Saturday, 5 December 2015

On this Day - Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

Life is 10 percent what we make it and 90 percent how we take it.
On this day,05 Dec....

1766 - London auctioneers Christie's hold their first sale.

1840 - Napoleon Bonaparte receives a French state funeral in Paris 19 years after his death. (His mortal remains were brought from the island of St Helena to France and their burial took place in the Hôtel des Invalides in Paris).

1846 - Christian Frederick Schönbein of Basle, Switzerland, was issued a U.S. Patent for guncotton titled “Improvement in Preparation of Cotton-Wool and Other Substances as Substitutes for Gunpowder” Until WW II, this invention replaced gunpower on the battlefield, where it had been used for five centuries. It was also useful for blasting because it generates about six times the gas of an equal volume of gunpowder and produces less smoke and heat.

1876 - Daniel Stillson of US patents 1st practical pipe wrench. (In 1869, he had whittled a model out of wood, which he showed to his boss at the Walworth Company. He recognised the wooden pattern showed a new type of pipe wrench, superior to anything else in use at that time, and badly needed in the growing pipe industry. Stillson was instructed to test one built in steel. The test convinced the company owner that the concept was sound. Stillson obtained a patent, and offered to sell the patent for a small outright payment. Instead, the owner graciously advised Stillson to accept royalties instead. Stillson thus earned far more in his lifetime).

1879 - 1st automatic telephone switching system patented.

1893 - 1st electric car (built in Toronto) could go 15 miles between charges.

1943 - The Japanese planes attack Calcutta port.

1950 - Sikkim becomes a protectorate of India.

1951 - The first push button-controlled Park-O-Mat garage opened in Washington. It had no ramps, no aisles and no lanes. Instead a single attendant, without entering a car, could automatically park or return an auto in less than a minute. It used a "vehicle parking apparatus Two elevators parked 72 cars on a lot 25 by 40 feet. The garage was an open building with 16 floors and 2 basement levels.

1952 - A dense smog descended on London, that would last four days, causing at least 4,000 deaths and chaos for transportation as visibility was reduced to a few hundred yards. Freshening winds and a rise in temperature dissipated the fog, which cleared on 9 Dec. Air services were severely disrupted and bus service virtually was shut down. The many deaths were of mostly among the elderly, the very young, or those with medical problems. The cause of the smog was coal-burning and required drastic action: the Clear Air Act of 1956.

1995 - The Sri Lankan government announces the conquest of Tamil stronghold of Jaffna.

1931 - Admiral Jayant G. Nadkarni, former Chief of Indian Navy.
1935 - General Bipinchandra Joshi, former chief of Indian Army.


1456 - Earthquake strikes Naples; about 35,000 die.

1950 - Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, great revolutionary, freedom fighter and teacher.

1951 - Abanindranath Tagore, a great Modern Indian Painter.


1929 - 1st US nudist organization (American League for Physical Culture, New York). The first organized nudist outing was held on Labour Day 1929. There were seven people in attendance, three women and four men, all but one between the ages of 20 and 27.

Good morning. Have a nice day.
Lt Gen Raj Kadyan

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