issues like assets, liabilities, division of sterling balance and military stores, etc. signed.
1960 - The first electronic computer to employ thin-film memory was announced when Sperry Rand Corporation unveiled a new computer, known as Univac 1107.
1968 - The first demonstration of the use of a computer mouse was given. The mouse's inventor, Doug Engelbart and a small team of researchers from the Stanford Research Institute stunned the computing world with an extraordinary demonstration at a San Francisco computer conference.
1484 - Surdas, blind Hindi bard and singer of Agra whose hymns to Krishna are compiled in the 'Sursagar'.
1825 - Tula Ram Rao, one of the revolutionary heroes of the 1857 war.
1946 - Sonia Gandhi, politician.
1946 - Shatrughan Sinha, film actor and politician.
1981 - Diya Mirza, film actress.
Good morning have a nice day.
Lt Gen Raj Kadyan
1946 - Shatrughan Sinha, film actor and politician.
1981 - Diya Mirza, film actress.
Good morning have a nice day.
Lt Gen Raj Kadyan
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