Sunday, 21 June 2020

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day 2020: Wishes, Inspirational Quotes ...

PM addresses nation on International Day of Yoga
Yoga Day is a day of solidarity and universal brotherhood, says PM
Yoga promotes family bonding: PM
Yoga boosts immune system against Covid 19 virus: PM

Posted On: 21 JUN 2020 9:43AM by PIB Delhi

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, addressed the nation today on the occasion of International Day of Yoga via video conference. Prime Minister said, International Yoga Day is a day of solidarity. This is the day of universal brotherhood. Due to COVID-19 global health emergency, this year International Yoga Day is being observed through the electronic and digital platform.

Prime Minister said, People are practising Yoga at their homes with their entire families.

He said, Yoga has brought us together.

The Huge participation of people in ‘My Life - My Yoga’ video blogging competition from across the globe reflects the growing popularity of yoga, he said.

Today, all of us should stay away from large gathering and practice yoga at home with our families. This year’s theme is 'Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family'. Yoga promotes family bonding as children, youngsters, elders in family come together to practise yoga, there is a flow of positive energy in home. Yoga also promotes emotional stability, PM added.

“Yoga boosts immune system of the body. You must include Pranayama in your daily life. Pranayama Yoga or breathing exercises strengthens our respiratory system. It is more relevant in the current times as it is the respiratory system of the body that is most adversely affected by the Covid19 virus”, Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister said, yoga has emerged as a force for unity. It deepens the bonds of humanity as it does not discriminate. It goes beyond race, colour, gender, faith and nations. Anybody can embrace Yoga. If we can fine tune our chords of health and hope, the day is not far away when world will witness the success of healthy and happy humanity. Yoga can definitely help us make this happen.

“As  conscious citizens, we will move forward  as a family and society in unison. We will try to make ‘Yoga at home and Yoga with family’ a part of our lives. We will surely succeed, we will surely win”, Prime Minister added.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Indian Air Force inducts another batch of Young Leaders at the Combined Graduation Parade held at Air Force Academy

Posted On: 20 JUN 2020 3:59PM by PIB Delhi

Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria reviewed the Combined Graduation Parade (CGP) held at Air Force Academy, Dundigal on 20 June 2020. He formally conferred the ‘President’s Commission’ on 123 Flight Cadets as well as awarded ‘Wings’ to 11 officers from Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard. Amongst the newly commissioned officers, 61 officers joined the Flying branch with 62 being inducted into Ground Duty Branches of the IAF. This included 19 women officers. Two Flight Cadets from Vietnam Air Force also successfully completed their flying training at AFA and were presented ‘Wings’ by the Reviewing Officer.

            On his arrival at the CGP, the ÇAS was received by Air Marshal AS Butola, Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Training Command and Air Marshal J Chalapati, Commandant, Air Force Academy. With its procedures modified suitably to cater for COVID protocols, the parade presented a general salute to the CAS prior to the ‘pipping ceremony’ in which flight cadets were conferred the rank of Flying Officers. The trainees who excelled in various disciplines were awarded trophies. Flying Officer Anurag Nain from the Flying branch was awarded the ‘Sword of Honour’ and President’s Plaque for standing first in overall order of merit in the Pilots’ Course. Flying Officer Aanchal Gangwal was awarded President’s Plaque for being first in overall order of merit in the Ground Duty Branch.

While addressing the parade, the CAS commenced by paying tribute to the brave men who made the supreme sacrifice while defending the LAC in the Galwan Valley. He congratulated the graduating officers and award winners while exhorting them to work hard for achieving requisite proficiency and attaining competency in their chosen field. He also commended the instructors and teaching staff at all IAF training establishments for timely culmination of training under very difficult conditions; while respecting the strict COVID protocols. The CAS thanked parents and relatives who supported the decision of their wards to join the Profession of Arms and encouraged the young men and women to pursue their dreams with the IAF. He reminded the officers that the security scenario prevailing in our region mandates that our armed forces remain prepared and vigilant at all times. He said that the development on the LAC in Ladakh was a small snapshot of what the armed forces are required to handle at short notice. The CAS emphasised on the spirit of jointness and asked the graduating officers to don this mantle - as proudly as they would don their blue uniforms. He concluded by reminding the graduating officers that the solemn oath taken by them should be their guiding principle while they execute their duties and responsibilities.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

आकोशित पूर्व सैनिकों ने उपायुक्त कों सौपा ज्ञापन

आज पूर्व सैनिक सेवा परिषद जमशेदपुर के बैनर तले लौहनगरी के तमाम पूर्व सैनिकों के तरफ से गहरा आक्रोश व्यक्त करते हुए एकता कपूर के वेब सीरियल  को ततकाल प्रभाव से रोक लगाने की मांग करते हुए उपायुक्त महोदय कों ज्ञापन सौपा गया। पूर्व सैनिकों ने एकता कपुर को एक नकारात्मक प्रवृति कि लालची टी वी सीरियल।निर्माता बताया जो अक्सर धनोपार्जन के लिए इस तरह के अश्लीलता और कुत्सित कार्य कों समाज में परोसने का कार्य करती रहीं हैं। आज परिषद ने सेना के सर्वोच्च  कमांडर के नाते माननीय राष्ट्रपति महोदय को उपायुक्त पुर्वी सिंहभूम के माध्यम से आग्रह किया है कि शीघ्र ही इस  अश्लील वेब सीरीज से वो भाग हटाया कई जिसमें सैनिकों  उनके परिवार  और पूरे सैनिक परिवार  का नेगेटिव चित्रांनकिया गया है। साथ ही एकता कपूर जैसी औरत के खिलाफ कठोरतम कार्रवाई  की जाए। एकता कपूर को पद्मश्री मिलने पर परिषद के महामंत्री।अनिल  कु सिन्हा ने आपत्ति और आश्चयय जताते हुए शीघ्र वापस लेने के कार्रवाई आरम्भ की जाए ऐसी मांग की सरकार से यह भी आग्रह किया गया कि  सम्मान का पदक देते वक्त विचारधार मानसिकता और कृत्य का भी ध्यान रखा जाना चाहिए। भारतीय सेना सैनिक और उनके परिवार का चारित्रिक हनन निःसंदेह एक घृणित कार्य है और एकता कपूर को इसकी कीमत चुकानी  ही पड़ेगी। उसे देश और सेना से माफी।मांगी पड़ेगी और उस अश्लील सीरियल को तत्काल बन्द करना पड़ेगा। पूर्व सैनिक सेवा परिषद जमशेदपुर की इकाई इसके आगे की कानूनी कार्रवाई हेतु भी सलाह।ले रही है और उग्र।प्रदर्शन की भी योजना है। आजनके ज्ञपन सौपने वालों।में परिषद के जिला महामंत्री सूबेदार अनिल कु सिन्हा अवधेश कुमार नरेश स्वाइन नवीन कु सिन्हा अमरेन्द्र।कुमार सूबेदार मेजर जनकनदेव सिंह सत्येंद्र सिंह बिमल।कु ओझा  चंदन कु झा अजय कुं तिवारी रमेश कु शर्मा अमरदीप समद किशोरी प्रसाद सहित संगठन के कई सदस्य उपस्थित रहे।

अनिल कु सिन्हा
पूर्व सैनिक।सेवा परिषद जमशेदपुर