Saturday, 15 November 2014

This Day That Year

06 Nov 1962 : Capt Ravi Kumar Mathur, VrC, 6 KUMAON
06 Nov 1962 : Capt Ravi Kumar Mathur, VrC, 6 KUMAON
#ThisDayThatYear #BraveSonsofIndia
On 06 Nov 62 in Walong, Arunachal Pradesh, Capt Ravi Kumar was tasked to take out a fighting patrol. He surprised the enemy with his stealth action and despite heavy firing  continued pressing forward, killing more than fifteen enemy soldiers and  forcing them out of the location.
On 06 Nov 62 in Walong, Arunachal Pradesh, Capt Ravi Kumar was tasked to take out a fighting patrol. He surprised the enemy with his stealth action and despite heavy firing continued pressing forward, killing more than fifteen enemy soldiers and forcing them out of the location.

02 Nov 1948 : L/Hav Ram Parsad Gurung, MVC, 1/5 GORKHA RIFLES (FF)
Photo: 02 Nov 1948 : L/Hav Ram Parsad Gurung, MVC, 1/5 GORKHA RIFLES (FF)
#ThisDayThatYear #BraveSonsofIndia
On 2 Nov 1948 during an attack operation in Badgumbar Nar, J&K, Lance Havildar Ram Parsad volunteered and crept forward with grenades and sten gun and killed two enemy soldiers and captured the post.
On 2 Nov 1948 during an attack operation in Badgumbar Nar, J&K, Lance Havildar Ram Parsad volunteered and crept forward with grenades and sten gun and killed two enemy soldiers and captured the post.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Mann ki Baat

Excerpts of Prime Minister’s ‘Mann ki Baat’ on All India Radio on 02 Nov 14
Excerpts of Prime Minister’s ‘Mann ki Baat’ on All India Radio on 02 Nov 14

"मुझे पिछले दिनों सियाचिन जाने का अवसर मिला । मैंने दिवाली देश के लिये मर मिटने वाले जवानों के बीच में बितायी । देश जब दीवाली मना रहा था, तब मैं सियाचीन गया था । क्योंकि उन्हीं की बदौलत तो हम दिवाली मना पा रहे हैं, तो मैं उनके बीच गया था । कितनी कठिनाइयों में वो जीवन गुजारा करते हैं, उसका अनुभव मैंने किया । मैं देश की रक्षा करने वाले जवानों को सैल्यूट करता हॅूं । लेकिन आज मुझे एक और गर्व की बात कहनी है । हमारे देश के जवान सुरक्षा के क्षेत्र में काम करते हैं । प्राकृतिक आपदा के समय जान की बाजी लगाकर हमारी रक्षा करने के लिए कोई भी साहस करने को तैयार हो जाते हैं । खेल-कूद में भी हमारे देश के जवान भारत का गौरव बढाते रहते हैं । आपको जानकर के खुशी होगी कि हमारे सेना के कुछ खिलाडियों ने ब्रिटेन में आयोजित एक बहुत ही प्रस्टीजियस, कम्ब्रिअन पेट्रोल की एक स्पर्धा होती है, करीब 140 देशों को पीछे छोडकर के हमारे इन जवानों ने गोल्ड मैडल दिलाया देश को । मैं इन जवानों का विशेष रूप से अभिनन्दन करता हॅूं । " "मुझे पिछले दिनों सियाचिन जाने का अवसर मिला । मैंने दिवाली देश के लिये मर मिटने वाले जवानों के बीच में बितायी । देश जब दीवाली मना रहा था, तब मैं सियाचीन गया था । क्योंकि उन्हीं की बदौलत तो हम दिवाली मना पा रहे हैं, तो मैं उनके बीच गया था । कितनी कठिनाइयों में वो जीवन गुजारा करते हैं, उसका अनुभव मैंने किया । मैं देश की रक्षा करने वाले जवानों को सैल्यूट करता हॅूं । लेकिन आज मुझे एक और गर्व की बात कहनी है । हमारे देश के जवान सुरक्षा के क्षेत्र में काम करते हैं । प्राकृतिक आपदा के समय जान की बाजी लगाकर हमारी रक्षा करने के लिए कोई भी साहस करने को तैयार हो जाते हैं । खेल-कूद में भी हमारे देश के जवान भारत का गौरव बढाते रहते हैं । आपको जानकर के खुशी होगी कि हमारे सेना के कुछ खिलाडियों ने ब्रिटेन में आयोजित एक बहुत ही प्रस्टीजियस, कम्ब्रिअन पेट्रोल की एक स्पर्धा होती है, करीब 140 देशों को पीछे छोडकर के हमारे इन जवानों ने गोल्ड मैडल दिलाया देश को । मैं इन जवानों का विशेष रूप से अभिनन्दन करता हॅूं । "

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Interim Relief and DA Merger

Interim Relief and Merger of DA Issue- Holding of National Convention of the National Council(JCM)(Staff Side) 11th December, 2014.

National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery for central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New DelhI — 110001
E Mail :
Ref. No.NC-JCM/2014/SC
All Constituent Organisations,
National Council(JCM)

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Holding of National Convention of the National Council(JCM)(Staff Side)

As you are aware, the Staff Side, JCM National Council had, as desired by the 7th CPC, submitted a separate memorandum on Interim Relief and Merger of DA, copy of which had also been sent to the Finance Ministry. During the Informal Discussions the Staff Side had with the Pay Commission, they had assured us to take up the issue with the Government seeking amendment to the Terms of Reference to enable them to act upon our memorandum. We have received reply from the Finance Ministry, which is indicative of a refusal of both the demands. The NDA Government has adopted the same plea made by the UPA II Government to reject our demands. The 7th CPC have so far not communicated to us, the decision they have taken on our memorandum.

From the steps so far taken by the BJP Government, it is unambiguous that they would be pursuing the neo-liberal economic policies with much more intensity than even the UPA Government. Having got a clear majority in the Parliament, they would be able to push through necessary legislations to pursue reforms.

The outsourcing of Railway functions, privatization of Defence manufacturing Units, increased FDI inflow in various core sectors of economy, dismantling of the administrative price mechanism, de-nationalization efforts in the Banking, Insurance and Coal Sectors and above all the adherence to New Contributory Pension Scheme are some of the bold anti worker steps taken by the new Government.

The matter of fact approach and urgency which was visible in the initial days of the 7 th CPC appears to have vanished. It is a matter of pride for all of us that we could submit our final memorandum on common issues to the Commission within the stipulated time frame. We are also happy to note that almost all service organizations of Central Government employees have endorsed our formulations on the wage structure and other service benefits. It is also a fact that all these organizations have submitted their memoranda on department-specific issues before 31st July, 2014. Despite having received such large number of memoranda, the 7thCPC has so far not commenced taking oral evidence giving an indubitable impression that the Commission might not be able to submit its report within the stipulated time of 18 months.

All these issues came up for the consideration of the members of the Staff side when they met a few days back. The unanimous opinion was to pursue the issues through organizational methods. Accordingly, it was decided to hold a National Convention, eliciting the participation of the representatives of all Service organizations participating in the JCM to discuss the emerging situation and decide upon future course of action. Incidentally, we must mention that the JCM conceived as a negotiating forum has been made ineffective by the Government over the years by not convening its meetings periodically.

The National Convention will be held at MPCU Shah Auditorium, Sree Gurjarathi Samaj, Raj Niwas Road, Civil Lines(Opposite Civil Lines Metro Station), Delhi, on 11th December, 2014. The Convention will commence at 12 Noon and will be concluded by 4.00 PM. 740 delegates will participate in the convention, of which 370 shall be Railwaymen(AIRF and NFIR), 150 will be Defiance Civilian employees (AIDEF and INDWF) and the rest 220 will be represented by other Central Government employees (Confederation of Central Government employees and workers). The participating organizations will issue separate circular letter indicating the number of delegates of each Branch/Unit, Divisions/Zones,Circles/States, and affiliates may deploy to the Convention.

The Staff side will meet again to finalize the draft declaration to be placed before the Convention for discussion and adoption. The date and venue of the meeting will be intimated in due course.

With greetings,
Comradely yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary(Staff Side)
NC/JCM & Convener


7CPC Visit to Shimala and Himachal Pradesh

7th pay Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

The Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Shimla, Himachal Pradesh from 12th to 13th November, 2014. The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of reference of the Commission to present their views.
Your request for a meeting with the Commission may be sent through e-mail to the Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission at The memorandum already submitted by the requesting entity may also be sent as an attachment with this e-mail.

The last date for receiving request for meeting is 7th Nov. 2014 (1700 hours).


CGHS Delhi and NCR

Regarding extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations empanelled under CGHS cities outside Delhi/NCR.
F. No: S.11045 /36 /2012 / CGHS (HEC) (Pt.)
Government of India
Directorate General Of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110108, dated the 30th October, 2014
Subject: Regarding extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations empanelled under CGHS cities outside Delhi/NCR.
Attention is drawn to the Office Memorandum issued earlier extending validity of empanelment of all health care organizations under CGHS outside Delhi/NCR till 31st October, 2014.
2. It has now been decided to extend the validity of empanelment of all health care organizations already empanelled under CGHS outside Delhi/NCR, for a further period of 16 days i.e. till 16th November, 2014 or till finalization of next empanelment process city-wise, whichever is earlier on same terms and conditions as defined in OM by which they were empanelled earlier.

[Dr. (Mrs.) Sharda Verma]
Director (CGHS)
Source : Govt Diary 2014

National Protest Day

Central Trade Unions In India To Observe “National Protest Day” On 5th December, 2014


To observe “NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” ON 5th December, 2014
All Over India along with all Central Trade Unions in India

New Delhi, Nagpur,Mumbai,Ranchi, Bangalore, Cochin; 24/10/2014;

Central Government Employees Confederation (CGEC); National Organisation of Central Government Employees (NOCGE) and INTUC have unanimously resolved to observe “NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” on 5th December, 2014 all over India along with all Central Trade Unions in India (Viz: INTUC, BMS, CITU, HMS, AITUC, TUCC, AIUTUC, AICCTU, UTUC, SEWA, LPF and all Federations of Banks, Railways (NFIR & AIRF), Defence (INDWF & AIDEF), Insurance, Central/State Govt. and other Service Establishments Employees).


1. Central Govt. should desist from its unilateral move to amend Labour Laws and consult and honour the views of Central Trade Unions.

2. Central Govt. should withdraw the retrograde move in allowing/hiking Foreign Direct Investment (F.D.I.) in Defence Sector, Railways, Insurance, PSUs and other Sectors.

3. Restore minimum wages of Rs.15,000/- to all the Unorganised/Contract Workers and Minimum Wages of Rs.26,000/- to the lower paid employees of Central Government.

4. Demands of Bank Officers and Bank Employees should be immediately accepted in respect of their Wage Revision and other privileges and social security measures, which are over due (Go through the Circulars dated 14/10/2014 & 16/10/2014 issued by the UFBU, AIBOBOA, INBOC, INBEC and INBEF etc.)

5. Strict implementation of existing Labour Laws concerning the Welfare of the Working Class all over India.

6.Benefits of Regular Workers should be given to all Contract Workers.

7. Compulsory Registration of Trade Unions within 45 days and all the ILO Conventions meant for the Workers should be ratified by the Govt. Of India.

8. 50% D.A. of Central Staff should be merged with Pay and Interim Relief should be paid to all employees, pending finalisation of the 7th Central Pay Commission.

9. Minimum 4 Promotions should be given to all Central Govt. Officials, without the hindrances of Departmental Examinations and DPC proceedings, on or before their respective date of retirements.

10. MACP/ACP benefits should be extended to all Central Government Employees, including the staff of Autonomous Body/Semi-Govt. Departments.

11. Bonus eligibility and Bonus Ceiling should be raised as per the present Price Index Cost of Living and Updated Model of Pay Structure.

12. Present quantum of Pension should be raised with adequate Medical facilities/Medical Allowance and the New Pension Scheme should be liberalised as Worker-Friendly.

Accordingly, all the Unions, Associations and their Federations are requested to observe “NATIONAL PROTEST DAY” on 5th December, 2014 by way of Mass Demonstrations and Mass Protest Meetings & Rallies all over India and give wide publicity through Newspapers, T.V. Channels and AIR/Doordarshan etc.

source: NOCGE News

Appointment of CIO

Appointment of Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission.

F. No.4/7/2014 — IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 24th October, 2014

Subject: Appointment of Chief Information Commissioner in 
the Central Information Commission.

1.   The Government of India has constituted a body under the Right to Information Act, 2005 (the Act) known as the Central Information Commission to exercise the powers conferred on and to perform the functions assigned to it under the Act. It is located in New Delhi. The Commission shall have the Chief Information Commissioner and upto ten Information Commissioners. The powers and functions of the Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission are as per the RTI Act.

2.    It is proposed to appoint Chief Information Commissioner in the Commission. The Act provides that the Chief Information Commissioner shall be person of eminence in public life with wide knowledge and experience in law, science and technology, social service, management, journalism, mass-media or administration and governance.

3.    Further, the Chief Information Commissioner shall not be a Member of Parliament or Member of the Legislature of any State or Union Territory, as the case may be, or hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession. It is clarified that cessation/termination of holding of office of profit, pursuing any profession or carrying any business is a condition precedent to the appointment of a person as Chief Information Commissioner.

4.    The Chief Information Commissioner shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier. The salary and allowances payable to the Chief Information Commissioner shall be the same as that of the Chief Election Commissioner, subject to adjustment of the pensionary/retirement benefits availed by him, if any, in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

5.    Persons fulfilling the criteria for appointment as Chief Information Commissioner and interested for appointment to the post may send their particulars in the enclosed proforma by post to Under Secretary (RTI), Department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New Delhi or through e-mail to by 24th November, 2014. Persons who are serving under the State/Central Government or any other Organization, may send their particulars through proper channel.

(Kulbhusha madhatra)
under secreatary
Tel No 23092759
source -Dopt