DoPT advises all Departments to accept e-service book. Controller General of Accounts-CGA has agreed to accept the e-service book as legal tender for all purposes
Personnel Ministry has issued an OM instructing all departments to accept e-service book for all purposes.No.21011/15/ 2010-Estt.(AL)Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of Personnel & Training
Block-IV, Old JNU Campus,New Delhi – 110 067,Dated : 30 November, 2015.
Office Memorandum
Subject: Implementation of e-service book in all Ministries/Departments.
The Service Book of a Government servant is a document to record all the events in his/her entire service period and career recording each and every administrative action of the Government servant right from the stage of his recruitment till his retirement to reflect the history of service of a Government employee. As per SR 198 & 199 such a Service Book is to be maintained for a Government servant from the date of his/her first appointment and is required to be kept in the custody of the Head of Office in which he is serving and transferred with him from office to office.
2. It has been decided to switch over to electronic format for maintenance of Service Book. The e-Service Book module is presently available under the e-Office Mission Mode Project. The data entered in e-service book is available to the employees to enable them to cross-check and report any discrepancies. The Controller General of Accounts (CGA) was requested to accept e-service book as a legal tender. The CGA has agreed to accept the e-service book as legal tender for all purposes and accordingly issued instructions to all Controllers of Accounts.
3. All Ministries/Departments are advised to adopt the e-service book as the same will be treated as legal tender for all purposes.
(Mukul Ratra)DirectorTel: 26164314
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