Central Trade Unions In India To Observe “National Protest Day” On 5th December, 2014
To observe “NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” ON 5th December, 2014
All Over India along with all Central Trade Unions in India
New Delhi, Nagpur,Mumbai,Ranchi, Bangalore, Cochin; 24/10/2014;
Central Government Employees
Confederation (CGEC); National Organisation of Central Government
Employees (NOCGE) and INTUC have unanimously resolved to observe
“NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” on 5th December, 2014 all over India along with
all Central Trade Unions in India (Viz: INTUC, BMS, CITU, HMS, AITUC,
TUCC, AIUTUC, AICCTU, UTUC, SEWA, LPF and all Federations of Banks,
Railways (NFIR & AIRF), Defence (INDWF & AIDEF), Insurance,
Central/State Govt. and other Service Establishments Employees).
1. Central Govt. should desist from its unilateral move to amend Labour Laws and consult and honour the views of Central Trade Unions.
2. Central Govt. should withdraw
the retrograde move in allowing/hiking Foreign Direct Investment
(F.D.I.) in Defence Sector, Railways, Insurance, PSUs and other Sectors.
3. Restore minimum wages of
Rs.15,000/- to all the Unorganised/Contract Workers and Minimum Wages of
Rs.26,000/- to the lower paid employees of Central Government.
4. Demands of Bank Officers and
Bank Employees should be immediately accepted in respect of their Wage
Revision and other privileges and social security measures, which are
over due (Go through the Circulars dated 14/10/2014 & 16/10/2014
issued by the UFBU, AIBOBOA, INBOC, INBEC and INBEF etc.)
5. Strict implementation of existing Labour Laws concerning the Welfare of the Working Class all over India.
6.Benefits of Regular Workers should be given to all Contract Workers.
7. Compulsory Registration of Trade Unions within 45 days and all the ILO Conventions meant for the Workers should be ratified by the Govt. Of India.
8. 50% D.A. of Central Staff
should be merged with Pay and Interim Relief should be paid to all
employees, pending finalisation of the 7th Central Pay Commission.
9. Minimum 4 Promotions should
be given to all Central Govt. Officials, without the hindrances of
Departmental Examinations and DPC proceedings, on or before their
respective date of retirements.
10. MACP/ACP benefits should be
extended to all Central Government Employees, including the staff of
Autonomous Body/Semi-Govt. Departments.
11. Bonus eligibility and Bonus
Ceiling should be raised as per the present Price Index Cost of Living
and Updated Model of Pay Structure.
12. Present quantum of
Pension should be raised with adequate Medical facilities/Medical
Allowance and the New Pension Scheme should be liberalised as
Accordingly, all the Unions,
Associations and their Federations are requested to observe “NATIONAL
PROTEST DAY” on 5th December, 2014 by way of Mass Demonstrations and
Mass Protest Meetings & Rallies all over India and give wide
publicity through Newspapers, T.V. Channels and AIR/Doordarshan etc.
source: NOCGE News