FOR Navy Veterans
1. The DIAV( Dte. of Indian Army Veterans) created a Google Docs Spreadsheet on 22 Feb 2021 listing those pensioners/family pensioners in respect of whom updated personal details are not available for the issue of e PPOs.
2. Please scrutinize the attached spreadsheet ( comprising of ONLY Indian Navy pre-1986 pensioners/family pensioners and also all AMC pensioners as copy-pasted from the original list for your ease) and contact those whom you know. Ask/help them to access the list and update the list and send a copy to DOP( DOP NHQ <>) with CC to "Pr. CDA(Pension), Allahabad" <> and In case you don't find your name in the Naval List the original List can be downloaded from the link below and see if your name figures their
4. Kindly spread the word around. If your name isn't on the list, there is NOTHING you have to do.
Cdr Ravi Pathak