Monday, 1 July 2024

New law from 1 July 2024

⚖️ *New law from 1 July 2024*⚖️
*IPC (Indian Penal Code) will now have to be written as BNS (Bhartiya nyaay sahinta,)*
*Cr.PC (Code of Criminal Procedure) will have to be written as BNSS (Bhartiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita ),*
Every day we have to mention many sections in criminal cases in front of the court, which we usually remember, since now due to the change in the law we will have to remember new sections,,, let's know about some such sections----
*Cr.PC -------- BNSS*
*(Sections requiring attendance exemption)*
115 ----------- 134
205 ----------- 228
317 ----------- 355
256 ---------- 279
*Sections requiring bail*
436 ------- 480
437 -------  482
438 ------- 484
439 ------- 485
*Sections related to maintenance* 
125 ---------- 144
127 ---------- 146
128 ----------- 147
*Sections related to compromise*
320 ----------- 359
*FIR related sections*
154 -------- 173
155 -------- 174
*Sections which are used in SDM court*---
41 ----- 35
97 ----- 100
98 ------ 101
107 ------ 126
109 ------ 128
 110 ------ 129

133 -------152

144 -------163

145 -------164


*Sections of surrender deed*


451 ------- 499

457 ------- 505

*Sections of Indian Judicial Code* ------

*IPC ---------- BNS*

302 ----- 103

307 ----- 109

304-A ---- 106

304-B ​​----- 80

306 ------ 108

376 ------ 64

354 ------ 74

294 ------ 296

323 -------  115
324, 326 ------- 118
325 --------- 117
506- B ---- 351(3)
507 ------ 351(4)
279 ------- 281
337 ---- 125, 125A
338 ----- 125B
363 ----- 137
366 ------ 138
379 ------ 303
380 ------ 305
New ---- 304 snatching
397 ------ 309 robbery
398 ------ 310 dacoity
392 ------ 307(2)
394 ------- 307(4)
395 ------- 308(2)
396  ------ 308(3)

451 ------ 330(c)

452 -------- 331

499, 500 -------- 356

510 ------- 355

146 ------ 191 Riot

159 ------ 194 Riot

383 ------- 308 Extortion

---- 314 Misappropriation

405---- 316 Breach of trust

467 ----- 336 Forgery

411 ------ 315(2)
